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Atacama Corporation

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Atacama Corporation is a company registered and operating under the laws of the Imperial State of Constancia.


Atacama Corporation is governed by a Chief Executive, who reports to the Court of Directors.

Its Chief Executive from 1663-1690 was Viljo Kaljurand.

Chair: The Countess Palatine of Mirioth and Amity
Vice Chair: The Viljo Kaljurand
Court of Directors:

Chief Executive: Matthäus Koeppen

Lines of Business

Atacama Corporation is a shareholder of the Constancian Commercial Exchange Corporation, and holds a brokerage seat.

It is the owner of the ruins of Atacama, which was conveyed to it in fee simple. It owns 9.9% of Banca Credito Commercio Immobiliare. It is also a minor shareholder (1,000 shares) of Zjandarian Railway Construction & Development Corporation.

On 11.VI.1690, an additional 8.9997% of the company was acquired by Oranjesion Private Equity Capital via share purchase on the open market, resulting in Oranjesion Private Equity Capital assuming nearly 19% ownership over the company.
