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Vüqar Rugahi

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Vüqar Rugahi
Vuqar rugahi.png
Szodan of Benacia
In office
11.V.1683 – 12.I.1694 AN
Chief of the
General Staff
Herlot bi Merensk
Preceded by Jeremiah Avon-El
Succeeded by Jeremiah Avon-El
Born 1643, Classified
Political Party Nationalist & Humanist Party
Profession Military officer

Vüqar Rugahi (born 6.IX.1634) was the Szodan of Benacia and Commander-in-Chief of Benacia Command between 11.V.1683 and 12.I.1694. The legitimacy of his rule was greatly enhanced by his victory over Kalgachia in the Inner Benacian Conflict and the subsequent diplomatic victory represented by the Treaty of Gloomburg which established the hegemony of the UGB over Inner Benacia. The prestige, thus acquired, was sufficient to ward off repeated attempts by the Avon-El family to regain the Szodanship in the years after 1684. In spite of this, Vüqar was unable to avert the 1691 coup by which Jeremiah Avon-El was able to gain control of the Central Banner Group of Benacia Command, nor prevent the further outbreak of factional in-fighting which would see Jeremiah restored to power in 1694. Permitted to depart into exile in Sanama under the guise of a legatine commission in Sanama City.

In 1696, he was patriated to the Imperial State of Constancia, granted dual-nationality, and appointed Civil Administrator of the Ecclesiastical Mountain Republic and concurrent Vice Chairman of the Eklesia Copper Corporation. Raised to the Imperial Senate in 1700.

Acquiesced to petitions to retire due to his old age and failing health effective 1.V.1735, retaining the sinecure post of Chairman of the Eklesia Copper Corporation.

Acknowledged paternity of Russel Rugahi (born 1702), Frederick Rugahi (born 1704), and Tanya Rugahi (born 1711) by various women.

Fell into a coma, 13.XV.1737.
