Monovian Royal Army
The Monovian Royal Army, or the Armée Royale de Monovia was an army deployed by Monovian nationalists in the Ludwiggian-Monovian War, and the Second Ludwiggian-Monovian War. The army was established by the pretender-king Elonzo XII after Monovian nationalist militants were successful in driving Craitish troops out of Zandarijn in 1699 during the Sack of Hamstadt. The army was defeated by the Republic of Sankt Ludwigshafen during the First Ludwiggian-Monovian War, which raged from 1702 to 1705, but reformed itself and attacked the republic again in 1707 to continue hostilities with during the Second Ludwiggian-Monovian War.
Recruiting new soldiers from the disgruntled inhabitants of the South Cibolan Green, the Monovian Royal Army employs guerrilla tactics and often displays gruesome brutality, such as in the destruction of Sankt Elonzo during the Second Ludwiggian-Monovian War.
The Monovian Royal Army has the objective to restore the old Monovian Kingdom, and wishes to conquer its old territory which is partly in the Green, in the Grand Duchy of Etzeland, the Principality of Whales and the Republic of Sankt Ludwigshafen, and formerly the Craitish dominion of Zandarijn.