Federal Administration of Sanama
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The Federal Administration of Sanama is the national administrative organisation for Sanama. It formally reports to the Federal Coordination Committee and consists of the public authorities and agencies on the federal level. Some of the agencies were inherited from the Third Republic, now usually with slightly different names, while some are new since 1703. The person that formally heads the Federal Administration is the Coordination Committee Secretary, currently Ludwig Bordwic. The administration is organised by committee.
Federal Administration
Federal Coordination Committee | |
People's Compliance Bureau | Ensures compliance across the national government with decisions made by the various committees. |
Finance Committee | |
People's Revenue Service | Ensures that taxes and other revenue set aside and budgeted for the federal government are duly collected, participates in the preparation of the federal budget, and manages the public debt. |
Federal Currency Bureau | Manages the issuance of the rilha. |
Financial Institutions Bureau | Supervises financial institutions across the nation. |
People's Revision Bureau | Evaluates and revises federal government expenditure. |
Patents and Registration Bureau | Registers juridical persons and manages patents. |
Public Statistics Bureau | Responsible for national census and other statistics. |
Foreign Relations Committee | |
People's Foreign Service | Staff for the diplomatic service. |
Foreign Aid Bureau | Manages foreign aid programmes. |
People's Intelligence Bureau | Foreign national security, anti-terrorism, intelligence and counter-intelligence gathering, processing and analysing for the Federal Coordination Committee, the Foreign Relations Committe and the National Security Committee, chiefly through human intelligence. |
National Security Committee | |
People's Customs and Border Service | Enforces federal legislation regarding immigration and customs. |
National Security Bureau | Anti-terrorism, domestic intelligence and counter-intelligence, and state security efforts. |
Emergency Management Bureau | National emergency coordination and planning. |
Defence Committee | |
National defence and international peacekeeping missions. | |
National Service Bureau | Manages the unarmed National Service for people that do not qualify for military service or who refuse armed service. |
Civil Defence Bureau | Manages and coordinates federal civil defence programmes. |
Cybersecurity Bureau | Responsible for federal cybersecurity efforts. |
Defence Intelligence Bureau | Intelligence gathering and coordination for the military. |
Defence Procurement Bureau | Supply of materiel for the People's Armed Services. |
Defence Recruitment Bureau | Manages recruitment for the People's Armed Services and the National Service. |
Defence Research and Development Bureau | Manages research and development programmes related to defence. |
People's Veterans Bureau | Responsible for issues regarding veterans, including employability, mental and physical health care, and pensions. |
Defence Export Bureau | Manages and supervises the export of military materiel. |
Justice Committee | |
People's Corrections Service | Responsible for processing, incarceration, and other correctional measures on the federal level. |
People's Federal Reconciliation Service | Responsible for handling criminal reconciliation on the federal level. |
People's Marshal Service | Warrant and security services for the federal courts. |
Citizenship and Immigration Bureau | Immigration, residency and citizenship. |
Civil and Human Rights Bureau | Promotes gender equality, protects and promotes civil and human rights. |
Courts Administration Bureau | Services the federal courts system. |
Data Protection Bureau | Regulates personal data activities, promotes data security. |
Bureau of the People's Inquisitor-General | Responsible for federal prosecutions, supervision of public agencies, and advises on federal reconciliation efforts. |
Kalisa Sharamli | Federal law enforcement and criminal investigations. |
Federal Forensic Bureau | Responsible for forensic science for law enforcement. |
People's Elections Bureau | Conducts, manages and supervises federal elections and referendums. |
National Center for Criminology Research and Policy | |
Social Services Committee | |
Sentient Species Bureau | Responsible for the protection of and communication with non-human sentient species. |
Social Services Bureau | Coordinates social services policy on the federal level. |
Public Health Committee | |
People's Health Service | Uniformed service working to assist regional and local authorities and allies abroad in public health measures. |
Drugs and Narcotics Bureau | Coordinates efforts against drugs and narcotics. |
Medical Products and Medicines Bureau | Regulates medical products and medicines, ensures adequate supplies. |
National Centers for Medicine and Disease Prevention | |
Public Health Bureau | National public health and epidemic measures. Supports, develops and coordinates healthcare on the federal level. |
Environment Committee | |
Federal Forest Service | Maintains federal forests for public use and conservation. |
Federal Parks and Monuments Service | Maintains federal parks and monuments for public use and conservation. |
Wildlife and Fisheries Bureau | Coordinates and supervises the conservation and use of wildlife and fisheries resources. |
Environmental Protection Bureau | Coordinates and regulates environmental standards and pollution levels. |
Federal Water and Irrigation Bureau | Coordinates and regulates water and irrigation efforts. |
Agriculture Committee | |
Federal Food Standards Bureau | Regulation of food standards and preservatives. |
Federal Agriculture Bureau | Coordinates policy regarding agriculture, manages federal support to farmers. |
Education Committee | |
Higher Education Bureau | Coordinates and manages national standards for higher education. |
Federal Schools Bureau | Coordinates and manages national standards for primary and secondary education. |
Adult Education Bureau | Coordinates and manages national standards for adult education. |
Infrastructure Committee | |
Maritime Transport Bureau | Regulation and supervision of maritime transport. |
Federal Aviation Bureau | Regulation and supervision of civilian aviation. Investigates civilian aviation incidents. |
Federal Railway Bureau | Regulation and supervision of the federal railway system. Operation of lines handled by Sanaman Public Railways. |
Federal Telecommunications Bureau | Regulation and supervision of telecommunication. |
Federal Public Works Bureau | Coordinates and procures federal public works projects. |
Road Transportation Bureau | Regulation and supervision of national roads and transport. |
Federal Survey and Mapping Bureau | Coordinates, supervises and carries out surveys and mapping. |
Labour Committee | |
Volunteer Labour Service | Organises and provides unemployed people with training, social contact and national pride. The programmes include service to the elderly, children, schools, hospitals and other institutions that require volunteers. |
Labour Standards and Rights Bureau | Regulates and ensures compliance with federal labour standards and rights across all forms of employment, ownership and organisations. |
Commerce Committee | |
Consumer Products Safety Bureau | Regulates and inspects consumer products to protect the public against harm. |
Sanaman Antarctic Territory Bureau | Responsible for managing the Sanaman Antarctic Territory. |
Federal Cooperative Bureau | Supervises the federally managed cooperatives. |
Trade Committee | |
Foreign Trade Bureau | Facilitates and supervises foreign trade. |
Office of the Special Trade Representative | Support organisation for the Special Trade Representative, an ambassador-at-large promoting Sanaman products abroad. |
Culture and Language Committee | |
Federal Copyright Bureau | Manages copyright issues and applications. |
National Heritage Bureau | Coordinates and promotes the preservation of historic remains and monuments. |
Federal Media Bureau | Regulation of the media industry on the federal level. |
Science and Technology Committee | |
National Space Bureau | Space exploration, regulation and satellite communication efforts. |
Standards, Weights and Measurements Bureau | Representing Sanama in standards organisations and is responsible for standards, weights and measurements in Sanama. |
Energy and Development Committee | |
Chemical Safety Bureau | Prevents chemical accidents, promotes chemical safety, and regulates the production of chemicals. |
Electricity Safety Bureau | Regulates electrical products and power distribution. |
Radiation Safety Bureau | Prevents radiation accidents, promotes radiation safety, and regulates businesses that handle radiation sources. |
Economic Development Bureau | Promotes and supervises economic development across the nation. |
National Innovation Bureau | Promotes, supports and encourages Sanaman innovation. |