Royal Parliament of Elwynn

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The Royal Parliament of the Lands of the Two Sacred Rivers was a deliberating and advisory body of two chambers (of which one was elected, one appointed) that discussed and debated issues of state, and advised the King on his legislative functions, during the latter part of Elwynn's Vanic era, 1634–1651. The Parliament met in the Palace of Fjǫrleif, named after the king's aunt.

The two chambers of the Parliament were known as the Sænate and the Assembly of the Twelve Peoples of Elwynn. In order for a bill to be approved, it necessitated passage in both chambers as well as receive the King's personal assent, which he was free to withhold.


The upper house was the Sænate. It met in the White Orchid Chamber of the Palace. Its name was the Amokolian spelling of Senate. It was composed of all governors of the royal precincts of Elwynn ("the counties"). These governors were all directly appointed by the King. Admittance to the Sænate was not automatic upon appointment to governor, however, but required undergoing an elaborate ceremony in which one had to

Assembly of the Twelve Peoples of Elwynn

Elections were held to the Assembly were held in 1635.

The Assembly had 560 seats, though as time went on, many seats became vacant either de facto (by members not showing up) or de jure (upon death, resignation, etc.).


Royal Precinct Population Size Seats in the Assembly of the Twelve Peoples
Agnesia and Wintergleam 24,669,339 50
Alalehzamin and Utasia 69,637,816 140
Amokolia 48,265,171 96
Araxion 16,671,870 34
Arietta 8,360,025 16
Cape Farewell 15,779,218 32
Eliria 22,249,733 44
Illumination and Cimmeria 12,108,008 24
Íseirdia-la-Vraulalennir 24,654,028 50
Jorvik 4,812,154 10
Lady Esther Isles 2,219,377 4
Raikoth 7,101,513 16
Seven Ports 22,668,378 46

Political make-up

Amokolian Freedom Front 8
Ayreonist Independence Party 144
Coalition of Absentian Farmers 18
Communist Party of Elwynn (Cgulianist) 2
Communist Party of Elwynn (Reformed) 3
Democratic Alliance 47
Elfinshi Fury 29
Elwynnese Workers' Party 22
Holy Party of the Divine Icebear 43
Nationalist and Humanist Party 81
Royal Union 163

In a surprise twist after the election, the pro-regime Royal Union and its allied parties, Elfinshi Fury and Coalition of Absentian Farmers, failed to receive a majority in the Assembly. As such, parliamentary business in the lower house was dominated by an informal coalition of the other parties, calling themselves "His Riverine Majesty's Loyal Opposition".