Line of Breakspar
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A historically Shirerithian bloodline of the minor nobility. Notable for their presence in Monty Crisco, involvement in the affairs of that county, and possession, for most of its existence, of Breakspar Hall. Claims of having been a cadet branch to the Line of Raynor must be considered a pretence, born of their former status as bannermen in the service of that ancient Imperial Bloodline during the Second Era of Shirerithian history.
Primary line of descent
- Chlodio Quintus (911 AN – 962 AN): An Apollonian mercenary in the service of the Kaiser Jason II (927–950) until his prudent defection to the warband of the Kaiser Raynor V (906–972). He, and his line, would thereafter remain pledged to the Line of Raynor for the duration of the "Second Era" on account of the blood feud with the Line of Steffki that arose from the circumstances of the defection[1] Chlodio would have seven daughters to his name during his lifetime, an unhappy consequence some said of his shameful deed against his former lord. Obliged in old age to acknowledge the end of his male line, Chlodio made arrangements to adopt as his son the husband of his eldest daughter, Raynoria, named in sycophantic honour of his liege.
- Nikolo I (930 AN – 978 AN), the husband of Raynoria Quinta and adopted son of Chlodio Quintus. A Machiavellian henchman of his adopted father. Gave homage to Kaiser Raynor V, and continued in his service. Appointed to collect the tithes due to his suzerain in the lands of Monty Crisco and to levy tolls upon travellers in that land. Fought a series of small wars against the burghers of Cercé, for which he known thereafter as Breakspar[2], from whence the name of the lineage subsequently derived. These wars would eventually bring him into conflict with the scions of the Line of Metzler, for whom the settled population of Monty Crisco were the primary source of fees and tribute.
- Mattias (970 AN – 1006 AN) struggled in his childhood as he lacked the favour of an acclaimed Kaiser and was assailed by the descendants of the six other daughters of Chlodio Quintus who had made common cause with the Metzlers to usurp the patrimony of the Breakspar and to seize his treasure hoard. Smuggled to safety by his loyal tutor and his father's chamberlain, Mattias endured a bitter adolescence as an exile in the tribal lands of Elwynn, an enemy of both the lines of Metzler and of Steffki. Growing to maturity amongst the perpetually feuding and peripetaic Elw, Mattias learnt to appreciate the utility of ambushes, night-attacks, and raiding, as the principal means by which a war might be effectively waged. These lessons would be borne in mind when he finally crossed into Brookshire in search of revenge. A payment of blood-money was sufficient to end the feud with the Metzlers, allowing him to focus upon the kin-strife which would see him hunt down, capture, and ritually devour, five of the six primary confederates who had waged war against him. The sixth, escaped with his family into Goldshire and out of history. Victorious, Mattias arranged for the captive men and boys taken from the five families to be variously clubbed to death or drowned out in the waters of the Red Elwynn, whilst taking the daughters and sisters of the slain as his concubines. These cumulative atrocities were sufficiently repugnant, that the Kaiser in possession of Shirekeep at the time, whichever one it was, felt obliged to form a posse comitatus to drive Mattias away from the shoreline, as his massacres proved distressing for the Imperial Court. A cruel and hateful man, Mattias went to the afterlife unmourned after he perished in an ambush by unknown assailants whilst returning to his summer encampment from a hunting expedition.
- Raynor I (998 – 1052) Raised as a ward of Kaiser Edwin II after the death of his father. Employed in his adult years as an imperial bailiff and tax-collector for Edwin in the Metzler lands. Conducted armed requisitions to deny supplies to Kaiser Brrapa III. Submitted to Kaiseress Isa II. Slain by Kaiser Trantor II.
- Iago (1030 – 1098) Held estates in Monty Crisco granted by Isa II. Began construction of the Breakspar Hall.
- Nikolo II (1062 – 1107)
- Raynor II (1085 – 1142)
- Raynor III (1126 – 1186) Began the refuge tower at Breakspar Hall.
- Paul I (1154 – 1224)
- Nikolo III (1186 – 1249)
- Paul II (1211 – 1268) Added the Banqueting Hall to Breakspar Hall.
- Paul III (1246 – 1321)
- Paul IV (1264 – 1329)
- Raynor IV (1302 – 1369)
- Nikolo IV (1344 – 1417)
- Raynor-Paul I (1368 – 1447)
- Paul Gaelen (1392 – 1472) Remodelled Breakspar Hall with east and west wings.
- Raynor V (1435 – 1521)
- Raynor-Paul II (1461 – 1549)
- Ari-Paul (1504 – 1596)
- Raynor VI (1521 – 1608)
- Mors Loki (1537 – 1642)
- Mors Ikol (1569 – 1669)
- Raynor VII (1610 – 1672)
- Raynor VIII Jacobus (1632 – 1695) Disposed by the Kalirion Fracture. Served with the Grand Army of Ransenar (1674 – 1695). Restored to estates. Perished at Kingsgate during the Scouring.
- Katerina (1692 – ) Fled to exile in Shirekeep, 1716 AN.
References and notes
- ^ A quantity of silver plate was stolen from the imperial tent during the flight of Chlodio's retinue from the Steffki encampment, and one of the Kaiser's younger sons was abducted and violated by the fleeing contingent. The unnamed youth was reportedly offered up for ransom, but this was refused after the Kaiser came to learn of his progeny's defilement by his former lieutenant. After the ransom offer was rejected, the hapless captive was passed amongst the warband before being ritually strangled by a haruspex. The entrails of the slain one, an offering to Mors, were interrogated by the crone and a fortune read for the Kaiser Raynor V. The good omens foretold, along with a generous share of hack-silver from the stolen plate, was enough to buy Chlodio a place amongst the companion guard of Kaiser Raynor V.
- ^ A name bestowed after his habit of destroying the fishing weirs and bridges which impeded the navigation of the north flowing tributaries of Red Elwynn. He would often accomplished this by ramming fireships under his own personal command into the offending structures, with shattering consequences for the masts, spars, and rigging of the vessels he would commit to these kinds of assault.