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A Serfești agent in training uniform

The Serfești, (Eng.: Servants) colloquially called Tăcutorii (Eng.: The Silencers), is a branch of the Caradian Legions that function as the secret law enforcement, intelligence service, espionage service, and personal guard of the Caradian monarch. The group currently employs roughly 33,000 agents, who function in a range of roles from assuring civil obedience, to sabotaging encroaching Dochvern groups. The Serfești are the only people in Caradia who cannot be charged with murder against anyone other than the monarch themselves.

The Serfești employ a generational ranking system, with older generations of Serfești being more respected amongst the group than younger ones. Because of this, the Serfești have long kept to a tradition that the organisation should only grow from within, so most new agents were born to parents who are both Serfești, and are indoctrinated from infancy with loyalty to the monarch above all else. No formal ranking system exists, except that there will be a "consiliu de vorbitori" (council of speakers), who together deliver the word of the Caradian monarch through the generational hierarchy.

The Serfești are officially separate from the Flemic Church, and are forbidden from taking orders from anyone who has a hierarchical rank in the Church (other than the monarch). This is to avoid clashes with the Flemic Inquisition, which performs a similar role when it comes to clerical matters, and to avoid the Church (and particularly the Archbishop) from holding de facto absolute power in the Duchy.

Data Mining

The Serfești's largest operation is an ongoing operation to extract maximum information on every Caradian citizen, by registering all of their details as they come up over their life, and by tracking and logging all communications done throughout the Duchy, by means of cooperation with the Caradian Broadcasting Company. This is also accomplished by logging the religious affiliations of all citizens through cooperation with the Flemic Inquisition, which also allows close monitering of the citizens daily lives, for a closer and more accurate log of the Duchy's demographics.