Luciana Malfi
Luciana Malfi, born in the year 1679 AN (61 AN years) on the island of Florencia. Subject of the Benacian Union. Formerly engaged in the service of the Guild of the Lotus and previously attached to the household of Lors Bakker-Kalirion. Mother of Constantine Bakker. Attainted with caste shame for bringing legal proceedings that dishonoured her former employer in a foreign court as part of an ill conceived effort to gain admission to the Order of the Holy Lakes (1716 AN). Subsequently brought to the Benacian Union's legation at Ghawlama for debriefing by the Magisters-Carnifex in regards to her conduct. At the conclusion of this matter her association with the Guild of the Lotus was terminated by mutual agreement. As of 1727 AN, resident in Tiegang. Reported to serve as a procuress for the Jade Lotus Harem Club.