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Highbloom (bailiwick)

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The Bailiwick of Highbloom, situated within the Mishalan Governorate, has a population bound to it of 194,348 souls. The city is garrisoned by the Salb VII Sikarikim of the Benacian Union Defence Force, which recruits from the Governorate of Siyachia. Of the subject population, 40,338 are possessed of merit whilst the remainder are servile on account of their former rebellion.


A visitation of the bailiwick was conducted by the Governor in the first month of 1709 AN. Twenty-six men were fined, five were sent to the Benacian Labour Reserve, and one was placed in gaol to await the next convocation of the cull commission for the bailiwick. Seventeen women were surrendered to the Guild of the Lotus in lieu of punishment. A further seven women were rejected by the Guild of the Lotus and were transferred to the Labour Reserve instead. Sixty-four men and sixty-one women were reported by the censor to have lapsed in their guild obligations, these forfeited their liberties and were consequently made over to the municipal corporation as bondsmen. No executions were conducted, and the session became known as the "Good Visitation" for years thereafter.

Bailiwick of Highbloom

Politics and government

In 1709 AN the bailiff of Highbloom (bailiwick) was Samson Moyes, a Lywaller resident in the bailiwick since before the war.

Garrison & security


Economy & infrastructure

The region was forcibly deindustrialised in the period following the Civil War. By virtue of being transferred to the Mishalan Governorate, Highbloom makes over the reparations it owes to the victorious parties directly to the agents of the Governor. These reparations are made in kind through lumber recovered from within the bounds of the bailiwick. The old forests of the bailiwick are being felled unsustainably and are liable to be depleted before 1720 AN. The cleared land will be replanted with a monoculture of fir trees. Serviles surplus to the requirements of forestry are rented to external commercial concerns by the municipal corporation of the bailiwick. The land is unsuited to most forms of agriculture, although cereal crops may be planted in some of the marginal land and hardier forms of tuber growth may take root if covered.

Government District

  • Civic forum (open air venue for assizes, civic meetings, executions, and public rituals including the annual signing of the Union Covenant)
  • Commandery of the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels
  • Guildhall
  • Halls of Allocation and Appropriation (warehouses for ration distribution & tribute collection)
  • Panopticon Node (facilitating and monitoring the flow of information to and from the bailiwick via the Benacian Data Network)
  • Pumping station and underground cisterns (regulates the flow of piped water for the rest of the city)
  • Tower of the Carinifex