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Principality of Rochevieux
Flag of Rochevieux
Coat of Arms of Rochevieux
Coat of Arms
[[|250px|Location of Rochevieux|frameless]]
Map versions
Capital Rocheport
Largest city Rocheport
Official language(s) English, Rochevais French
Official religion(s)
Demonym Rochevais
 - Adjective Rochevais
Government Feudal Constitutional Monarchy
 - Prince Charles III Winthrope
 - Chancellor Edward Hartsbane
 - Legislature Nobility Council
Establishment 1737
reformed June 19, 2016
Population 2
Active population 2
Currency Rochevais Morceaux (RVM)
Time zone(s)
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website
National forum
National animal
National food
National drink
National tree
Abbreviation RVX

The Principality of Rochevieux (Rochevais French: Principauté de Rochevieux), often shortened to Rochevieux ([ROHCH-vyoo]), is a feudal constitutional monarchy founded in 2016 by Charles III Winthrope, the reigning prince. The online simulationist micronation was inspired by other Micras projects, most notably the Royal Kingdom of Gotzborg.


“Rochevieux” translates to “ancient rock” in Rochevais French. The name refers to a prominent rock formation near the capital of Rocheport.



The area now known as Rochevieux was settled by the Gens de Mer ("Sea People"), a group of Francophone seafarers of uncertain origin who were the ancestors of the modern Rochevais, around AD 1000. The Gens established their own small feudal states (Etats de Mer) by 1050, thus beginning a nearly 700-year era characterized by constant warfare, power struggles, and brief periods of uneasy peace.

Saelish Invasion

In 1736, the Duc de Moreau, a Gens lord, appealed to Lord Peter Winthrope, a minor Saelish noble from the mainland, promising land in exchange for military support against a rival, the Comte de Durand. Winthrope, seeing the chance to secure the legacy of his House, gathered support from several other Saelish lords and in 1737 invaded the lands of de Durand as he was bidden. However, when de Moreau demanded that the Saelish withdraw from the land that was not promised to Winthrope, Peter refused, stating that his army had bled for the ground, and therefore deserved to keep it. Enraged, de Moreau attacked Winthrope's army, but was killed, his army soundly defeated, at the Battle of Rocheport. Afterward, the other Saelish nobles in Winthrope's army crowned him Prince Peter I, and he named Rocheport the capital of his new Principality, which he named Rochevieux after the striking rock formation in the shadow of which he had won his victory.

At first, Peter controlled only the lands of de Moreau and de Durand, but through alliances and political maneuvering, he conquered the entirety of the main island and several surrounding islands in the next five years. He split the land into five vassal states, giving one to each of the four Saelish nobles who had joined his army and keeping one for his own house to rule personally. These Saelish families became the Great Houses of Rochevieux.

Golden Age

The reigns of Peter I and his son (Peter II), grandson (Thomas I), and great-grandson (John), which lasted over a century from 1737 to 1845, are known as the Rochevais Golden Age. This period was characterized by constant growth through marriage, alliances, commerce, and conquest which saw Rochevieux grow from a small feudal state to the dominant power in its region of the world. Rochevais silver Morceaux de Douze ("Pieces of Twelve") became the most widely accepted currency in the area and Rochevais seafarers explored extensively, bringing back wares from far-flung nations to sell in Rocheport. The Rochevais military gained a reputation for being deceptively small and ferocious, consistently defeating larger forces with superior training and tactics, as well as the most modern military equipment the Prince could finance.

Dark Days

With the ascension of Peter III in 1845, however, the Golden Age came to an abrupt end. Rising inflation led to the inability of the nobles to afford the finery they had grown accustomed to in the time of plenty, so the new monarch decided to raise taxes in order to compensate. The economic effects were disastrous, leading to starvation and rioting among the peasantry. Growing dissent saw outlying territories rebel against Rochevais rule, and the value of Morceaux plummeted. Several great lords remained loyal to the Prince and attempted to maintain order, but the power of the monarchy and the Principality continued to gradually erode over Peter's 22 year reign. In 1867, the Prince died as a result of excessive drinking over the previous decade.

Peter IV rose to power on his father's death and immediately attempted to exact punishment on the peasantry and the nobles who rebelled during his father's reign. He expanded the size of the army and took violent action against those who spoke out against yet another increase in taxes, burning several cities and town in the process. In 1870, barely three years after he took the throne, he was murdered in his bedchamber by an assassin. Rochevieux stood on the verge of collapse.

Great Renewal

Peter's death led to a dispute about succession. He had designated no heir, and his eldest child was his daughter, Aurora. The support of the Great Houses was divided between her, two of Peter's younger sons, and John Bainbridge, Peter's brother-in-law. Aurora used her diplomatic skills and the connections of her husband, John Aldrich, to broker a compromise between the great lords, which resulted in the establishment of the Nobility Council and the ratification of the Acts in Concord. She also granted significant authority to her brothers, whom she named Grand Admiral of the Fleet and Chancellor of the Nobility Council respectively.

Once she had secured the throne, Princess Aurora lowered taxes and significantly reduced the size of the military. She forsook excessive regal finery, dressing and eating far more simply than her predecessors. These qualities caused her to be beloved by the common people, and she often walked the streets of Rocheport and traveled to far-flung villages in her realm to visit them. Her clever diplomacy regained several lost territories and led to the revival of the Rochevais economy. Aurora's reign was the longest in Rochevais history, lasting for 59 years until 1929.

Red Revolution

Aurora's son (Charles I) and grandson (Charles II) kept up Aurora's momentum, steadily bringing Rochevieux back to its former glory and regaining nearly all of the territories lost in the Dark Days. However, growing anti-monarchist sentiment led to the assassination of Prince Charles II in 1977. His son, Thomas II, reigned until 1984, when he was forced into exile after Communist revolutionaries stormed the royal palace. Thomas escaped aboard a helicopter, but his wife was killed in the struggle. Thomas was transported to the mainland by loyalist forces, where he began using a false identity.

The rebels established the République Sereine des Gens de Rochevieux ("People's Serene Republic of Rochevieux"), a one-party Communist state. The RSGR brought widespread poverty and famine, the likes of which had not been seen since the Dark Days. Loyalist forces were systematically defeated in the field, leading to a change in tactics. From 1991 to 2015, loyalist militias led by House Hartsbane conducted a moderately successful guerrilla war against Communist forces on ÎleMontnoire Island that eventually spread throughout the country.

Restoration of the Monarchy

The exiled Prince, Thomas II, died in an auto accident in 2006. He left no heirs except an illegitimate teenage son, Charles. Charles was the product of an illicit relationship between Thomas and Mary of Stormwind, a noble lady of the city in which Thomas was hiding under his false identity. Charles claimed that Thomas had conferred his family name of Winthrope upon him before he died, a story that could not be confirmed because of the secrecy in which this was done. However, two loyalist resistance members claimed to have witnessed the conferral, and reported this information to House Hartsbane.

After several years of preparation, Charles traveled to Montnoire Island in 2015, where he took command of loyalist forces and launched an invasion of the main island. In a matter of months, the Communists had been defeated there and on the Île de Sable. On June 19, 2016, the reformed Nobility Council crowned Winthrope Prince Charles III.


Rochevieux is a feudal constitutional monarchy.


Main Article: Monarchy of Rochevieux

The Prince (or Princess) is the head of state of Rochevieux. As such, he holds considerable influence, though he is limited in his powers by the Acts in Concord. The title of Prince is hereditary, passing to the eldest child of the reigning monarch upon his or her death or abdication. In the event of a break in the royal line, the Nobility Council determines the proper succession. The current Prince is Charles III Winthrope.

Nobility Council

The Nobility Council, which is composed of the great lords of the Rochevais regions, acts as a panel of advisers and ministers for the Prince, as well as a lawmaking body in the absence of an elected legislature. The Council is headed by the Chancellor, who is appointed by the Prince. The current Chancellor is Edward Hartsbane.



Rochevieux is divided into several regions that are controlled by feudal lords of varying status, each of whom are sworn vassals of the Prince.

Coat of Arms Region Location Capital Ruling House
House Winthrope.png
Crownland of Rocheportais Rocheport House Winthrope
House Rothburn.png
Duchy of Vigne-du-Roche Villevigne House Rothburn
Duchy of Bois-Argent.png
Duchy of Bois-Argent St-Pierre House Bainbridge
House Hartsbane.png
Duchy of Montnoire Island Montnoire Island Hart's Point House Hartsbane
House Tennesley.png
County Île-de-Sable Île de Sable Grande-Rive House Tennesley

Foreign Affairs

The Principality currently has no relations with foreign nations.


Rochevais culture is family oriented and focused on honor. As such, citizens of Rochevieux sometimes go to great lengths to protect the integrity of their family names. Dueling, with swords or pistols, is a common means of resolving such conflicts, and it is legal provided that a local judge oversees the proceedings.


The official languages of Rochevieux are English and Rochevais French. The latter is the native language of the original Gens settlers of Rochevieux, which later became known as the Rochevais, while the former was proliferated by Saelish nobles and settlers after their invasion in AD 1737.


Main Article: Royal Navy of Rochevieux

The Royal Navy is the primary Rochevais military force. It is composed of ships and aircraft, as well as a land warfare component in the form of the Royal Marines. The Royal Navy answers directly to the Prince and the Nobility Council. By mandate of the reigning Prince, the Navy utilizes advanced equipment and training at the expense of size, resulting in a small, versatile force capable of swift deployment and precise operational execution. At present, the Navy is limited in its range and strike capabilities due to the local scope of its operations.

In times of war, all of the Rochevais great lords are pledged to contribute a number of levees to the national military based on the size of their region's population. These soldiers act as a light infantry militia that are often committed to irregular tactics and guerrilla warfare.


The Rochevais economy is based on silver, food resources (predominantly fish, tropical fruits, and wine), and high tech industry.