Servizio Ausiliario Nazionalista e Umanista
Established in the eleventh month of 1733 AN, the Servizio Ausiliario Nazionalista e Umanista is an auxiliary paramilitary force subordinated to the Vanguard Division of the N&H National Sector Party of the Unified Governorates of Benacia. Garrisoned at Buccisi on Florencia, the "auxiliary service" seems to recruit subjects of Cisamarrese, Florencian, and Tellian ancestry, particularly those with familial ties to exiled Humanists from Cisamarra, Sanama, and Tellia. Initially there were no-more than fifty-two volunteers for the outfit, swept up by officers of the Magisters-Carnifex from various displaced persons camps and goals throughout the Union-State.
As with similar "exile legions" established within the Benacian Union during the 1730s, the suspicion remains that the auxiliary service was established as a propaganda formation, and that its actual combat or political role would be negligible at most.