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Board of Ordnance

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The Board of Ordnance, an entity subordinate to the Legatine College for Military and Naval Affairs within the Commission for War of the Benacian Union, is responsible for the procurement, storage, distribution and maintenance of all armaments, food, fuels, munitions, and other stores required by the Benacian Union Defence Force and those other auxiliary forces which act as a reserve for the BUDF.

The Board of Ordnance's core functions include overseeing the network of armories, arsenals, magazines and manufacturers within the Union-State tasked with the production and storage weapons, ammunition, armour, and other military equipment. As such the Board is closely engaged in the coordination of both public and private manufacturers contracted to supply the BUDF.

The Board is further obliged to engage in managing the logistics of distributing arms and supplies to cantonments, depots, and the stations of maritime and aviation forces as needed. This requires close coordination with the commissariats for the various service branches and forces.

The Board is empowered to authorise research and development into new military technologies and overseeing the introduction of new weapons systems. The Board has authority over proving grounds for field testing new designs, excepting in the maritime domain where such matters fall under the purview of the Naval Construction Office.

Finally the Board is required to maintaining detailed records and accounts of all ordnance property and finances. Regular reports are accordingly submitted to the Legatine College.

Leadership of the Board

The leadership of the Board of Ordnance, under the presidency of a civil legate appointed by the Commissioner for War, consists of:

The Legatine-Master of the Ordnance as the head of the department. They are customarily a retired military officer with a seat on the Legatine College.

The Lieutenant of the Ordnance as deputy to the Master-General, managing day-to-day operations.

The Surveyor-General of the Ordnance in charge of inspecting the quantity and condition of stockpiles.

The Clerk of the Ordnance as the chief financial officer and record-keeper.

The Quartermaster of the Ordnance responsible for the security and maintenance of storage facilities.

Organisational structure

Reporting to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance are a number of subordinate directorates headquartered in the Autonomous Bailiwick of Mishagrad.

  • Board of Ordnance
    • Directorate of Equipment and Ordnance
    • Directorate of Finance
    • Directorate of Fortifications and Works
    • Directorate of Research and Development
    • Directorate of Staff Duties
    • Directorate of Training

Directorate of Equipment and Ordnance

Responsible for the procurement and maintenance of equipment.

Directorate of Finance

Manages the Board's budget and financial affairs.

Directorate of Fortifications and Works

Deals with the construction and maintenance of military infrastructure.

Directorate of Research and Development

Responsible for the research, development, and production of new aircraft, vehicles, weaponry, and equipment. Includes the Subcommittee on Noxious Gases, established in 1732 AN.

Directorate of Staff Duties

Deals with personnel matters, including postings, promotions, and discipline.

Directorate of Training

Responsible for training and doctrine.

Coordinated entities



See also