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Politics of the Imperial State of Constancia

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The politics of the Imperial State of Constancia takes place in the context of a statist absolute monarchy, where the Basileus is the nominal fount of sovereignty and is both the head of state and the head of the government. Between the sovereign and the state however is interposed the personality of the Autokrator of Constancia. Decisions are, to a large extent, made on the basis of consultation among the senior officials of the Imperial Government, with input provided by Imperial Synklētos.

The business of government is dominated by the Autokrator of Constancia, who has built his rule via the control of patronage power over the governing and business elites of the nation, which had hitherto been divided by internal disputes and into factions. The members of the governing and business classes are the principal political actors allowed by the government. Political participation outside this select group is limited and it is only by advancement through service in the employ of the state or the Honourable Company that any person may be tolerated to enter into public life at the culmination of that service.

The Imperial Crown

Article I of the Magna Carta provides that, "...the Imperial State of Constancia, which shall be reigned over and governed by a line of Basileis unbroken for ages eternal". Article 2 provides that, "The Constancian Throne shall be succeeded to by descendants, according to the provisions of the House Law."

Basilinna Olympia verbally promulgated the first House Law in accordance with the Magna Carta, in the inaugural session of the 9th Imperial Synkletos, in her Speech from the Throne, where she commanded:

"We earnestly likewise proclaim before this Imperial Synkletos Our promulgation of Our Imperial House Law, in accordance with Article 2 of the Magna Carta which I accordingly deliver unto the Imperial Synkletos:

"We declare, decree, and appoint before all of you Our Most Trusted and Honoured Loyal Servant His Serene and Eminent Imperial Highness The Prince of Molivadia, Prince Consort of Arboria, Grand Knight Commander of The Order of the Great Kingdom of Constancia, etc. Our primary heir and adopted descendant to the Imperial House of Constancia, to the everlasting detriment of all other of Our possible heirs, Our ascendants and their descendants, and in his inability, We declare, decree and appoint Our Most Trusted and Honoured Her Serene and Eminent Imperial Highness The Princess of Arboria, Princess Consort of Molivadia, Our adopted descendant to the Imperial House of Constancia, and the natural legitimate heirs of their bodies, first, His Serene and Eminent Imperial Highness The Prince Iñigo of Molivadia and Arboria, followed by Her Serene and Eminent Imperial Highness The Princess Rosamund of Molivadia and Arboria. To this end, We raise, decree and confer unto all of them and the natural heirs of their body the rank, style and title of Imperial Prince and Princess of Constancia."

Government of the Imperial State

The Government of the Imperial State is the premier governance authority over the Imperial State of Constancia. This is led by the Mesazon, who is appointed by the Basileus, and by tradition is the leader of the political faction that commands a majority in the Imperial Synkletos. The Mesazon also nominates the remainder of the Ministers, who are also appointed by the Basileus, and like the Mesazon, all of them serve at her pleasure. By tradition, a new government is appointed at the inauguration of a new Imperial Synklētos, immediately after the Basileus or Autokrator delivers the Speech from the Throne.

Ministers are primarily responsible to the Mesazon, but all of them, including the Mesazon, are collectively responsible to the Autokrator, who rules on behalf of the sovereign and possesses all of his prerogative powers.

Ministers are assisted by Deputy Ministers and other subordinates, who have duties designated by the Minister, and are appointed by the Minister and serve at the Minister's pleasure.

The Imperial Synklētos is a hybrid elected and appointed consultative assembly that serves as the primary voice of the Constancian People. It possesses some legislative power in the sense that it can recommend legislation, and it also possesses powers to advise on the appropriations for the succeeding fiscal year, and may invite (but not compel) Ministers and other individuals to answer questions in open session or in committee.

The Imperial Civil Service provides support staff.