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Chamber of Industry

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The Chamber of Industry is a subordinate entity of the Legatine College for Industry, Resources, and Public Works within the Commission for the Sacred Treasury. It comprises of the Antechamber of Aircraft Production, Antechamber of Armaments Production, Antechamber of Ports and Docks, and the Machine Tool Purchasing Group.


The Chamber, particularly in its configuration prior to 1730 AN, existed in a state of acute competition with the Board of Ordnance which answered to the Legatine College of Military and Naval Affairs and the Commission for War.

In an effort to resolve the contradictions at the heart of the Union-State's industrial strategy, the Benacian Security Council directed the Chamber to undertake the thorough study and emulation of the National Qullqa System of Nouvelle Alexandrie. To this end a mission was dispatched to Cardenas in the fourth month of 1730 AN.

Based on the recommendations of the mission, the office of the General Plenipotentiary for Armament Tasks was established in the seventh month of 1731 AN, consolidating a number of previous antechambers concerned with manufacturing under a single authority.