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Template:People basic Frans became involved in the Dutch sector of micronationalism in 1999 and was, over the years, involved in several nations. The constitutions he drafted usually featured a strong parliament, a ceremonial head-of-state and a government responsible to parliament.

Frans has also drafted the "Dutch Treaty" (Nederlands Verdrag), establishing the Dutch Treaty Organisation, aiming to unite the Dutch sector of micronationalism.


Flag of the Republic of Flanders

He became a citizen of the Republic of Flanders in 1999. He was vice-chancellor and minister of information and foreign affairs in the so called "First Republic" and played a part in the establishment of the "Second Republic". He also took the initiative of the Open Flemish Convention in order to boost activity, but this didn't work out. He remained a citizen for several years, but never again as an active politician.


Around 1999, he was also active in the Kingdom of Babkha, where he briefly held the position of associate justice.


Coat of arms of Antverpia

In 2002 he founded, together with some friends, the short-lived Islamic Republic of Antverpia, where he held the positions of regent and minister-president. A quote from the nation's website:

Antverpia calls itself an Islamic Republic because it tries to bring the Islamic teachings according to statecraft and governance into practice. The Antverpian contsitution is based on a modern view on Islamic governing. The Islamic Republic of Antverpia tries to prove that Islam is a religion of peace, tolerance, harmony and love.

New Batavia

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File:Emblem New Batavia.png
Emblem of New Batavia

In 2007 he founded the United Provinces of the Netherlands. The nation was renamed three times:

He held several positions in these republics. He was granted the honorary title "Father of Nation" (Vader des Vaderlands) in the preamble of the constitution of the Third Republic of the IIR. The IIR died due to internal strife in 2011. He nevertheless kept the memory and the legacy of the nation alive through the Government-in-Exile. In 2020 he restored the IIR and reformed it into New Batavia.