Batavian Commune
Batavian Commune Bataafse Commune | |||
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Motto: Syndicalisten aller landen, verenigt U! (Istvanistani: "Syndicalists of the world, unite!") | |||
Anthem: Op de barricade (Istvanistani: "On the barricade") | |||
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Map versions | |||
Capital | Reykjavik | ||
Largest city | Austerlitz, Tecklenburg | ||
Official language(s) | Official language: Batavian (Dutch) | ||
Official religion(s) | State atheism | ||
Demonym | Batavian | ||
- Adjective | Batavian | ||
Government | Unitary parliamentary republic | ||
- President van het Centraal Uitvoerend Comité | Otto Verstraeten | ||
- Premier van het Centraal Uitvoerend Comité | Pieter Beeck | ||
- Legislature | Congres van de Arbeiders
Staatskamer and Volkskamer | ||
Establishment | |||
Area | NA | ||
Population | 2,1 million | ||
Currency | Nieuwe Bataafse Kruys (NBK) | ||
Calendar | |||
Time zone(s) | CMT-11 Benacian territories) | ||
Mains electricity | |||
Driving side | right | ||
Track gauge | |||
National website | |||
National forum | |||
National animal | Batavian lion | ||
National food | |||
National drink | |||
National tree | |||
Abbreviation | BAC, BC |
The Batavian Commune was a revolutionary government which occupies the isles of Ysland and Ravaria. It was a syndicalist nation which existed since 1685 AN. It described itself as the most progressive and free nation of the world, free from the shackles of capitalism and royalty. It saw the Republic of Elwynn and Amokolia which came into existence at the outbreak of the Second Elwynnese Civil War as a natural ally, despite the nation's capitalist tendencies.
The Batavian Revolution resulted in a number of general strikes and riots against the government. In some cities, local soviets were established which took control over the administration. The Syndicalistische Partij van Batavië was a proponent of a revolution to immediately end the influence of foreign powers. It saw the monarchist influences as part of the problem, rather than the solution, that had plagued the country and called for the disillusion of the monarchy.
When Paulus De Withe took charge of Batavia as prime minister, he successfully united reactionaries, conservatives and moderates behind him. An increased military and moral support from the Shirerithian administration (and a number of advantageous loans to pay security forces), resulted in the revolutionaries being pushed back.
Faced with a stalemate, the leftists launched the Long March Northwards (Noordwaartse Lange Mars) in which they moved their assets, supporters and intelligentsia northwards. It moved and smuggled over 500,000 Batavians northwards over a period of one year and forced the local island population of Ysland and Ravaria to accept them as new masters of the isles, effectively replacing the remnants of the Franco-Batavian administration.
In 1687 AN, when both the revolutionary movement and Batavian government had stabilised, the sea separated both enemies from each other. Pieter Beeck actively promoted the establishment of the Commune as a syndicalist state and "a first necessary step in a world revolution". Beeck, an admirer of long forgotten communist nations, was inspired to establish the party line of the former SSR Novasibirsk.
After the nuclear bombs on cities in Elwynn, the movement collapsed, so the Batavian Armed Forces could easily conquer some areas. Not much later, the remaining revolutionaries fled and the Kingdom of Batavia restored order.
Centraal Uitvoerend Comité
The Centraal Uitvoerend Comité, or Central Executive Committee, acts as council of ministers and is the highest organ of the state apparatus. The President, who acts as head of state, is elected during nationwide elections from a list of party-approved candidates. His powers are limited, as he acts more as a figurehead. The highest position of Premier is appointed by the Staatsraad, who presides the daily meetings and represents the government.
While the Premier and President de jure have power to appoint the ministers, who are called Volkscommissaris (People's Commissars), it is the Premier who holds this power in practice.
Congres van de Arbeiders
The Congres van de Arbeiders, or Congress of Workers, is responsible for the legislation. It's divided in two chambers: the Staatskamer (State's Chamber) and Volkskamer (People's Chamber).

The Volkskamer, which is freely accessible by any citizen above 16 years old and a membership card to a recognised labour union, holds the power to debate matters of state, propose new legislation and call for referenda. It holds direct power over the Staatskamer, as it has the power to vote over law proposals from the Staatskamer if no 80 seats majority has been reached.
While individuals have free access, it are the labour unions who often push for certain legislation (as they have the know how to make those proposals).
The Staatskamer, just like the Lagerhuis in Batavia, has 150 seats and is elected every six years. Its representatives are elected from electoral lists which where approved by the Syndicalistische Partij van Batavië. They vote over legislation, take proposals from the Volkskamer into consideration and are meant to represent the people and worker.
The Staatskamer is dominated by a number of parties, and even non-syndicalist parties are allowed to participate (if approved). Under the guise of the ongoing revolution, those parties were forced to join in a SPB-controlled Nationale Front van de Commune (National Front of the Commune).
Following parties are part of the Staatskamer in 1690 AN:
- Syndicalistische Partij van Batavië (125 seats).
- National Front of the Commune (25 seats).
- Democratische Alliantie der Liberalen (Democratic Alliance of Liberals).
- Catologische Partij der Bataven (Catologian Party of Batavians).
- Vissersbond van het Noorden (Fisher's Union of the North).
Syndicalistische Partij van Batavië
The Syndicalistische Partij van Batavië, or Syndicalist Party of Batavia, is the governing party of the Commune. The party was established prior the Batavian Revolution and succeeded in gathering the more vocal and radical voices of the left in its ranks. It did not participate in the Lagerhuis elections of 1685, which it perceived as a farce.
Members of the SPB need to be participating members in a labour union if they want to have a say in politics. This has led to a fargoing 'unionisation' of the Commune's economy: politicians, soldiers and even self-employed are united in a union one way or another (which in turn is closely watched by a representative of the SPB).
During the Long March Northwards its chairman, Pieter Beeck, successfully took charge of the party apparatus and the remnants of the leftists. He transformed the loose organisations into one, to further his fight against the royalist south. The party became the dominating power over political, cultural and religious life of the northern state. Pieter Beeck was hailed as a hero of the revolution.