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Lake Norton Expedition

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The Lake Norton Expedition of 1723 AN is a planned two-thousand kilometre trip across north-eastern Corum. The expedition will leave from Southman, capital of East Zimia and the Wallis Islands, and aims to travel to the city of Ossyo on the shore of Lake Norton. Sponsored by the East Zimian and Wallisian government, the expedition will include personnel from the Regional Inspectorate of Corum and various friendly countries.

Planned outward route of the Lake Norton Expedition. 1: Southman; 2: Dodona/Dodan; 3: Tumi; 4: Anzo; 5: Komi; 6: Ossyo


Ever since the establishment of East Zimia and the Wallis Islands, expansionist elements within the kingdom had pushed for the acquisition of the distant lakeside city of Ossyo, capital of the former Realm of Bayen. The successful conquest of Corum Electric in 1721 AN helped to sway public opinion behind the expansionists, resulting in the first plans for an ambitious expedition to reach Ossyo by traversing the two-thousand kilometres of ungoverned territory between the kingdom and the shores of Lake Norton.

These plans were given further impetus by foreign expansion elswhere in Corum, while the highly-publicised ascent of Bear G. Rill to Mount Lacara helped to raise interest in an adventurous expedition through the wilds of the continent.

Planned route

Departing from the city of Southman, it was planned to travel south to Dodona (Thraci: Dodan), before turning west towards Tumi, former capital of the Hhoti Autonomous Territory. From Tumi, the expedition would head in a south-westerly direction towards Anzo, and then west to the city of Komi, where it was hoped to win the support of the local Imab-Adred-Nas population. Leaving Komi, the expedition would then continue westward until it reached Ossyo, where the historic amphibious gunboat, Iron Duck, would take to the waters of Lake Norton.


On 14.II.1723 AN, Sarhang Alexios Tzakhas, of the Regional Inspectorate of Corum, wrote to Mondo:


I have seen the Iron Duck and the Surenid armoured behemoths that have recently been landed. That they are able to make good distance cross country is all very well, but to go the course they must have fuel, which will require fuel trucks to follow in their wake, and doubtless shall require additional depots to be established along the proposed line of march, so that the fuel trucks may themselves be replenished. Furthermore, as the expedition shall be crossing territory that has fallen into disorder it must be envisaged that a workforce shall be required. As far as I am able to judge, without making any special calculation, I consider that 1,200 labourers and a similar number of porters would be the smallest number that would suffice, and a well-armed guard of at least 500 volunteers, supplemented by a similar contingent of native askaris would be necessary.

Miss Merrick, whom I had consulted as to the force necessary for the safety of the Expedition, is of opinion that I have formed far too low an estimate, but after weighing the testimony of many experienced persons acquainted with Corum, I must adhere to my opinion that a thousand troops armed with modern rifles and machine guns, and under the command of experienced persons, would, if supplemented by the irregular force, fully suffice.

Tzakhas' recommendations prompted the formation of Norforce, short for "Lake Norton Force", a weak brigade-sized command comprising a battalion of regular soldiers from the East Zimian and Wallisian War League, a second battalion of Imab-Adred-Nas auxiliaries, and a mixed support regiment of logistical personnel, labourers and porters.


List of notable participants, contingents, and equipment


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