Fälttåget Norrsken
Fälttåget Norrsken ("Army Crandish": Northern Lights Campaign) was an operation launched by the Union Defence Force of Elwynn in 1680 to monitor and interdict a mooted Jingdaoese deployment to the nominal territory of the Iron Cult, a colony of escaped Bassarid prisoners of war, marooned on the inhospitable Leng ice-shelf and living on the margins of Elwynnese Leng.
The action of the Jingdaoese, in airlifting a brigade strength force of amphibious infantry onto the Lengish plateau, posed an intolerable threat to the Boreal Air Bridge which served the Raspur Pact as a supply and communications conduit linking Normark in Keltia to the industrial heartlands of eastern Benacia. On 19.V.1678, the Elwynnese government responded by authorising all appropriate steps necessary to ensure that errant Jingdaoese personnel were returned to the open sea and or international airspace depending upon their situation when encountered. Concurrent with this was the declaration of an Air Defence Identification Zone covering the islands of Leng and Raikoth, as well as the connecting ice-caps, wherein all aircraft proposing to enter or transit through the restricted air space would be obliged to register flight plans with the Court of the Prince. Any aircraft detected entering restricted air space without prior authorisation and or failing to maintain continuous two-way communication with Elwynnese and Benacia Command air traffic control networks would be subject to "emergency defensive measures", including interception, for the purposes of visual verification, by quick reaction flights operating from airfields on the Elwynnese mainland.