Klaasoft Funding and Prosperity Act

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The Act

Title 1: General provisions

  1. The Klaasoft Corporation is public-private business entity registered under Klaasiyan law.
  2. The Klaasoft Corporation may acquire, control, or invest in any other business entities subject to a two-thirds majority of its Board of Governance.
  3. The Board of Governance shall oversee the management and major decisions of the Klaasoft Corporation.
  4. The Board of Governance shall consist of:
    1. a Chair, appointed by the President.
    2. a Vice Chair, appointed by the Minister of the Exchequer of the Imperial Bank, or another official operating on behalf of the Imperial Bank
    3. One member appointed by an official operating on behalf of the St. Andre Trading Company
  5. In the absence or refusal of an appointment of the Board of Governance, the Senate shall appoint interim office holders to carry the Board's functions.
  6. The day-to-day operations of the Klaasoft Corporation shall be administered by its Chief Operating Officer, and any such inferior officers as he or she may appoint.

Title 2: Business activities

  1. The Klaasoft Corporation shall create, develop, distribute and re-distribute hardware and software products and services.
  2. The Klaasoft Corporation shall be headquartered at Borders Bay.
  3. The Klaasoft Corporation shall have a secondary headquarters at Lindstöm City.
  4. The Klaasoft Corporation may have any other such offices as the Board of Governance may decide.
  5. The Klaasoft Corporation may be commissioned by the President, the National Assembly, the Senate, the Emperor or the Frenzy to produce products and services at cost value price.
    1. The President may waive such requirement by approving a petition by the Board of Governance.
  6. From time to time, the Klaasoft Corporation shall produce analyses on the hardware and software security of Klaasiya and the Empire. Demesnes may be offered such analyses as a paid service.

Title 3: Funding

  1. The equity of the Klaasoft Corporation shall consist of a publicly owned part and a privately owned part.
  2. The publicly owned part of the Klaasoft Corporation may not exceed 33% at any given time, except in a time-limited response to an emergency.
  3. The publicly owned part of the Klaasoft Corporation shall be held in the name of Klaasiya.
  4. The Board of Governance may establish the rules, procedures and criteria required to purchase private shares of the corporation. Such rules, procedures and criteria may not be altered retroactively, except with the approval of the President.

Title 4: Ethics

  1. The Board of Governance shall approve and maintain a code of ethics that applies to all employees, and the Board itself.
  2. The President may annul the code of ethics, in which case the Board shall draft a new code.
  3. The Klaasoft Corporation shall disclose publicly any activities that may be of public interest, except when doing so would infringe on the rights and liberties of the people involved.
  4. The President may from time to time require the Board to present documents for the purposes of inspecting the economic and financial wellbeing of the corporation.

Title 5: Patent & property rights

  1. Any scientific, technological or business invention developed by the Klaasoft Corporation shall be patented as the exclusive ownership of the corporation for a period of 24 years.
  2. In instances where the period shall be deemed insufficient by the Board of Governance, it may petition the President for an extension of up to 12 more years.
  3. Infringment upon the patent and property rights committed within Klaasiyan jurisdiction shall be punishable with a fine of between 3 and 10 times the costs caused.
  4. Infringment upon the patent and property rights committed outside Klaasiyan jurisdiction shall be adjudicated according to imperial law. In such case, the President and the Klaasoft Corporation shall jointly form the plaintiffs.
    1. Any expenses inccurred in such case shall be split evenly between the Presidency and the Klaasoft Corporation.

Legislative history

National Assembly

Committee process

On 8 Tasnember 1694 AN, the National Assembly passed a motion by a 71-21 vote to grant Chair Glen Penhela authority to appoint a committee to draft the Klaasoft Funding and Prosperity Act. On the same day, the Assembly Chair appointed the Committee's 7 committe members from among the National Assembly membership. On 12 Liebluary 1695 AN, the Committee voted 6-1 to proceed with the first draft of the bill, presented by Chair Angela Novaistorya and co-written by herself and Vice Chair Lily Inkwell. The sole opposing member, Workers' Parties United's Theodor Llamaan, opposed the draft for allowing a majority private ownership of the corporation.

On 14 Regnuary 1742 AN, at the committee's second sitting, Orah Drag introduced an amendment to insert "Title 5: Patent & property rights" on behalf of the Nationalist & Humanist Party. The amendment was accepted unanimously.

The following month, on 5 Blumuar 1695, Committee Chair Angela Novaistorya moved to approve the bill and send it to the full National Assembly for a vote. Her motion passed by a 6-1 vote.

Party Committee member Committee assignment Introduction vote Amendment 1: Title 5 Final vote
FJBP logo.png Angela Novaistorya Angela Novaistorya.jpg Chair YES YES YES
Democratic Party Lily Inkwell Lily Inkwell 2.jpg Vice Chair YES YES YES
FJBP logo.png Saan Bathaalf Saan Bathaalf.jpg Member YES YES YES
FJBP logo.png Harry Griffaan Harry Griffaan.jpg Member YES YES YES
Democratic Party Elena Rekordia Elena Rekordia.jpg Member YES YES YES
Nationalist & Humanist Party flag.png Orah Drag Orah Drag.jpg Member YES YES YES
WPU Theodor Llamaan Theodor Llamaan.jpg Member NO YES NO

National Assembly passage

Following the committee passage of the Bill, the Chair of the National Assembly, Glen Penhela, scheduled a vote on the floor of the Assembly two days later. On 7 Blumuar 1695, the National Assembly voted 69-21 with cross-party support to pass the bill, sending it off to the Senate.


The Senate held a full-day hearing and review of the Bill, in which Senator Angela Fletcher, of the Nationalist & Humanist Party, voiced concerns regarding the State's ownership role of the Klaasoft Corporation, and objected to the Presidential mandate to reject the corporation's Code of Ethics. Later that day, the Senate passed the bill by on a 8-1 vote, with Senator Fletcher as the sole opposing member.


President Geroika Sunoak signified her support for the Bill at its initial introduction in the National Assembly committee, confirming her intention not to veto the Act if it were to pass through the legislature.