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|pop = 305,500,000
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Revision as of 16:57, 12 January 2017

The Sultanate of Sayaffallah
The Islamic Sultanate of the Saints
Flag of Sayaffallah
Coat of Arms of Sayaffallah
Coat of Arms
Motto: May the eyes of cowards never sleep
Anthem: I Was Glad
[[|250px|Location of Sayaffallah|frameless]]
Map versions N/A
Capital Bellissimomare
Largest city Zaziqi, Milanos, Raqqah, Romati, Beyrouth
Official language(s) Official language:

Other languages:
Ramna, Engle, Farish, Itarian

Official religion(s)
Demonym Sayaffallan
 - Adjective Sayaffallan
Government Absolute monarchy, sultanate, advisory parliament.
 - Sultan of the Empire Amir Al Saud
 - Sultan of the Empire Amir Al Saud
 - Legislature Parliament of the Nation
Establishment The beginning of time itself
Area NA
Population 305,500,000
Active population N/A
Currency Golden Camelar
Time zone(s)
Mains electricity
Driving side
Track gauge
National website none yet
National forum TBD
National animal Lion
National food Falafel pasta with tzatziki
National drink Royal Cola
National tree Snowy diagnolia
Abbreviation SAY

Sayaffallah (IPA: /sɑːjɔːfˈælə/) is a micronation with plans to claim land on the Micrasian continent of Apollonia.

Travelling to Sayaffallah

As you enter the country one of the first things you will see invariably are the swaying palm trees and the beautiful lakes stretching across the horizon and the closer you get to the coast the more temperate the climate and yet if you were to travel north you would eventually come upon towering mountainous peaks with small villages dotting its ridges and crags and valleys. The country's geographic appeal is diverse and one of the prime reasons that so many come to visit its teaming shores year after year. Sayaffallah enjoys a moderate climate in its southern stretches and a sub arctic climate in its most northern areas which provides significant to extreme levels of snowfall during the cold and brutal winter months. Meanwhile the south enjoys nearly year round sunshine and significant amounts of heat filled days stretching from the brilliant days of summer into the shorter days of winter.

Sayaffallah has a modern transportation infrastructure extending from its coast to its heartland composed of high speed rail networks and interconnected ferry transports and of course one of the world's most thriving general aviation communities with regular commercial and private flights to the major and regional cities of Sayaffallah. The primary mode of transportation is of course through the vast motorways that dot the country and many choose this method of travel because of the low cost of petrol in this oil producing country. Sayaffallah does not have a formal speed limit requirement but instead relies on strict rules for driver etiquette and behavior penalizing those who are responsible for speed related crashes with a demonstrated severity ranging from jail time to steep fines. As a result the number of speed related fatalities are quite low, the main cause of death on the motorways comes from vehicle/animal collisions as the sprawl of urban areas prompts greater encounters between the native wildlife of Sayaffallah and its human residents.

The rail system of Sayaffallah has received great acclaim in recent months and years and has seen significant growth as it has become formally extended from its traditional operation area in the coastal and central areas of the country to now the far northern stretches which in the past have only been accessible by vehicle and traditional oxen/plow methods of reaching isolated communities. As the rail system expands so have the communities of Sayaffallah and one of the primary concerns of its residents is the problem of urban sprawl. In the most recent elections the parliament was given a resounding answer that the number one issue facing residents was that of congestion in the cities and its transportation networks. Since that election the parliament has voted to increase the size and scope of the rail networks to alleviate road congestion and to provide greater service to smaller towns across the country.

Government system

Sayaffallah is an absolute monarchy with a consultative parliament. His Excellency the Sultan, Amir, makes all final decisions and can override decisions at his discretion made by the parliament but this seldom happens. Many outside observers suggest that this system is more of a parliamentary monarchy and this might be true but in his benevolence the Sultan has decided that the form of government will be called an absolute monarchy with consultative assembly.


The parliament is elected of representatives of every region in the country. Each region is given 5 representatives for a total of 120 regions which gives 600 representatives for the session of parliament. Parliament lasts from January 1 through January 1 with elections taking place December 1-5 in a staggered format across the regions. That means each day for 5 days there are 24 elections for 24 regions a day for a total of all 120 regions. Parliamentary representatives are paid a stipend amount for all expenses directly from the private treasury of the Sultan so that no compensation of the assembly comes from taxation of the citizens of the country.

The Parliament has the following duties:

  • Establish new laws
  • Provide oversight of the infrastructure
  • Provide oversight of the judiciary
  • Provide oversight of the media (propaganda against the Sultan is forbidden)
  • Provide for disaster relief and emergency response during crises
  • Remove old laws


Main article: Sultan of the Empire

For each duty the Sultan is required to provide his consent or dissent. The Sultan has the following duties:

  • Declare war/make peace
  • Raise/lower taxes
  • Declare heir/successor
  • Make religious pronouncements
  • Conduct and control diplomacy

It is worth noting that the Sultan does not have authority to dismiss or disband the Parliament and the Parliament likewise does not have the authority to investigate, charge or dismiss the Sultan. Those who are currently sitting members of parliament are immune from prosecution except for Crown Offenses which are the most serious crimes (murder, treason, rape, etc). In the event that a member of parliament is brought to trial for a Crown Offense their seat is voided until the next election.


The healthcare system is built around the Trilogy Concept which serves as the guiding principle for the governance of the hospital system within Sayaffallah. The hospital system is governed by the Sayaffallah Ministry of Health which is responsible for ensuring that the accreditation body is maintaining the correct level of accountability and that each hospital is provided with an allocation of appropriate workforce for operating. Every region has a hospital center that provides acute and emergency care with a step up facility in the central part of the country. The hospital centers ensure that each region (120 in total) has the ability to provide the best possible level of care to its people and to ensure that staffing is proportionately shared amongst all the applicable hospitals.

There has been recent movements to privatize care and several privatized clinics have popped up in rural towns in the more isolated parts of Sayaffallah and those clinics have been small enough to escape accreditation by the government body. Accreditation is a required process for all medical services in Sayaffallah and it ensures that they meet a modicum standard of cleanliness, standard practice and a reduced fatality rate. If a hospital consistently receives an improvement alert their board of governors will be summoned by the Ministry of Health to explain remedial steps they will take to improve upon the suggestions made in the improvement alert by the accreditation board. If a hospital fails to meet these standards after three consecutive improvement alerts the hospital is placed under the control of the Ministry of Health for a 10 year period or until sufficient improvements have been made to warrant a transition back to the local board of governors.

The Ministry of Health in Sayaffallah is staffed by the majority party in government which appoints the Minister of Health. The Minister of Health likewise serves in their position for a year period unless of course in the next election sees a new government installed thus resulting in a likely new individual for the position of Ministry of Health. The Deputy Minister of Health is a non political position appointed directly by the Sultan who takes charge of the Ministry of Health during the month of December should he/she be needed for any emergency that should arise during the election period.


Sayaffallah has a compulsory educational system from the age 5 through the age of 24 covering the grades of K through University completion. The completion of a university level degree is mandatory with the only other option in its place being that of military or medical corps (nursing) service for a period of 5 years time at half rate compensation. The educational system is overseen by the Council of Educators composed of a rotating set of 25 educators appointed personally by the Sultan on recommendation from the National Educational Authority (NEA).

Council of Educators

The role of the Council of Educators is to provide continual review of national educational policy and to work to set the policy in accordance with the consecutive five year vision and review of the Sultan which is shaped largely by input from the NEA. The Council of Educators meets twice a month in the capital city to discuss current developments and to discuss current trajectories for the five year vision project. The Council of Educators serve a term of 2 years after which a new group is formed and put together for the next term. The Council publishes an annual Educational Review for Sayaffallah (ERS) which compiles the pertinent national statistics for the educational system covering K-12+ as well as the statistics of accomplishment showing the literacy rate among other vital rates of statistics for the country.

National Educational Authority

The National Educational Authority consists of the leaders of each of the universities in Sayaffallah as well as peer elected academics who have attained the PhD level of education in each discipline within Sayaffallah and also those who are picked by the Sultan based upon their peer assessment reviews (PAR) and their accomplishments within the educational field. The National Educational Authority or NEA is responsible for ensuring the compliance of school districts both public and private in accomplishing the scope of educational achievement mandated by the Council of Educators. Under performing schools are routinely subject to monthly inspections by NEA inspectors and reports by their administrators. The NEA is also the body responsible for investigating all confidential reports of harassment within the educational sector as well as bullying and complaints within the educational system. Each complaint is handled by the NEA and is closed after an investigation into the matter in question. In all cases the anonymity of the complainant is protected by penalty of law and is illegal to be disclosed without direction of the judiciary of Sayaffallah.



The language of Sayaffallah can be characterized as derivative of influences from distinctive lingual groups specifically being Ramna, Engle, Farish and Itarian. The language is spoken by over 99.2% of the inhabitants of the Sultanate of Sayaffallah and is the official language of business and education within the country. The language has developed over the centuries from pre tribal origins and has become the national language through the great unification efforts of past Sultans of Sayaffallah to bring together the many ethnic groups that make up the country. Sayaffallan is easily picked up once one knows the key letters of the alphabet and its key phrases.

The separate sub languages of Ramna, Engle, Farish and Itarian make up the ethnic diversity of Sayaffallah and its people. The language of Ramna is characteristic of the people in the far north of the country, while the language of Engle is characteristic of the people living in the central western part of the country. Farish is normally heard in the central eastern part of the country and the melodic sub language of Itarian can be heard in the southern stretches of the country towards the beautiful coastline of Sayaffallah.


The nation of Sayaffallah recognizes both Orthodox Christianity and Sunni Islam as the official state religions and recognizes all holidays and observances of both Orthodox Christianity and Sunni Islam as being state observances. The state requires that knowledge of both religious faiths be incorporated into the educational system of each pupil within the country. This typically is not an issue as most people within Sayaffallah are devout in whichever faith they choose with 95% of the country belonging to the faiths of Orthodox Christianity or Sunni Islam.

Pie chart representing Sayaffallah's religions.

In the last study conducted of the religious affiliations of the country approximately 5% of the population identified as either secular or of no religious persuasion. A growing movement within the country has been that of secularism however its growth has been slowed in recent years as a cultural matter. Many within the country view secularism as a direct challenge to the authority of the Sultan who is coronated by the religious leaders of both the Orthodox Church and the Sunni Islamic faith and within the governing constitution of Sayaffallah both of these religions are recognized as the sovereign faiths of Sayaffallah.

Religious freedom is highly protected within Sayaffallah and it is not uncommon to see individuals practising other faiths than the two main faiths. Despite religious freedom being widely respected the culture of Sayaffallah marginalizes those of faiths that follow outside the homogeneous barriers of either Orthodox Christianity or Sunni Islam. It is not uncommon to see individuals from other faiths receive ridicule or condescension within the workplace. Yet despite this the small minority of other religious practices are becoming more bold in claiming their religious rights. Recent cases within the highest courts in the judiciary have seen cases regarding religious discrimination and bigotry battled and decisive victories attained for the benefit of religious freedom within Sayaffallah.