Xhusor War

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Xhusor War
A building destroyed in the conflict
Date 14th July to 2nd August 2017
Location Xhusor (De Facto),Florian Republic (De Jure)
Status Finished
Florianrepublicflag.png Florian Republic

Kingdom of coria flag.png Kingdom of Coria


XLAflag.png Xhusor Liberation Army

Pirates.png Xhusorian Pirates

Casualties and losses
Florians (citizens):
  • 2900 fatalities
  • 1700 Injured


  • 120 fatalities
  • 680 Injured
  • 38,500 fatalities
  • 62,000 Injured

The Xhusor War was a major conflict which took place early history of Floria, in the self-proclaimed country of Xhusor. It started after attacks from the XLA, an ethnically Jing-dominated paramilitary destroyed government buildings in the region, launched nationwide cyberterrorism, and unilaterally declared independence from the Florian state. The war was fought by several nations. The Florian Republic alongside its then allies,Coria and the USSO fought the Xhusor Liberation Army leading to political instability. The XLA were officially declared defeated however the conflict had lasting effects on Florian society and indirectly led to the War of Lost Brothers.

Timeline of the war


  • 14th July - Mass terroist attacks on government buildings in Xhusor. XLA declares itself as a country unilaterally causing anger in the central government and then the eventual declaration of war. The Florian Republic asks for support from its allies which is accepted.
  • 15th July - 100 people injured in a bridge attack in a local village. Northcliff Arena is announced to be closing after the Koldagas Cup for security reasons. Northcliff United are temporarily moved to Oldhaven. The government starts to plan evacuation plans for the ethnic Florians in Xhusor. 'Operation Undertake' was completed. The operation was to find the XLA's military positions. For revenge, the Northcliff Stock Exchange was intercepted by the XLA. Later in the day the Florian and Corian fighter Jets airstrike a small base in Northern Xhusor, which kills all of the 500 people in the base and destroying 11 tanks and 27 infantry vehicles.
  • 19th July - Fighting escalates near the Xhusor Border. Many Xhurions civilians are killed and many more wounded. A small number of Florians and Corians are killed and injured.
Fighting near the Xhusor Border
Damage on the Xhusor Border wall
  • 20th July- A mass bombing kills 7,000 Xhusorians in the Xhusorian capital.


  • August 1st 2017 - Mass attack on Xhusor. significant number of casualties. The XLA surrender and talks about special autonomy begin.