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A gate, also known as a Hurmu gate, named after the Hurmu Gate of yore, is a type of near-instantaneous transport between two points in space-time. Originally used by the Grand Commonwealth for transport between Micras (Hurmu) and Giess (to/from Hurmu's colony there), it was also used by Safiria during the Safirian occupation of Hurmu. Since the 1690s, however, the gate technology is only used for transport between points on Micras, though a gate is planned to be built on Tarsica by 1707.

In Hurmu's native language, these gates are referred to as bryggjor ("bridges"), which probably is a more apt description of their function.


Travelling through one gate to another is done through the encapsulation of a near-cubic container (dimensions 1.2 ric * 1.25 ric * 1.18 ric; ca 9.1 cubic metres) with an energy field that moves the container outside space-time, thus achieving near-instantenous travel between two points in space-time. As such, it is possible to use the container to travel to the future (but not the past). However, the further in space or in time that the container must traverse, the more energy is required. Thus, transport through this container remains beyond commercially viable means, and it is expected that, on average, no more than 500 kg per trip will pass through the calibration hub once the Gate system is put under Government use. The maximum weight limit per trip, however, was originally calculated to be a cargo of 5789 kg. Prior to 1701, the maximum cargo that has been tested is 1700 kg. On 10.XV.1701, 8000 litres of gold was transferred from Ghawlama to Vesüha through the gate after a re-assessment of the physical boundaries of transfer, thus setting a record transfer of 134,974 kg.

With the container being outside space-time, it can theoretically move in any direction without damaging anything. However, its receptor coordinates must be carefully calibrated so that the container may be received. Furthermore, if one container is in time travel, the system cannot be used for any other containers to be transported. The system can only cater for the transport of one container at a time.

The energy of one modular fission reactor per gate is necessary for the energy needs for the gate to send and receive transport.

See also