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Official language | English, Russian |
Capital | Noviykraznograd |
Largest cities | Kovalenkograd, Marxia, Novoleningrad |
Website | People's Daily Star |
Forum | defunct |
Wiki | none |
Number of citizens | 5 |
Number of active citizens | 0 (Inactive) |
Date founded | April 6th 2004 |
Government | One-Party Socialist State |
Current leader | Comrade Chairman Fidel Nico |
Currency | unknown |
National animal | unknown |
National fruit/food | unknown |
National drink | unknown |
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Map versions | 6.6.9 - 6.7.1 |
The Republic of Noviykrazniystan (formerly the Soviet Republic of Arkania) also called Noviykrasnystan, was a Soviet-themed micronation that had several incarnations. It was founded by Fidel Nico, aka William Jesmer (formerly a citizen of Pacary, Baracão, Menelmacar and Tymaria), in 2004. This was after the period of success experienced by the People's Republic of the New Soviet Empire (PRNSE) and the Red Antilles and was never quite as popular as Baracão or Novaya Zemlya; but it nonetheless managed to keep itself alive for a fair amount of time. It was most remembered for being part of a large Soviet bloc that established itself on Micras and, at one time, nearly surpassed other forms of government. The Soviets were contested primarily by a monarchist bloc consisting of Babkha, Shireroth, and Alexandria (then known as Madland). After the collapse of Baracão, the Soviet bloc started to disintegrate and Noviykrazniystan passed into the pages of history. An interesting footnote in the history of this short Soviet sector on Micras was the attempted Noviykrazniystani-Baracoan merger, which Scott Alexander briefly mentions in his work Microscope:
When Baracaoan chairman Antonio Vitores Ramon went on a vacation, he left the country in Nico’s hands. Because Nico was friendly with the Politikans, and began his term by unbanning some old Politikan criminals from Baracao’s forum, Baracaoan administrator Cguan Guerrero (previously Uncle Damn) launched a coup to kick him out of power. The whole affair was only solved by Ramon’s return, and left Baracao in such a bad position that they voted to merge into Noviykrazniystan. The Baracao-Novikrazniystani merger failed miserably, and Baracao left in September and disbanded a month later. Novikraznistan did not survive long afterwards either.
Noviykrazniystan's name was derived from the Russian for "new red land", in a possible homage to the PRNSE, known as the 'old red land', thereby hinting at Nico's intention for his new nation to be a successor state. The length and complexity of this name led to its unfortunate nickname as Novikraznolongnamecommieland. The Republic controlled the entirety of the continent of Corum, then known as Lesser Eura. Regions included Krasniystan, Krasnaya Zvyezda, Arkania, Dubcekistan, Cuba Nueva, Mistiklal, and Ostrov Bolshevik.