Malik Arrānāni

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Malik Arrānāni (born 1623 AN), fmr Commander of the Southern Front & Plenipotentiary of the Army Council of the Southern League (Elwynnese Civil War), signatory of the White Elwynn Accords, Director of Public Order in the State of Modan (1663–1668), granted asylum in Constancia and residency in Molivadia (1668) as part of the Modanese Migration. Appointed to command of General Service Corps (Trans-Euran Command) (1669). Recalled to active duty from retirement and commissioned Sarlashkar (Major-General) and commander of the 1st Vanguard Division of the 506th (Molivadia Province) Home Guard Army. Retired in 1705 with the rank of Sepahbod (Lieutenant-General). Grew rich as a shareholder of the Androphagos Corporation. Died 1707 of natural causes. Initially buried in Modan, Molivadia. Later transferred with great ceremony to Fort Malik Arrānāni, which is named in his honor.
