Pentecostés Offensive

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The Pentecostés Offensive was a military offensive launched by the Imperial Armed Forces of Anahuaco.

The operation's goal was to stamp out a recently established Republicanos foothold on the western bank of the Rio Rojo.


In mid-1719, the Imperial Government of Anahuaco became aware that the Republicanos had begun transporting supplies and personnel across the Rio Rojo to the north of Granaditas.

While the Republicano movements took place entirely within The Green, the Imperiali Government was acutely aware of its risks for the Empire. Establishing positions on the western bank of the river would allow Republicanos to launch raids anywhere along the river and strangle the river-bourne trade emanating from Guerrero.

Attempts to patrol the river and prevent crossings were unsuccessful, with night crossings particularly hard to detect over such a large expanse of territory.

With these considerations in mind, a decision was made to launch an offensive in 1720.


While the Imperial Government was eager to prevent the Republicanos from establishing themselves on the western bank, the Empire did not want to be burdened with controlling the territory.

For this reason, the Imperial Armed Forces of Anahuaco were instructed to prepare and execute a limited military operation to destroy the Republicano build-up on the far side of the river and deter future crossings.

International context

The Pentecostés Offensive occurred concurrently with the Wars of the Disinherited, which were wages between the Raspur Pact and the Confederacy of the Dispossessed throughout much of Corum, Eura, Keltia, and across the Sea of Storms. For this reason the Imperial Armed Forces were not able to enjoy the full measure of support from Keltia Command during the offensive until after the Ostlandic armistice and the conclusion of the Siege of Dalen.

First phase

On the morning of 29th May 1720, the Imperial Armed Forces of Anahuaco launched the first phase of their response. This phase consists of targeted air and missile strikes on known Republicano logistics and command hubs, while a long-range artillery barrage was launched from the east bank to keep Republicano forces pinned down.

Second phase

Beginning on June 15th 1720, a large scale ground offensive was launched across the river, with elite units of the Imperial Armed Forces charged with establishing a beach head on the western bank of the river.

Thereafter, armoured and infantry units were deployed to dismantle Republicano infrastructure and eliminate insurgents.

After initial success in wiping out Republicano strongholds, the Imperial Armed Forces soon found themselves facing guerrilla warfare tactics. Despite this, operations continued for an extended period, with significant casualties on both sides.

Third phase

By 1730, most of the western bank of the river had been claimed and was no longer part of The Green.

For that reason, operations were scaled back, and the Imperial Armed Forces opted for a campaign of air strikes and special forces raids to suppress the Republicanos in the remaining unclaimed territory.