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Shiro-Sathrati Expeditionary Force

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Shiro-Sathrati Expeditionary ForcePart of the Imperial Forces
Shire flag.png
Allegiance: Shireroth Shireroth
Active: 1731 AN - Present
Notable Commanding Officer: Lucas Brutun, Master of Soldiers
  • Takeshi Yomoto, Tribune (Broad Grade), Field Officer of the Mirioth Invasion Force
  • Quinten Agrip, Tribune (Broad Grade), Field Officer of the Amity Invasion Force
  • Septimus Maxim, Tribune (Broad Grade), Field Officer of the Yardistan Invasion Force
Size: Apr. 452,519 manpower (active personnel)

19 Divisions

The Shiro-Sathrati Expeditionary Force (SSEF) was a major contingent of the Imperial Forces of Shireroth during the Sathrati Emergency, coordinated under the Department of MASS. This force was specifically established to execute the largest naval and logistical invasion in Shirerithian history, aimed at liberating the Emirate of Sathrati through Operation Thuylemans' Wave. The expedition was bolstered by the Imperial Shirerithian Air Forces, which provided critical air support. Prior to its deployment, the SSEF underwent an extensive period of preparation, involving the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, the relocation of military equipment, and the expansion of key ports including Raynor Point, Lichport, Musika, and Solaris. The bulk of the professional troops came from the Departments of Gaudin, Confluence and Isen, while the Eastern Dominions heavily expanded the weapon programs and key industrial complexes to provide sufficient goods to the frontline.

Formation and Operations

The SSEF was activated in 1731 AN following the pivotal victory at Zy-Rodun, partly contributed to Shiro-Batavian Tribune (Mid Grade) Mark Konincksberg. By early 1733 AN, the force was meant to successfully execute landings and liberate the Isles of Mirioth, Amity, and Yardistan. The expeditionary force consisted of a mix of reservists and professional soldiers. The Dominions' economy was pushed to its limits by draconian measures to make the operation a success. The bulk of the industrial material came from the Dominions of Greater Kildare, where questionable working conditions and long hours combined with a population surplus made the opening and expansion of the factories possible.

Preparations and Mobilization

From late 1731 to 1733 AN, the focus was on rigorous preparations. This included the training of personnel and the establishment of a naval blockade designed to weaken resistance and disrupt communications among Sathrati rebels.

Economic Mobilization

The preparations for the invasion required unprecedented economic mobilization:

Shipyard Labour Force:

  • Over 250,000 skilled shipbuilders and trades workers were employed.
  • Approximately 10% of auxiliaries were drafted into shipyards.
  • Tens of thousands of conscripted unskilled civilian laborers supplemented the workforce.
  • Workers were reallocated from other manufacturing sectors.
  • The production process operated on two 10-hour shift cycles to maintain round-the-clock production.

Raw Material Mobilization:

  • Over 5 million tons of steel were required for hull construction, representing at least 25% of the annual steel output of a major industrial power.
  • 15 million board-feet of lumber were used for hulls, decking, and installations, sourced from national forests and reserves.
  • Large quantities of coal, piping, wiring, steam engines, and auxiliary components were also mobilized.

Production Facilities:

  • Over 100 coastal shipyards in the Duchy of Modan and So-Sara operated at emergency capacity.
  • New slipways, drydocks, and workshops were constructed within months.
  • Rail networks were upgraded to transport material stocks to shipyards.
  • Prefabricated components were moved from inland factories on a crash basis.

Logistics & Manpower:

  • A workforce of over 400,000 needed to be fed and housed in shipyard towns.
  • Whole sectors of the merchant marine were retasked for supply chain conveyancing.
  • Tens of thousands of dockworkers, mechanics, and riggers were mobilized.
  • A mass call-up of civilian mariners and naval reserves was initiated to crew the ships.

Management & Oversight:

  • Centralized authority controlled design, costs, labor, and material flows.
  • Production quotas were met through martial enforcement, utilizing forced and conscripted labor sources.
  • Quality and safety protocols were often compromised due to the rushed timeframe.

The Auxiliary Armada

An auxiliary armada of unprecedented scale was assembled, combining requisitioned commercial vessels and scratch-built small craft. The armada comprised over 8,600 vessels with a total gross tonnage of nearly 10 million tons. The fleet included:

Vessel Type Quantity Gross Tonnage (each) Personnel Carried Stores/Cargo Carried
Gunboat-Barges 1,000 150 tons 50 troops Light Artillery
Horse Transports 2,000 60 tons - 30 horses
Small Landing Craft 2,000 20 tons 30 troops Light Supplies
Artillery Barges 200 300 tons 30 crew Heavy Artillery
Gunboats 100 400 tons 60 crew Medium Artillery
Pioneer Ferries 1,000 1,500 tons 200 troops 30 Tanks/Vehicles
Marine Barges 630 500 tons 120 troops 6 Light Tanks
Assault Boats 3,000 20 tons 30 troops Light Supplies
Artillery Lighters 250 150 tons 15 crew Light Artillery
Troopships 200 7,500 tons 1,500 troops -
Cargo/Supply Ships 130 3,000 tons 50 crew 3,000 tons stores
Hospital Ships 25 6,000 tons 500 medical staff 1,000 casualties
Auxiliaries/Lighters 70 100 tons 10 crew 100 tons supplies

This fleet could transport an initial assault force of over 450,000 troops, 2,000 horses, 1,200 armored vehicles/tanks, and 1,500 artillery pieces. The logistics included over 2.5 million tons of ammunition, construction materials, fuel, food, and other stores. Over 100 hospital ships were prepared to evacuate up to 25,000 casualties from the beachheads. Additionally, 1,550 gunboats, artillery barges, and coastal defense craft provided offshore fire support.

Strategic Planning and Operation Thuylemans' Wave

The Shiro-Sathrati Expeditionary Force (SSEF) faced two possible scenarios for their campaign against the Emirate of Sathrati. The first scenario involved an island-hopping strategy, which was strategically favored due to its focus on concentrating material and deploying the best troops progressively. This approach was expected to methodically dismantle the rebel strongholds one by one.

The second scenario, which called for a simultaneous assault on the three main islands, was favored by the political elite. This strategy aimed for a quick and decisive victory to mitigate the emerging threat from the Benacian Union in the north. There were also concerns that a slower, more methodical approach would drive the rebels on the remaining islands to entrench themselves further, leading to even greater resistance.

Despite the strategic advantages of the gradual approach, it was ultimately not chosen. The political pressure for a swift victory led to the approval of the simultaneous assault. This plan, named Operation Thuyleman's Wave, was finally sanctioned and launched on 2.01.1733.

Strategic Air Campaign: Prelude to Operation Thuylemans' Wave

Two months prior to the full-scale invasion of Mirioth, Amity, and Yardistan, the Shirerithian Imperial Air Forces initiated an intense strategic air campaign designed to cripple the Sathrati's ability to resist the impending assault. This campaign, codenamed Operation Thunderbird, aimed to achieve air superiority, disrupt enemy logistics, and destroy critical infrastructure.

Shirerithian Divisions and Material Used in the Invasion

Invasion of Mirioth


Mirioth will be moderately difficult to invade due to its balanced defenses and significant militia support.

  • Moderate resistance from the 10th Armoured Cavalry Division and the 11th Light Infantry Division.
  • 75,469 unorganised militia spread across the island.
  • Support from the 2nd Squadron, 7th (Air Support) Division, and the HAC Air Component.

Around 123,348 military personnel.

Division Strength Ships Aircraft
1st Gaudin Auxiliary Division 32,214 soldiers Support:
  • 200 Gunboat-Barges
  • 400 Small Landing Craft
  • 40 Artillery Barges
  • 20 Gunboats
  • 300 Pioneer Ferries
  • 200 Marine Barges
  • 1,000 Assault Boats
  • 50 Troopships
  • 50 Cargo/Supply Ships
  • 10 Hospital Ships

50x F-9 Ashavan II 10x F-17 Axarana 70x Raven IV Model 32x SAC J39 „Fliegender Griffin“

Bombers: 6x Sisera S-88 Troop transport: 32x GAV-4(U) Jackalope

7th Gaudin Auxiliary Division 31,965 soldiers
12th Eastern Auxiliary Division 26,432 soldiers
21th Eastern Auxiliary Division 29,523 soldiers
2nd Shirerithian Airborne Division 3,214 soldiers

Invasion of Amity


Amity presents the greatest challenge due to its strong defensive positions, heavy armored presence, and numerous militia forces.

  • Strong resistance expected from the 9th Armoured Cavalry Division and the 12th Light Infantry Division.
  • High concentration of militia (92,898 unorganised fighters) and extensive fortifications in key locations.
  • Air support from 1st Squadron, 7th (Air Support) Division, and the HAC Air Component.

Around 188,234 military personnel.

Division Strength Ships Aircraft
10th Confluence Auxiliary Division 28,749 soldiers Support:
  • 300 Gunboat-Barges
  • 400 Small Landing Craft
  • 60 Artillery Barges
  • 40 Gunboats
  • 350 Pioneer Ferries
  • 200 Marine Barges
  • 1,000 Assault Boats
  • 70 Troopships
  • 60 Cargo/Supply Ships
  • 15 Hospital Ships

170x Sokoku Spiteful 70x Yaddith-1 Class Fighter

Bombers: 9x Sisera S-88 Troop transport: 91x GAV-4(U) Jackalope

9th Gaudin Auxiliary Division 27,954 soldiers
7th Confluence Auxiliary Division 24,054 soldiers
3rd Guttuli Auxiliary Division 23,689 soldiers
4th Isen Auxiliary Division 25,855 soldiers
5th Isen Auxiliary Division 26,332 soldiers
10th Guttuli Auxiliary Division 25,812 soldiers
Luchtmobiele Brigade 5,789 soldiers

Invasion of Yardistan


Yardistan will be the second most difficult to invade due to the islan's size, its complex and extensive defenses, high number of organized and unorganized forces, and substantial air and naval support.

  • The most complex defense with multiple divisions, including the 1st Area Defense Division, 2nd and 3rd Armoured Cavalry Divisions, and the 4th and 5th Light Infantry Divisions.
  • High number of unorganized militia (84,183 fighters).
  • Strong air and naval support from multiple squadrons and flotillas.

Around 140,937 military personnel.

Division Strength Ships Aircraft
9th Isen Auxiliary Division 31,201 soldiers Support:
  • 500 Gunboat-Barges
  • 400 Small Landing Craft
  • 100 Artillery Barges
  • 40 Gunboats
  • 400 Pioneer Ferries
  • 230 Marine Barges
  • 1,000 Assault Boats
  • 80 Troopships
  • 70 Cargo/Supply Ships
  • 20 Hospital Ships

105x Sokoku Spiteful 34x Yaddith-1 Class Fighter

Bombers: 7x Novaya-Sabir Class Bomber Troop transport: 73x GAV-4(U) Jackalope

13th Isen Auxiliary Division 25,922 soldiers
15th Gaudin Auxiliary Division 26,433 soldiers
29th Eastern Auxiliary Division 24,566 soldiers
11th Guttuli Auxiliary Division 27,461 soldiers
3rd Shirerithian Airborne Division 5,354 soldiers


The assembly of such an extensive invasion armada demonstrated the immense maritime resources of the Imperial Republic. This undertaking highlighted the sheer scale and complexity of the logistical efforts required for a successful island-hopping campaign against Sathrati. The SSEF's achievements underscored the strategic and operational prowess of Shireroth's military forces during this pivotal period.