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The Death of Liberty

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The Death of Liberty is a Senyan musical that debuted in 1694 in Svorgas, based on a novel of the same name by author Christopher Asrin. Set throughout Senyan history, the story follows the journey of three generations of Senyans; Jon Skolis, his son Ƨevander and his daughter Ana, covering events between the years 1585 and 1643. The musical deals with the more troubled aspects of Micrasian history, namely the foundation of modern Senya, the River Warrior War, the Obedience Destruction and the Vanic era, through the first hand experiences of fictional characters who are affected by these events. The musical touches on several difficult subjects, including discrimination, prejudice, vengeance, espionage, jealousy, sexual abuse and rape.


Act I (Jon)

Jon Skolis is a member of a nomadic ethnic-Senyan family that lives in The Green of Northwestern Apollonia. Although there is no state, there are increasing calls for the formation of a Senyan state by many tribes and community leaders across the region. In 1585, Skolis travels to the metropolis of Svorgas to attend a meeting of Senyans, whom Skolis dismisses as delusional idealists. After the meeting, he runs into a Craitish man, who goes by the nickname 'Ant', who convinces Skolis to give up his nomadic lifestyle in order to chase after the Senyan nationalist goal of attaining statehood. Skolis is met by rebuke from his family, who dismiss him as an idiot and a threat to their increasingly rare lifestyle. Skolis fights with his family before moving to Lutsan. Skolis becomes a councillor and takes part in the negotiations of government, where although he is initially held back for coming from a nomadic background, he helps broker the deal that leads to Senyan independence. He is invited home by his mother, who encourages him to reconcile with his community, but when he arrives, he finds that many of them had died in a storm that had hit days earlier. Upset with himself, he returns to Lutsan, and becomes an alcoholic. After impregnating a prostitute, he loses his seat on the council, and commits suicide prior to the child's birth.

Act II (Ƨevander)

In 1617, the child, Ƨevander Skolis, is runs away from his mother, who beats and abuse him, before he is drafted by Senyan forces to fight on the front line during the River Warrior War. He is transported to Tiga, where he meets Colnel Artemus Scarlock and his best friend James Finley Fisher, who are both speakers of the Common Tongue. Both Scarlock and Fisher show Skolis contempt for his native language being Senyan, as they feel as if Istvanistani-named and ethnic Victorians are treated as second class citizens, telling Skolis their stories of discrimination. During the battle of Tiga, Fisher is killed after Skolis fails to warn them of an impending artillery attack by Apollonian Republic forces, which leads Scarlock to beat and torture Skolis, shooting him in an alley way. Skolis is eventually captured by Apollonian forces, and defects, taking up residence in Port Nevermore. Following this, Ƨevander meets and falls in love with a young Jing girl named Liao Huiliang. The couple marry and have twins, Ana and Min, who are born in 1622. However, the increasing political leadership of the Jings over the Apollonian Republic cause issues for their relationship, with Ƨevander worried about the treatment of non-Jings and ethnic minorities, whilst Liao dismisses these fears and supports the accession of the Heavenly Light over Apollonia. After Ƨevander suggests the two flee to Arboria, Liao steals Min and flees to Gong, leaving Ƨevander to raise Ana by himself. Increasingly, the Jing secret police hassle and beat non-Jings, and after they become suspicious of him, Ƨevander's life becomes increasingly difficult and he goes underground, linking up with Rivorian nationalists and ethnic Kildaris against Jing rule. However, still in love with Liao, he sends messages to her, not realising she is now working for the Jing government, and is passing these messages on to Servant 07381112. He is arrested and tortured by the Tegong after they intercept his plans to attack a government building in Mahūti through the Obedience Machine, and he is tortured. In prison, he is tortured, but bargains the deal of a sympathetic prison officer to arrange the transport of his daughter Ana to Kezan. Ƨevander escapes and attempts to steal a boat in order to join her, but is killed in the horror of the Obedience Destruction. The second act ends with a siren and an off-stage narrator reading the possibly fictional logs of the Obedience Machine during the Obedience Destruction.

Act III (Ana)

At just nine years of age, Ana is placed in the care of the Kezan militia, where she is sexually abused by members of the armed forces. Upon being informed of the death of her farther, she and several other orphans plan an escape, first fleeing to the island of Hawshire, where they are looked after by the kindly inn-keeper William Thresby in secrecy. Ana grows up to be a beautiful young woman, but with no prospects on the island, she flees to Eliria in 1640. There, she meets a Senyan man named Kevin Ryland. Ryland longs after Ana, who hides her feelings for him, feeling that no Istvanistani-speaking Senyan could ever be good enough for her. Despite her obvious affections for Kevin, she begins to date a Storish lawyer, named Gunnar Hafbergsson. However, rule under Vanic Elwynn, Ana is uncomfortable with the Froyalanish sexual rites which are imposed upon her. Gunnar practised loftklæddir (nudism), and Ana was shamed by his family for her "non-Storish impure ugliness". She is pressured to perform Heiðrdans, a ritual dance performed by women in the naked whereby in order to be admitted to certain sister hoods or jobs in the national service, where the prospective women would have to dance naked with movements simulating sexual thrusting and orgasm. Ana tries to refuse, but the social stigma that is placed on her forces her to participate, despite her large reservations. During the performance, she is noticed by the King. The King invites her to perform Konungstekja. Although Ana declines, she finds herself already is social trouble. Whilst Gunnar and the wider Vanic community implore her to carry out "such a privilege", she finally reveals her feelings for Kevin, asking him to help her escape back to Senya. He declines, calling her a whore, but she seeks help from the Senyan embassy in Eliria, where she is able to flee back to Svorgas. However, back in Senya, she is shamed for her participation in such deplorable acts, and upon beating a man who tries to molest her, is deported back to Elwynn. Back in Eliria, despite trying not to, she is forced to participate in Konungstekja, with her rape being broadcast across Elwynn. Despite the social approval of many in Elwynn, including Gunnar, Ana is traumatised by the ordeal, and ends the play with the line "The Goddess of Elwynn, burns in the flames of men", before committing suicide by lighting herself on fire.


The musical was well received in Senya, with overwhelmingly positive reviews by theatre-goers. It's willingness to tackle difficult social issues, something that is seemingly taboo in much of Senya, was lauded by its fans, though did attract some negative mentions in the press. The musical was also praised for its portrayal of the Vanic sexual rituals, which had, for the most part, been portrayed largely as either a curious oddity or as some sort of degenerate activity. In focusing on the affect of the performances on the women, and by portraying Konungstekja as a bleak and violent rape rather than some form of sexual awakening, The Death of Liberty was praised for its honest and unabashed telling of the sexual abuse that took place in the Vanic era.