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Equipment of the Çakari Armed Forces

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The Equipment of the Çakari Armed Forces, the armed forces of the Çakar Empire, consists of a wide variety of equipment, partly inherited from predecessor nations, partly donated from friendly nations, partly purchased equipment and increasingly from national production.

Individual equipment

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Combat gear
Çakari MT camouflage Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory multi terrain combat uniform Cakari MT camouflage.jpg
Çakari khaki camouflage Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory khaki combat uniform Cakari khaki camouflage.jpg
Çakari navy camouflage Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory navy combat uniform Cakari navy camouflage.jpg
Çakari snow camouflage Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory snow combat uniform Cakari snow camouflage.jpg
Çakari Ballistic Vest Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory ballistic vest Cakari Ballistic Vest.jpg
Çakari helmet Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory helmet Cakari helmet.jpg
Çakari anti-mine boots Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory anti-mine boots Anti-mine boots.jpg
Çakari army cup Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory cup CK Army cup.jpg
Çakari army flask Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory flask CK army flask.png
GH-2 Francia Francia combat helmet GH-2.jpg Used by the Emiric Armed Forces
Kampfjacke-1 Francia Francia combat vest Kampfjacke-1.jpg Used by the Emiric Armed Forces

Infantry weapons


Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Entrenching tool
Clock Feldspaten Batavia Clock Company field spade Feldspaten.jpg
Phaavada Aaree Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory field spade Phaavada aaree.jpg


Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Clock Feldmesser 81 Batavia Clock Company survival knife Feldmesser 81.jpg
Khanjar Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory dagger Khanjar.png
Khukri Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory utility knife Khukri.png
Talwar Çakaristan Troops Equipment Factory ceremonial sword Talwar.png

Small arms

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Shirley Passio-Corum Shirley Stock Fund pistol 15,400 Rifle5.jpg
Iskander 941 Francia Francia semi-automatic pistol Iskander 941.jpg
Clock 17 Batavia Clock Company semi-automatic pistol Clock 17.jpg
Clock 19 Batavia Clock Company semi-automatic pistol Clock 19.jpg
FIG P226 Francia Fränkische Industrie Gesellschaft semi-automatic pistol FIG P226.jpg
Stormark 18C Stormark Stormark handgun STO 18C.jpg
Yurish KV-1 Çakaristan Yurish Arms semi-automatic pistol Yurish KV-1.jpg
Yurish KV-2 Çakaristan Yurish Arms semi-automatic pistol Yurish KV-2.jpg
Yurish KV-3 Çakaristan Yurish Arms semi-automatic pistol Yurish KV-3.png
Cornershot gun
Kona 19 Çakaristan Rifle Factory Raoti cornershot gun Kona.jpg
Stormark 11-87 Stormark Stormark shotgun STO 11-87.png
Submachine gun
SG4 Çakaristan Rifle Factory Raoti submachine gun SG4.jpg
SG5 Çakaristan Rifle Factory Raoti submachine gun SG5.jpg
Ujee Çakaristan Rifle Factory Raoti submachine gun Ujee.png
APC9 Stormark Stormark submachine gun STO APC9.jpg
FIG 516 Francia Fränkische Industrie Gesellschaft semi-automatic rifle FIG 516.jpg
FIG M400 Francia Fränkische Industrie Gesellschaft semi-automatic rifle FIG M400.jpg
SSG 3000 Francia Francia Fränkische Industrie Gesellschaft sniper rifle FIG SSG3000.jpg
HK416 Francia Fränkische Industrie Gesellschaft automatic rifle FIG HK416.jpg
HS50 Stormark Stormark long-range sniper rifle STO HS50.jpg
110 BA Stormark Stormark sniper rifle STO 110BA.jpg
P29 Passio-Corum Shirley Stock Fund sniper rifle 3,400 Rifle6.jpg
Tikka T3 Stormark Stormark rifle STO Tikka T3.jpg
M84 Stormark Stormark recoilless rifle STO M84.jpg
P62 Passio-Corum Shirley Stock Fund assault rifle 14,100 Rifle2.jpg
P62 Commando Passio-Corum Shirley Stock Fund assault rifle 6,260 Rifle3.jpg
P62 Covert Passio-Corum Shirley Stock Fund assault rifle 5,750 Rifle3.jpg
Yurish KA Çakaristan Yurish Arms assault rifle Yurish KA.png
Yurish KAS Çakaristan Yurish Arms assault rifle Yurish KAS.png
CK-203 Çakaristan Rifle Factory Raoti assault rifle CK-203.jpg
Machine guns
Iskander NG-7 Francia Francia light machine gun Iskander NG-7.jpg
Iskander M2 Francia Francia heavy machine gun Iskander M2.jpg
MG90 Stormark Stormark machine gun STO MG90.jpg
MG78 Stormark Stormark medium machine gun STO MG78.png
MG88 Stormark Stormark heavy machine gun STO MG88.jpg
APC9 Stormark Stormark submachine gun STO APC9.jpg
Electra Electrolaser
electra electrolaser Cira Cira electrolaser gun 53 Electra.png Purchased from Sanpantul, supplied from stock.


Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Hand grenades
KFA M61 Francia Francia fragmentation grenade KFA-M61.jpg
KFA M84 Francia Francia stun grenade KFA-M84.jpg
Stormark HG85 Stormark Stormark fragmentation grenade STO HG85.jpg
Rockets and grenade launchers
KFA-MTPUAT Francia Francia shoulder-launched rocket KFA-MTPUAT.jpg
KFA-MK19 Francia Francia automatic grenade launcher KFA-MK19.jpg
HK Stormark Stormark grenade launcher STO HK.jpg
GMG Stormark Stormark automatic grenade launcher STO GMG.png
RB-57 Stormark Stormark light anti-tank weapon STO RB-57.jpg
AT4 Stormark Stormark rocket projectors STO AT4.jpeg
TMA-3 mine Barikalus Arboric Republic of Barikalus anti-tank mine BAK TMA-3.jpg
TM-72 mine Barikalus Arboric Republic of Barikalus anti-tank mine BAK TM-72 mine.jpg
Mortars and air-defence
M6 mortar Batavia Batavia infantry mortar M6 mortar.png
M120 mortar Batavia Batavia infantry mortar M120 mortar.jpg
KFA Pfeil Francia Francia lightweight surface-to-air missile system KFA Pfeil.jpg

Personal flying unit

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Personal flying unit
KFA Raketenrucksack 1 Francia Francia jetpack KFA-Raketenrucksack 1.jpg
KFA Raketenrucksack 2 Francia Francia jetpack KFA-Raketenrucksack 2.jpg
KFA Flugbrett Francia Francia fly board KFA-Flugbrett.jpg


Armoured combat vehicles

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
KFA Mk 4m Francia Francia main battle tank ~740 KFA-Mk4m.jpg
KFA P45 Francia Francia main battle tank ~1,000 KFA-P45.jpg
S122 Stormark Stormark main battle tank 112 STO S122.jpg
MK1 Çakaristan Yurish Special main battle tank ~2,000 MK01a.png
T-Bahattar Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory main battle tank ~2,000 T-Bahattar.png
T-Nabbe Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory main battle tank ~2,000 T-Nabbe.jpg
T-Chaudah Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory main battle tank 30 T-Chaudah.jpg
Hari Light Tank Sanpantul Sanpantul light tank 59 Hari.jpg Purchased from Sanpantul, supplied from stock.
Infantry fighting vehicle
Rath Çakaristan Yurish Special infantry fighting vehicle ~2,500 Rath.jpg
Tank destroyers
Sabara Çakaristan Arkish Motor Works tank destroyer ~30 Sabara.jpg
Shikaaree Çakaristan Yurish Special tank destroyer ~200 Shikaaree.jpg
Armoured personnel carriers
KFA-Leopard I Francia Francia Heavy armoured personnel carrier 2,450 KFA-Leopard I.jpg This armoured personnel carrier is based on a KFA Mk 4m tank chassis.
9040 Stormark Stormark light armoured vehicle 354 STO 9040.jpg
AMK Sandkatze IV Francia Francia armoured vehicle 46 AMK Sandkatze IV.jpg
AMK Skorpion I Francia Francia armoured vehicle 84 AMK Skorpion I.jpg
AMK Skorpion II Francia Francia armoured vehicle 84 AMK Skorpion II.jpg
P360 Stormark Stormark armoured vehicle 131 STO P360.jpg
Qaghta M4 Çakaristan Qaghta Motors armoured vehicle 1,600 Qaghta M4.jpg
RG-32 Stormark Stormark mine-protected vehicle 380 STO RG-32.jpg
S90 Stormark Stormark armoured combat support vehicles 590 STO S90.jpg
T-15 Stormark Stormark infantry fighting vehicles 241 STO T-15.jpg
AAV Stormark Stormark amphibious assault vehicles 55 STO AAV.jpg

Utility and staff transport

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
AMK Sandkatze I Francia Francia utility vehicle AMK Sandkatze I.jpg
AMK Sandkatze III Francia Francia utility vehicle AMK Sandkatze III.jpg
AMK Wüstenkatze Francia Francia dune buggy AMK Wüstenkatze.jpg
Toyohama Hilux Sanpantul Toyohama Motors light utility vehicle ~400 Toyohama Hilux.jpg
Toyohama Jipsee Sanpantul Toyohama Motors light utility vehicle ~35,000 Toyohama Jipsee.png
Qaghta S Çakaristan Qaghta Motors light utility vehicle ~4,500 Qaghta S.png

Goods and field transport vehicles

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
RMMV HX Stormark Stormark truck 1000 STO RMMV HX.jpg
Qaghta Cheentee Çakaristan Qaghta Motors truck 70,000 Qaghta Cheentee.jpg
CK Kheencho Çakaristan Adardesh Locomotive Company diesel locomotive 51 CK Kheencho.jpg Equipped with flatbed trailers and carriages. 20 equipped for wide gauge, 24 equipped for standard gauge, 7 equipped for narrow gauge.

Engineering and support vehicles

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
KFA M60 Mobile Brücke Francia Francia Armored bridge layer M60 Mobile Brücke.jpg
AMK Mein Dreschflegel Francia Francia mine flail AMK Mein Dreschflegel.jpg
KFA Minen Esser Francia Francia anti-mine system KFA Minen Esser.jpg

Unmanned ground vehicle

Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
FKA Schwarzer Blitz I Francia Francia unmanned ground vehicle FKA Schwarzer Blitz I.jpg
FKA Schwarzer Blitz II Francia Francia unmanned armoured bulldozer FKA Schwarzer Blitz II.jpg


Name Origin Type Quantity Photo Notes
Rocket artillery
KFA-Izaria I Francia Francia multiple rocket launcher 25 KFA-Izaria I.jpg Maximum firing range is 150 km
CK TRLG-230 Çakaristan Arkish Motor Works multiple rocket launcher 180 CK TRLG-230.jpg Maximum firing range is 140 km
4T Bavandar Çakaristan Arkish Motor Works multiple rocket launcher 290 4T Bavandar.jpg Maximum firing range is 120 km
Self-propelled artillery
AAS Stormark Stormark self-propelled artillery 48 STO AAS.jpg
CK 155 gun Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory self-propelled artillery 80 CK 155gun.jpg
Towed artillery
TRF1 Stormark Stormark towed artillery 40 STO TRF1.jpg
152 Howitzer Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory towed artillery 500 152 Howitzer.jpg
Çakar Light Fieldgun Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory towed artillery 1,700 Cakar Light Fieldgun.png
CKR M777 Çakaristan Salafuabad Arms Factory towed artillery 145 CKR M777.jpg