Port of Euranidom

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Port of Euranidom
Products Brokerage

Established in the early 41.20s PSSC, as part of an extensive merger between the Pallisican Port Felix Shipping Corporation and the Greater Eurani Trade Association, the Port of Corumia is a Port of Vines-based brokerage which represents all major companies based in the Associate Domain of Euranidom.

Using the Brokerage

Company Descriptions

Agricultural Sector

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Date Established Notes
Vayelon Indigo Export Company Vayelon Indigo Export Company Located in what is perhaps the oldest city in Eastern Eura, the Vayelon Indigo Export Company produces the dyes which are used in the production of the clothes worn by the Crown of Passio-Corum. Misc.
Vineyards of Izaire Vineyards of Izaire The producers of Eura's finest wines, the Vineyards of Izaire have long operated throughout the isles of Krey'Aken. Today the Vineyards operate as part of an agreement with the New Zimian Temple Authority, which controls the islands. Food

Vineyards of Izaire Front Label Vineyards of Izaire Back Label-

Eurani Highland Lettuce Farmers Eurani Highland Lettuce Farmers The Eurani Highland Lettuce Farmers are a community of farmers who specialize in the production of a type of extremely nutritious lettuce which is native to the fertile valleys of the central Duranian Highlands. Food
Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol The Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol The Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol are a highly distinctive community of practitioners of Apollonian Bassaridianism, based in the city of Truva, who worship as part of their core rituals, the Goddess of Peanut Butter, a strange and mysterious figure who according to local tradition is connected to Silenus, the King of Satyrs. As part of their rituals, these cultists are known to consume a special type of peanut butter which causes deep intoxication. Food
Iter Cereal Corporation Iter Cereal Corporation Established by the native peoples of northwestern Eura who were negatively impacted by foreign wars of aggression against the nation of Iteru, the Iter Cereal Corporation specializes in the production and sale of a range of processed cereals. Food
The Saphir Bakery The Saphir Bakery Established in 39.00 PSSC, the Saphir Bakery is a company which specializes in the preparation and sale of various types of Saphir meat, and Saphir meat substitutes. Food
Soil Ranchers Guild Soil Ranchers Guild The Soil Ranchers Guild is a community of ranchers who earn their living in the region lying to the west of Zätosht known as the Plains of the Bull God, a vast tract of grassland which, under the right conditions, floods as many as three times year with a substance discharged from the soil itself, which bears a significant resemblance to cow milk. Those associated with the Soil Ranchers Guild are responsible for maintaining and protecting the soil, and for collecting and selling the "milk" which it produces. Misc.
Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Ranchers Located in the lands which lies to the west of the Vëlacío, the Arslahni Horse Ranchers are widely regarded for having domesticated the region's native wild horses. Misc.
Port Felix Wool Markets Port Felix Wool Markets From the region surrounding the mouth of the River Erik, the woolly giants of Southern Eura venture annually to the Pallisican markets of Port Felix in order to sell their valuable furs. Misc. -
Merchants of the Southern Vineyards Merchants of the Southern Vineyards An ancient guild of central Eurani wine producers, the Merchants of the Southern Vineyards travel three times a year from the city of Raspur to sell their wares in the markets controlled by the Pallisican Port Felix Shipping Corporation. Food -
IthlonTunaCanneryCorp Ithlon Tuna Cannery Conglomerate The Ithlon Tuna Cannery Conglomerate is a community of tuna fishermen who operate across the frigid waters of southwestern Keltia. Food -
Port of Vayelon Port of Vayelon Misc. -

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Date Established Notes
Salt Mines of Shahzamin Salt Mines of Shahzamin The largest producer of high quality salt in the Micrasian east, the Salt Mines of Shahzamin operates an extensive network of ancient mines to the west of Bandar-e Ebrahim. Food
Eurani Stonecutter's Association Eurani Stonecutter's Association Headquartered in the ancient city of Qomavra in Northern Eura, The Eurani Stonecutters Association' is responsible for the operation of the region's extensive limestone quarries. Misc.
Duranian Metal Collective Duranian Metal Collective The Duranian Metal Collective is responsible for the extraction, refinement, and exportation of lead from central Eura. Misc.
AqabahAccumulatedScrap Aqabah Accumulated Scrap Metal Export Company Established in 39.04 PSSC, the Aqabah Accumulated Scrap Metal Export Company oversees the export of some of the the scrap metal which was accumulated as a result of a Constancian military campaign aimed at de-constructing inactive Bassarid rail ways. Misc.
Zartosht Oil Ports Zartosht Oil Ports Established in 35.51 PSSC, the Zartosht Oil Ports oversee the extraction and export of oil from the region which lies to the north of Lake Erik, in southern Eura. Energy -
Antarctic Energy Company Antarctic Energy Company The largest employer in the Domain of the North Antarctic, the Antarctic Energy Company oversees the extraction and export of the uranium which powers the nation's powerplants. Energy -
Antarctic Chromium Antarctic Chromium Established in an effort to diversify industry in the Domain of the North Antarctic, Antarctic Chromium oversees the extraction and export of the chromium which is used by the Shirley Stock Fund in their extensive shipbuilding operations. Misc. -
West-Port Sub-Bituminous West-Port Coal Mines West Port Coal Mines is reponsible for the extraction and export of coal from the desert-covered mountains of southwestern Eura. Misc. -

Service and Other Sectors

Company Flag Company Name Company Description Date Established Notes
Shadow Ports of Ebrahim Shadow Ports of Ebrahim Located on the outskirts of Bandar-e Ebrahim, the Shadow Ports of Ebrahim are the last remaining home ports of Eastern Eura's major pirate communities. Intelligence/Other
Agents of Rey Agents of Rey An order of Zjandarian spies, the Agents of Rey maintain high level connections in virtually all of the world's major nations. Intelligence/Other
Truva Film Studio Truva Film Studio Misc. See List of Titles
Jax Follies' Carriers of Goods Jax Follies' Carriers of Goods The Jax Follies' Carriers of Goods are an extensive community of couriers who help to facilitate the movement of goods around the many islands and coastal communities located in the Harbor of Stars. Intelligence/Other
AltsunAffiliate Altsun Affiliate Originally known as the Aqabah Affiliate, the Altsun Affiliate is a collective of spies and informants who operate across the coastal and island regions of Western Eura in support of the New Zimian War League. Intelligence/Other
AkusuRegionalHighway Akusu Regional Highway Fund The Akusu Regional Highway Fund is responsible for the construction and long-term maintenance of a network of roads and ferries which connects the islands of the Krey'akusu Archipelago to one another, and to the mainland to the north and south of the Gulf of Zinijibar. Sine 38.42 PSSC the Krey'Akusu Regional Highway has been used to bypass Constancian territorial claims in central Eura. Misc. Akusu Regional Highway
Ministry of Zartosht Ministry of Zartosht Established in 35.65 PSSC, the Ministry of Zartosht is a proselytizing Order of the Stripping Path whose most radical members include not only Pallisican and Haifan settlers who moved to Zartosht following the establishment of the city's oil ports, but also disaffected Constancian ex-pats who moved to the northern shores of Lake Erik in pursuit of a better life, who nevertheless retain important political and social connections in the major cities of Constancia. In 37.30 the government of Constancia, in an effort to curb the ever-expanding influence of the Ministry of Zartosht within its borders, attempted in vain to expel tens of thousands of Constancian practitioners of the Stripping Path. The move was condemned by the government of the Bassarid Empire, which suggested that the attitude of the Constancian government reflected a potential violation of important existing treaties. The Ministry of Zartosht, in response to efforts by the government of Constancia to curb its influence, implemented policies successfully aimed at increasing membership enrollment, in an effort to more effectively proselytize in southern Eura.

Among the chief members of the Ministry of Zartosht is the Basileusa of Zartosht, who serves as unofficial governor of the capital of the Province of the River Erik.

Religious -
Parestanian Fencing League Parestanian Fencing League Informally established long before the establishment of the city of Pallisican Port Felix - the city in which it is today based - the Parestanian Fencing League presides over Micras' most prestigious fencing tournament. Misc. -
Rusr Fleet The Rusr Fleet Established in 37.52 PSSC following the initiation of a program aimed at the violent expulsion of Bassarids from Constancia, the Rusr Fleet is a large community of privateers who are committed to protecting the flow of goods to and from the cities which constitute the Province of the River Erik. Intelligence/Other
Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency The Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency is responsible for he operation of lighthouses along the Rusr Erik, and for the maintenance and deployment of technologies designed to disrupt navigation through the river. Intelligence/Other
River Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriation Committee River Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriation Committee Established as part of a broad campaign led in cooperation with the New Zimian War League, the River Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriation Committee is responsible for the reclamation of Bassarid property and assets seized by the government of Constancia in 37.52 PSSC. Intelligence/Other
Nirytos House Nirytos House Originally established as an offshoot of the Ministry of Zartosht, the Nirytos House is a collective of practitioners of the Bassarid religion who between 37.52 and 38.40 PSSC successfully resisted expulsion from Constancia by the Free Associative Kingdom, which sought with limited success to respond to alleged atrocities committed against Natopia by adherents of the Stripping Path in northern Keltia. In the period following the partial destruction of Vey by orbital bombardment and the arrival of the New Zimian War League in the city, the Nirytos House - otherwise called the Cult of the Glass Krater in honor of the glassed depressions which can be found in places where sections of the Constancian capital once stood - has devoted itself to constructing Bassarid temples in all of the territories formerly controlled by Constancia. Intelligence/Other
Portus Felix Employment Commission Portus Felix Employment Commission The Portus Felix Employment Commission is responsible for providing job opportunities to Constancians who were abandoned by their government in the 38.40's PSSC. Misc. -
International Anti-Piracy League International Anti-Piracy League - Euranidom Branch The International Anti-Piracy League is a community of pirate hunters established in 41.87 PSSC at the behest of the Bassarid Empress, which leads global efforts to rid the seas of Micras from the scourge of piracy. Misc.
DieFloralStadiumArchitecture DieFloral Stadium Architecture Planning Commission Die Floral Stadium Architecture Planning Commission is a company that mass-produces stadium/homeless shelter designs. Misc. -

Product and Price Listing

Agricultural Sector

Product or Service Producing Company Base Price (Units/Share) Tier III Investments (Units/Share) Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Indigo Vayelon Indigo Export Company 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02
Izaire Tempranillo Vineyards of Izaire 3.30 0.66 1.82 2.97
Mitrani Reisling Vineyards of Izaire 2.20 0.44 1.21 1.98
Lettuce Eurani Highlands Lettuce Farmers 4.13 0.83 2.27 3.71
Lettuce Water Eurani Highlands Lettuce Farmers 1.93 0.39 1.06 1.73
Peanut Butter Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol 7.15 1.43 3.93 6.44
Special Peanut Butter Cultists of the Peanut Butter Idol 4.40 0.88 2.42 3.96
Dyed Chicken Meat* Saphir Bakery 5.50 1.10 3.03 4.95
Chicken Milk Saphir Bakery 22.00 4.40 12.10 19.80
Potting Soil Soil Ranchers Guild 11.00 2.20 6.05 9.90
Garden Soil Soil Ranchers Guild 33.00 6.60 18.15 29.70
Wheat Iter Cereal Corporation 2.75 0.55 1.51 2.48
Oats Iter Cereal Corporation 4.40 0.88 2.42 3.96
Arabian Horses Confederacy of Arslahni Horse Rancers 0.14 0.03 0.08 0.12
Wool Port Felix Wool Markets 2.20 0.44 1.21 1.98
St.Felix Zinfandel Merchants of the Southern Vineyards 1.38 0.28 0.76 1.24
Canned Tuna Ithon Tuna Cannery Conglomerate 0.96 0.19 0.53 0.87
Fresh Tuna Ithon Tuna Cannery Conglomerate 0.36 0.07 0.20 0.32
Tuna Eggs Ithon Tuna Cannery Conglomerate 0.30 0.06 0.17 0.27

Mining/Energy/Manufacturing Sectors

Product or Service Producing Company Base Price (Units/Share) Tier III Investments (Units/Share) Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Salt Salt Mines of Shahzamin 13.20 2.64 7.26 11.88
Limestone Eurani Stonecutter's Association 5.50 1.10 3.03 4.95
Lead Duranian Metal Collective 12.10 2.42 6.66 10.89
Mine Guards Duranian Metal Collective 0.00 0.001 0.00 0.00
Automated Mine Guards Duranian Metal Collective 0.00 0.0004 0.0011 0.0017
Copper Duranian Metal Collective No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected
Gold Duranian Metal Collective No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected
Iron Duranian Metal Collective No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected
Chromium Duranian Metal Collective No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected
Cotton Port of Vayelon No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected
Silk Port of Vayelon No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected No Data Collected
Scrap Metal Aqbah Accumulated Scrap Metal Company 8.25 1.65 4.54 7.43
OIl Zartosht Oil Ports 3.58 0.72 1.97 3.22
Uranium Antarctic Energy Company 0.08 0.02 0.05 0.07
Chromium Antarctic Chromium 0.28 0.06 0.15 0.25
Coal Westport Coal Mines 8.25 1.65 4.54 7.43
Electricity Windfarms of Krey-Aken 701.25 140.25 385.69 631.13

Service and Other Sectors

Product or Service Producing Company Base Price (Units/Share) Tier III Investments (Units/Share) Tier-II Investments (Units/Share) Tier-I Investments (Units/Share)
Polis Shadow Ports of Ebrahim 0.96 0.1925 0.529375 0.86625
Spies Agents of Rey 0.03 0.00605 0.0166375 0.027225
Coriers Jax Followers Carriers of Goods 0.00 0.000935 0.00257125 0.0042075
Spies Altsun Affiliate 0.0041 0.000825 0.00226875 0.0037125
Informants Altsun Affiliate 0.02 0.00385 0.0105875 0.017325
Merchants Altsun Affiliate 0.02 0.00308 0.00847 0.01386
Missionaries Ministry of Zartosht 0.04 0.00825 0.0226875 0.037125
Fencers Paretenian Fencing League 0.00 0.00055 0.0015125 0.002475
Polis Rusr Fleet 0.63 0.1265 0.347875 0.56925
Plunder Rusr Fleet 0.74 0.1485 0.408375 0.66825
Lighthouses Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency 0.00 0.00011 0.0003025 0.000495
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency 0.0011 0.00022 0.000605 0.00099
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency 0.0011 0.00022 0.000605 0.00099
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency 0.0022 0.00044 0.00121 0.00198
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) Rusr Erik Lighthouse Agency 0.01 0.0011 0.003025 0.00495
Re-Claimed Polis River-Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriations Commitee 0.58 0.1155 0.317625 0.51975
Residential Properties River-Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriations Commitee 0.01 0.0022 0.00605 0.0099
Commercial Properties River-Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriations Commitee 0.01 0.00176 0.00484 0.00792
Industrial Properties River-Erik Re-Settlement and Re-Appropriations Commitee 0.01 0.001375 0.00378125 0.0061875
New Temples Nirytos House 0.01 0.0011 0.003025 0.00495
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Government Offices) Nirytos House 0.01 0.00143 0.0039325 0.006435
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Religious Buildings) Nirytos House 0.02 0.00308 0.00847 0.01386
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Residences) Nirytos House 0.04 0.00726 0.019965 0.03267
Domestic servants Pontus Felix Employment Commission 0.83 0.165 0.45375 0.7425
Seasonal Workers Pontus Felix Employment Commission 0.03 0.0055 0.015125 0.02475
Highway Laborers Pontus Felix Employment Commission 0.08 0.0165 0.045375 0.07425
Misc. Labor Pontus Felix Employment Commission 0.25 0.0495 0.136125 0.22275

Investor Rankings

Tier I Investors

The Port of Euranidom's Tier I Regional Investors are those who own at least 2% more than average holdings (2.86% as of 41.66 PSSC).

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
NewZimGov 9692 9.51%
NewZimMil 5000 4.91%
Wallis Island 9220 9.05%
Jingdao 30000 29.44%
Krasnocoria 8000 7.85%
Jogi 5000 4.91%

Production Summary

Agricultural Sector' NewZimGov NewZimMil Wallis Island Jingdao Krasnocoria Jogi
Indigo 240 124 228 743 88 124
Izaire Tempranillo 28,785 14,850 27,383 89,100 10,560 14,850
Mitrani Reisling 19,190 9,900 18,256 59,400 7,040 9,900
Lettuce 35,982 18,563 34,229 111,375 13,200 18,563
Lettuce Water 16,791 8,663 15,974 51,975 6,160 8,663
Peanut Butter 62,368 32,175 59,331 193,050 22,880 32,175
Special Peanut Butter 38,380 19,800 36,511 118,800 14,080 19,800
Dyed Chicken Meat* 47,975 24,750 45,639 148,500 17,600 24,750
Chicken Milk 191,902 99,000 182,556 594,000 70,400 99,000
Potting Soil 95,951 49,500 91,278 297,000 35,200 49,500
Garden Soil 287,852 148,500 273,834 891,000 105,600 148,500
Wheat 23,988 12,375 22,820 74,250 8,800 12,375
Oats 38,380 19,800 36,511 118,800 14,080 19,800
Arabian Horses 1,199 619 1,141 3,713 440 619
Wool 19,190 9,900 18,256 59,400 7,040 9,900
St.Felix Zinfandel 11,994 6,188 11,410 37,125 4,400 6,188
Canned Tuna 8,396 4,331 7,987 25,988 3,080 4,331
Fresh Tuna 3,118 1,609 2,967 9,653 1,144 1,609
Tuna Eggs 2,639 1,361 2,510 8,168 968 1,361
Mining/Manufacturing Sectors NewZimGov NewZimMil Wallis Island Jingdao Krasnocoria Jogi
Salt 115,141 59,400 109,534 356,400 42,240 59,400
Limestone 47,975 24,750 45,639 148,500 17,600 24,750
Lead 105,546 54,450 100,406 326,700 38,720 54,450
Mine Guards 38 20 37 119 14 20
Automated Mine Guards 17 9 16 52 6 9
Copper 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gold 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iron 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chromium 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cotton 0 0 0 0 0 0
Silk 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scrap Metal 71,963 37,125 68,459 222,750 26,400 37,125
OIl 31,184 16,088 29,665 96,525 11,440 16,088
Uranium 720 371 685 2,228 264 371
Chromium 2,399 1,238 2,282 7,425 880 1,238
Coal 71,963 37,125 68,459 222,750 26,400 37,125
Electricity 6,116,864 3,155,625 5,818,973 18,933,750 2,244,000 3,155,625
Services and Other Industries' NewZimGov NewZimMil Wallis Island Jingdao Krasnocoria Jogi
Polis 8,396 4,331 7,987 25,988 3,080 4,331
Spies 264 136 251 817 97 136
Coriers 41 21 39 126 15 21
Spies 36 19 34 111 13 19
Informants 168 87 160 520 62 87
Merchants 134 69 128 416 49 69
Missionaries 360 186 342 1,114 132 186
Fencers 24 12 23 74 9 12
Polis 5,517 2,846 5,248 17,078 2,024 2,846
Plunder 6,477 3,341 6,161 20,048 2,376 3,341
Lighthouses 5 2 5 15 2 2
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 10 5 9 30 4 5
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 10 5 9 30 4 5
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 19 10 18 59 7 10
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 48 25 46 149 18 25
Re-Claimed Polis 5,037 2,599 4,792 15,593 1,848 2,599
Residential Properties 96 50 91 297 35 50
Commercial Properties 77 40 73 238 28 40
Industrial Properties 60 31 57 186 22 31
New Temples 48 25 46 149 18 25
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Government Offices) 62 32 59 193 23 32
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Religious Buildings) 134 69 128 416 49 69
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Residences) 317 163 301 980 116 163
Domestic servants 7,196 3,713 6,846 22,275 2,640 3,713
Seasonal Workers 240 124 228 743 88 124
Highway Laborers 720 371 685 2,228 264 371
Misc. Labor 2,159 1,114 2,054 6,683 792 1,114
Total Units 7,535,784 3,887,631 7,168,792 23,325,786 2,764,538 3,887,631

Tier II Investors

The Port of Euranidom's Tier II Regional Investors are those who own less than average holdings (2.86% as of 41.66 PSSC).

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
West 3205 3.15%
Bayen 4375 4.29%
Redwood 3730 3.66%

Production Summary

Agricultural Sector' West Bayen Redwood
Indigo 48 66 56
Izaire Tempranillo 5,817 7,941 6,770
Mitrani Reisling 3,878 5,294 4,513
Lettuce 7,271 9,926 8,462
Lettuce Water 3,393 4,632 3,949
Peanut Butter 12,604 17,205 14,668
Special Peanut Butter 7,756 10,588 9,027
Dyed Chicken Meat* 9,695 13,234 11,283
Chicken Milk 38,781 52,938 45,133
Potting Soil 19,390 26,469 22,567
Garden Soil 58,171 79,406 67,700
Wheat 4,848 6,617 5,642
Oats 7,756 10,588 9,027
Arabian Horses 242 331 282
Wool 3,878 5,294 4,513
St.Felix Zinfandel 2,424 3,309 2,821
Canned Tuna 1,697 2,316 1,975
Fresh Tuna 630 860 733
Tuna Eggs 533 728 621
Mining/Manufacturing Sectors' West Bayen Redwood
Salt 23,268 31,763 27,080
Limestone 9,695 13,234 11,283
Lead 21,329 29,116 24,823
Mine Guards 8 11 9
Automated Mine Guards 3 5 4
Copper 0 0 0
Gold 0 0 0
Iron 0 0 0
Chromium 0 0 0
Cotton 0 0 0
Silk 0 0 0
Scrap Metal 14,543 19,852 16,925
OIl 6,302 8,602 7,334
Uranium 145 199 169
Chromium 485 662 564
Coal 14,543 19,852 16,925
Electricity 1,236,128 1,687,383 1,438,614
Service and Other Sectors West Bayen Redwood
Polis 1,697 2,316 1,975
Spies 53 73 62
Coriers 8 11 10
Spies 7 10 8
Informants 34 46 39
Merchants 27 37 32
Missionaries 73 99 85
Fencers 5 7 6
Polis 1,115 1,522 1,298
Plunder 1,309 1,787 1,523
Lighthouses 1 1 1
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 2 3 2
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 2 3 2
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 4 5 5
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 10 13 11
Re-Claimed Polis 1,018 1,390 1,185
Residential Properties 19 26 23
Commercial Properties 16 21 18
Industrial Properties 12 17 14
New Temples 10 13 11
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Government Offices) 13 17 15
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Religious Buildings) 27 37 32
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Residences) 64 87 74
Domestic servants 1,454 1,985 1,692
Seasonal Workers 48 66 56
Highway Laborers 145 199 169
Misc. Labor 436 596 508
Total Units 1,522,871 2,078,803 1,772,328

Tier III Investors

The Port of Euranidom's Tier III Regional Investors are those who own less than average share holdings (2.86% as of 41.66 PSSC).

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
Center 2781 2.73%
East 1915 1.88%
Temple 2900 2.85%
NAPI 1900 1.86%
Tahna-Baru 2750 2.70%
East Eura 2370 2.33%
Merchant 500 0.49%
Anterran 1500 1.47%
Passas 1450 1.42%
Zibertian 600 0.59%
Zimian 2000 1.96%
Passasian 1500 1.47%
River Erik 1500 1.47%

Production Summary

Agricultural Sector' Center East Temple NAPI Tahna-Baru East Eura Merchant Anterran Passas Zibertian Zimian Passasian River Erik
Indigo 15 11 16 10 15 13 3 8 8 3 11 8 8
Izaire Tempranillo 1,835 1,264 1,914 1,254 1,815 1,564 330 990 957 396 1,320 990 990
Mitrani Reisling 1,224 843 1,276 836 1,210 1,043 220 660 638 264 880 660 660
Lettuce 2,294 1,580 2,393 1,568 2,269 1,955 413 1,238 1,196 495 1,650 1,238 1,238
Lettuce Water 1,071 737 1,117 732 1,059 912 193 578 558 231 770 578 578
Peanut Butter 3,977 2,738 4,147 2,717 3,933 3,389 715 2,145 2,074 858 2,860 2,145 2,145
Special Peanut Butter 2,447 1,685 2,552 1,672 2,420 2,086 440 1,320 1,276 528 1,760 1,320 1,320
Dyed Chicken Meat* 3,059 2,107 3,190 2,090 3,025 2,607 550 1,650 1,595 660 2,200 1,650 1,650
Chicken Milk 12,236 8,426 12,760 8,360 12,100 10,428 2,200 6,600 6,380 2,640 8,800 6,600 6,600
Potting Soil 6,118 4,213 6,380 4,180 6,050 5,214 1,100 3,300 3,190 1,320 4,400 3,300 3,300
Garden Soil 18,355 12,639 19,140 12,540 18,150 15,642 3,300 9,900 9,570 3,960 13,200 9,900 9,900
Wheat 1,530 1,053 1,595 1,045 1,513 1,304 275 825 798 330 1,100 825 825
Oats 2,447 1,685 2,552 1,672 2,420 2,086 440 1,320 1,276 528 1,760 1,320 1,320
Arabian Horses 76 53 80 52 76 65 14 41 40 17 55 41 41
Wool 1,224 843 1,276 836 1,210 1,043 220 660 638 264 880 660 660
St.Felix Zinfandel 765 527 798 523 756 652 138 413 399 165 550 413 413
Canned Tuna 535 369 558 366 529 456 96 289 279 116 385 289 289
Fresh Tuna 199 137 207 136 197 169 36 107 104 43 143 107 107
Tuna Eggs 168 116 175 115 166 143 30 91 88 36 121 91 91
Mining/Manufacturing Sectors' Center East Temple NAPI Tahna-Baru East Eura Merchant Anterran Passas Zibertian Zimian Passasian River Erik
Salt 7,342 5,056 7,656 5,016 7,260 6,257 1,320 3,960 3,828 1,584 5,280 3,960 3,960
Limestone 3,059 2,107 3,190 2,090 3,025 2,607 550 1,650 1,595 660 2,200 1,650 1,650
Lead 6,730 4,634 7,018 4,598 6,655 5,735 1,210 3,630 3,509 1,452 4,840 3,630 3,630
Mine Guards 2 2 3 2 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 1
Automated Mine Guards 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
Copper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gold 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Iron 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chromium 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cotton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Silk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Scrap Metal 4,589 3,160 4,785 3,135 4,538 3,911 825 2,475 2,393 990 3,300 2,475 2,475
OIl 1,988 1,369 2,074 1,359 1,966 1,695 358 1,073 1,037 429 1,430 1,073 1,073
Uranium 46 32 48 31 45 39 8 25 24 10 33 25 25
Chromium 153 105 160 105 151 130 28 83 80 33 110 83 83
Coal 4,589 3,160 4,785 3,135 4,538 3,911 825 2,475 2,393 990 3,300 2,475 2,475
Electricity 390,035 268,579 406,725 266,475 385,688 332,393 70,125 210,375 203,363 84,150 280,500 210,375 210,375
Service and Other Sectors' Center East Temple NAPI Tahna-Baru East Eura Merchant Anterran Passas Zibertian Zimian Passasian River Erik
Polis 535 369 558 366 529 456 96 289 279 116 385 289 289
Spies 17 12 18 11 17 14 3 9 9 4 12 9 9
Coriers 3 2 3 2 3 2 0 1 1 1 2 1 1
Spies 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 1
Informants 11 7 11 7 11 9 2 6 6 2 8 6 6
Merchants 9 6 9 6 8 7 2 5 4 2 6 5 5
Missionaries 23 16 24 16 23 20 4 12 12 5 17 12 12
Fencers 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
Polis 352 242 367 240 348 300 63 190 183 76 253 190 190
Plunder 413 284 431 282 408 352 74 223 215 89 297 223 223
Lighthouses 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
Re-Claimed Polis 321 221 335 219 318 274 58 173 167 69 231 173 173
Residential Properties 6 4 6 4 6 5 1 3 3 1 4 3 3
Commercial Properties 5 3 5 3 5 4 1 3 3 1 4 3 3
Industrial Properties 4 3 4 3 4 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 2
New Temples 3 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Government Offices) 4 3 4 3 4 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 2
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Religious Buildings) 9 6 9 6 8 7 2 5 4 2 6 5 5
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Residences) 20 14 21 14 20 17 4 11 11 4 15 11 11
Domestic servants 459 316 479 314 454 391 83 248 239 99 330 248 248
Seasonal Workers 15 11 16 10 15 13 3 8 8 3 11 8 8
Highway Laborers 46 32 48 31 45 39 8 25 24 10 33 25 25
Misc. Labor 138 95 144 94 136 117 25 74 72 30 99 74 74
Total Units 480,511 330,881 501,072 328,289 475,155 409,497 86,392 259,175 250,536 103,670 345,567 259,175 259,175


The following is a list of Regional Investors not currently invested in the Port of Corumia.

Regional Investor Shares Owned % of Owned Shares
Passas 0 0.00%
Zibertian 0 0.00%
Zimian 0 0.00%
Passasian 0 0.00%
Corum Elec. 0 0.00%
Commonwealth Diaspora 0 0.00%
Blore Heath 0 0.00%
Jogi 0 0.00%
Mycelia 0 0.00%
Rouge 0 0.00%
Passio-Corum 0 0.00%
Vaeringheim 0 0.00%
Pretender 0 0.00%
Haifa 0 0.00%
Corumian Underground 0 0.00%
Imab Army 0 0.00%
Hatch Ministry 0 0.00%
Primary Contingencies 0 0.00%
Nova England 0 0.00%
Krasnocoria 0 0.00%

Overall Production Summary

Agricultural Sector Total Units
Indigo 1,847
Izaire Tempranillo 221,676
Mitrani Reisling 147,784
Lettuce 277,095
Lettuce Water 129,311
Peanut Butter 480,298
Special Peanut Butter 295,568
Dyed Chicken Meat* 369,460
Chicken Milk 1,477,839
Potting Soil 738,920
Garden Soil 2,216,759
Wheat 184,730
Oats 295,568
Arabian Horses 9,236
Wool 147,784
St.Felix Zinfandel 92,365
Canned Tuna 64,655
Fresh Tuna 24,015
Tuna Eggs 20,320
Mining/Manufacturing Sectors Total Units
Salt 886,703
Limestone 369,460
Lead 812,811
Mine Guards 296
Automated Mine Guards 129
Copper 0
Gold 0
Iron 0
Chromium 0
Cotton 0
Silk 0
Scrap Metal 554,190
OIl 240,149
Uranium 5,542
Chromium 18,473
Coal 554,190
Electricity 47,106,118
Services and Other Sectors Total Units
Polis 64,655
Spies 2,032
Coriers 314
Spies 277
Informants 1,293
Merchants 1,034
Missionaries 2,771
Fencers 185
Polis 42,488
Plunder 49,877
Lighthouses 37
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 74
Advanced Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 74
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Fixed) 148
Basic Sonar Disruption Modules (Mobile) 369
Re-Claimed Polis 38,793
Residential Properties 739
Commercial Properties 591
Industrial Properties 462
New Temples 369
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Government Offices) 480
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Religious Buildings) 1,034
Temples (Re-Purposed Constancian Residences) 2,438
Domestic servants 55,419
Seasonal Workers 1,847
Highway Laborers 5,542
Misc. Labor 16,626
Total Units 58,033,260

Employment Statistics