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Administrative divisions of Nouvelle Alexandrie

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The administrative divisions of Alduria-Wechua are the institutional and territorial organizational units of the territory that forms the Federation of Alduria and the Wechua Nation. The territory of the Federation is located on two continents: Eura and Keltia.

There are several administrative divisions, which may have political (local government), electoral (districts), or administrative (decentralized services of the state) objectives. All the inhabited territories are represented in the Federal Constituent Assembly and provide full citizenship to citizens of Alduria and the Wechua Nation, as well as residents of both that have citizenship in a Raspur Pact nation.


Regions (4)

States (30)

  • Alduria:
    1. Alcalá
    2. Aldurian Capital District
    3. Altus
    4. Asuara
    5. Biscarrosse
    6. Carrillo
    7. Compostela
    8. Mondego
    9. Murcia
    10. Napoléon
    11. Nouradin
    12. Saint Ignace
    13. Rothborne
    14. Valoria
    15. Valenciana
    16. Valladares
    17. Baatharzi Autonomous State
    18. Ladino Autonomous State
  • Wechua Nation:
    1. Antisuyu
    2. Chinchasuyu
    3. Israat
    4. Kuntisuyu
    5. Qullasuyu
    6. Wechua Capital District
    7. Special State of Roanne
  • Santander
    1. Federal Capital District
    2. Santiago
    3. Bassumorto
    4. Nuevo Mexhico
  • Valencia
    1. Valencia

Special Cities (23)