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Elwynnese Writ 1676-002

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A Writ Concerning Flower Streets
Eliria Castle
Subject A Writ of the Court of the Prince for Extending the Protection of the Same to Flower Streets in Elwynnese Cities
Ordered by Frederik Haabye Truls
Extent Elwynn
Assent 17.V.1676

Writ 1676-002, issued on 17.IV.1676 AN, was the second executive order issued by Frederik Haabye Truls following his inauguration as Prince of Elwynn that same year in the preceding month. The subject matter raised a few eyebrows.


Flower Streets (luuluruqu) [1] arose as a response to the challenge posed by the Coordinated State's early anticipation of the social credit system to the most basic, primordial, and fundamental of human impulses. The theory is that Roqpin should discharge all the frustrations and tensions accumulated during the course of a year, negating the basis upon which demand for such services could be based null and void. This does not workout in practice, particularly for those who do not have a happy Roqpin. It is generally recognised that seeking to eliminate the demand for prostitutes is futile as vice functions in much the same way as a sewer, without it the city would drown quickly in the filth of its own depravity.

There was a certain awkwardness however in availing of the services of consolation in a demonetised economy. Peer-to-peer transfers of Theoretical Florins were available as a facility for any person who had a fully-authorised Entitlement Card. These transactions however were conducted electronically and as such were recorded and were auditable by the Hall of Allocations and the Guilds, an invidious situation for citizens to find themselves in. Bartering was another possibility however portable goods of sufficient value and quantity tended to be conspicuous – with the result again that awkwardness attended swiftly upon the prospective seeker of consolation. Attempting to solicit services with contraband currency on the other hand was an even worse option since it invited the full fury of the Panopticon Department to come crashing down upon the hapless individual.

Happily the Church of Elwynn proved to be an unexpected saviour in dark times. From its earliest origins as a refuge for fallen women in the Bailiwick of Târâshahr, the Church sponsored the creation of Flower Streets (luuluruqu) in every city and township of the Coordinated State, at the entrance to which stood a temple to Truth and Beauty. It went some way towards assuring the continued solvency and vigour of the Church into an era that was not especially noted for its piety. Even the EWP, exercising dictatorial power during the regrettable revolutionary interlude between the Coordinated State and the Froyalaner Kingdom, recognised that flower streets served the same function for vice as sewers did for excrement and that without them cities would soon drown in their own filth. Later, although officially outlawing prostitution with great and continual acclamations of his utter detestation of the practice, King Noah would prove to be an enthusiastic user of temple whores, going so far as to televise his couplings with the purported anthropomorphic representation of the nation's patron deity - somehow convincing himself in the process that he was uniquely favoured by the gods whilst simultaneously damning his regime in the eyes of the Elw forever and liberally spilling the seeds of that hubris which would inexorably give rise to his own downfall.


Frederik, Prince of Elwynn to Meqael Mizarielion, Conducător of the Elwynnese Republic; Firdaus Abdollahi Mehr, Sardar of the Alalehzamini Autonomous Republic; and Stephen Lewis, Conducător of the Northern Commonwealth of Greater Cimmeria and Kiladôr; and all their retainers and faithful servitors of the Motherland, greeting. Know that I have granted letters patent to affirm the following:

The proprietors of premises established along recognised Flower Streets situated in the urban districts of bailiwicks of the Republic, operated exclusively by the Church of Elwynn, shall enjoy the protection of the Corps of the Gentlemen-at-Cudgels at the behest of the Court of the Prince and shall be permitted to arbitrate disputes within Church registered premises in accordance with the duly constituted processes and procedures of the Church.

It shall be made known to the Church that fully half of the value of each transaction made on a flower street premises shall be made over by the Church to the Master of Cudgels for the Bailiwick where the transaction has occurred. Such revenues as are collected in this manner shall be receipted and notarised with returns brought to the Halls of Appropriation and Allocation established within the environs, Court of the Prince. The apportionment of these sums shall proceed on the basis of forty percent being granted to the municipal corporation of the Bailiwick in question, forty percent being granted to the government of Autonomous Republic in which the Bailiwick was situated, and the remainder being held by the Court of the Prince to constitute the privy purse of the sovereign.

Witnesses: Anton Trexeller, and Isa Kaliandaron Qor. At Eliria.

See Also

Preceded by:
Writs of the
Elwynnese Republic

Series 1
Succeeded by