Zeed Directive 9

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Zeed Directive 9

This Directive mandated a census of all inhabitants, as well as a general survey of Zeed.



Zeed Directive 9

WHEREAS Article 18 of the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City provides that, "Hostilities between the Raspur Pact and the Revolutionary Government of Rusjar shall cease from midnight, local time, on 24.IX.1701 AN" and

WHEREAS Article 1 of the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City provides that, "There shall be an immediate demobilisation of all formations and personnel associated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Revolutionary Government in Rusjar"

WHEREAS Article 13 of the aforesaid Armistice provides that, "An appointed deputy of the High Representative of Trans-Euran Command shall be attached to the Revolutionary Government in Rusjar to safeguard Pact interests and to supervise the establishment of a Transitional Government" and

WHEREAS Article 16 of the aforesaid Armistice provides that, "The Revolutionary Government in Rusjar shall reconstitute as a Transitional Government that is fundamentally nationalist and humanist in its essential character" and

LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN that the entire governance of Zeed is now subject immediately to the absolute authority of the Raspur Pact, as personified by the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary, in accordance with the laws of war and the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City

and I therefore promulgate the following:

1. A census of the population by name, age, gender, race or tribe, nativity, and literacy, of school attendance, of ownership of homes, and of industrial and social statistics for each region as established by Zeed Directive 8, shall be taken in the year beginning 1702.

2. There shall be established in the Ministry for the Interior and the Preservation of Law and Order of the State, under the direct supervision of the Deputy Minister for the Interior and Administrator of the Zeed Survey Authority, a Census Bureau, the chief officer of which shall be the Director of the Census, who shall be appointed by the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary. The Director of the Census shall be charged with the collection, tabulation, and publication of the statistics required by this Directive.

3. The collection of the information required by this Directive shall be made under the direction of the Director of the Census by supervisors, enumerators, and special agents appointed by the Director of the Census. Their inquiries shall be restricted to the population, schools, agriculture, and industrial and social statistics, separately for each Region: Provided, That whenever an official registration of mortuary or other statistics is and has been maintained, the Director of the Census may employ experts or special agents to investigate and ascertain such statistics, whether of manufacturing, railroad, fishing, mining, telegraph, express, transportation, insurance, banking, or of such other industries as the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary may direct.

4. Each supervisor, enumerator, and special agent appointed by the Director of the Census shall be duly commissioned under his authority, and before entering upon their duties, shall take and subscribe the following oath before any official authorized to administer oaths:

"I, (name), (designation), do solemnly swear that I recognize and accept; the supreme authority of the Raspur Pact within Zeed and will maintain true faith and allegiance thereto, and that will, to the best of my ability, enumerate, or cause to be enumerated, all the inhabitants of such district, and will collect, or cause to be collected, the other statistical information within the same, as required by law or regulation, and will faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on me by law providing for the taking of the census."

This oath, when duly executed, shall be forwarded to the Director of the Census and duly filed in his office.

5. Each enumerator shall be charged with the collection, in his enumeration district, of the facts and statistics required by the population schedules, and such other schedules as the Director of the Census may prescribe for use in connection with the census. It shall be the duty of each enumerator to visit personally each dwelling house in his district, and each family therein, and each individual living out of a family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of each family, or of the member thereof deemed most creditable and worthy of trust, or of each individual living out of a family, to obtain each and every item of information, and all the particulars required by the census schedules, and of such date as may be hereafter prescribed by the Commission as the day on which the census shall be taken. In case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family, or individual living out of a family, competent to answer the inquiries made in compliance with the requirements of this Directive, then it shall be lawful for the enumerator to obtain the required information, as near as may be practicable, from the family or families, or person or persons, living nearest to such place of abode; and it shall be the duty of each enumerator to take in person, or forward by mail, as may be most expeditious and secure, the original schedule, duly certified, to the supervisor of census of his census district, and in the event of discrepancies or deficiencies being discovered in his said schedule, he shall use all diligence in correcting or supplying the same as the supervisor of his district shall direct. As far as practicable, each enumeration district shall be coterminous with established settlements.

6. Any supervisor of the census may, with the approval of the Director of the Census, remove any enumerator in his district and fill the vacancy thus caused or otherwise occurring. Whenever it shall appear that any portion of the enumeration and census provided for in this Act has been negligently or improperly taken, and is by reason thereof incomplete or erroneous, the Director of the Census may cause such incomplete and unsatisfactory enumeration and census to be amended or made anew under such methods as may, in his discretion, be practicable.

7. The Director of the Census may employ, and may authorize and direct supervisors of the census to employ, interpreters to assist the enumerators of their respective districts in the enumeration of persons.

8. If any supervisor, supervisor's clerk, enumerator, interpreter, special agent, or other employee, who, having taken and subscribed the oath of office required by this Directive, shall, without justifiable cause, neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined on him by this Directive, or shall, without the authority of the Director of the Census, communicate to any person, not authorized to receive the same, any information gained by him in the performance of his duties, they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not exceeding five hundred Benacian sovereigns or its present equivalent in Zeedic Rubles; or if they shall willfully and knowingly swear or affirm falsely, they shall be doomed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished accordingly; or if they shall willfully and knowingly make a false certificate, or a fictitious schedule, or other return or report, they shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction of either of the last-named offenses he shall be fined not exceeding two thousand Benacian sovereigns or its present equivalent in Zeedic Rubles, and be imprisoned not exceeding two years, upon determination of the Minister for the Interior and the Preservation of Law and Order of the State.

9. Each and every person more than twenty years of age belonging to any family residing in any enumeration district, and in case of the absence of the heads and other members of any such family, then any representative of such family, shall be, and each of them hereby is, required, if thereto requested by the proper supervisor, or enumerator, or special agent, to render a true account, to the best, of his or her knowledge, of every person belonging to such family in the various particulars required, and whoever shall willfully fail or refuse to render such true account shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not exceeding one hundred Benacian sovereigns or its present equivalent in Zeedic Rubles. And every president, treasurer, secretary, director, agent, or other officer of every corporation, and of every establishment of productive industry, or social or religions institution, whether conducted as a corporate body, limited liability company, or by private individuals, or the owner, lessee, agent, or manager of any farm, plantation, or settlement, from whom answers to any of the schedules, inquiries, or statistical interrogatories, provided for by this Directive, are herein required, who shall, if thereto requested by the Director of the Census, an Assistant Director, a supervisor, an enumerator, or a special agent, willfully neglect or refuse to give true and complete answers to any inquiries authorized by this Directive, or shall willfully give false information, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding three thousand Benacian sovereigns or its present equivalent in Zeedic Rubles, to which may be added imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year. No person shall be required to answer any questions for the census or shall be punished for willful failure to answer the same under this section if, upon demand, the person asking the same shall not first produce his lawful commission as supervisor, enumerator, or special agent authorizing him to make; such inquiries. Any person falsely impersonating a supervisor, enumerator, or special agent, or other Census officer or employee for the purpose of getting access to private premises or eliciting information or any other purpose, shall be fined not exceeding one thousand Benacian sovereigns or its present equivalent in Zeedic Rubles or imprisoned not more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the Minister for the Interior and the Preservation of Law and Order of the State.

10. The Zeed Survey Authority shall commence its mandate and accompany the members and employees of the Census Bureau in the implementation of this Directive.

11. The Minister of Finance and Governor of the Bank of Zeed is directed to provide such sums necessary for the implementation of this Directive. He shall cause and ensure the collection of fines in accordance with this Directive, utilizing escheatment or seizure of private property as necessary. Fines collected by authority of this Directive shall be utilized for the implementation of this Directive. The Minister of Finance and Governor of the Bank of Zeed is authorized to open and maintain bank accounts in the banks mentioned in Zeed Directive 7 for these purposes, accordingly.

12. In accordance with Article 3 of Zeed Directive 1, which remains in full effect, the senior-ranking Raspur Pact officer present in the Region who is presently serving as military governor of their Region, responsible for maintenance of law and order until otherwise directed, and subject to the command and direction of the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary, shall provide all necessary assistance for the proper implementation of this Directive.

13. This Directive takes immediate effect on the date of signature. The military governors are directed to cause the public announcement and posting of this Directive over the next ten days, as well as its immediate enforcement.

Given at the former Presidium building, Rusjar, this 12th day of the Xth month of the year 1701 AN.


See Also