Chryse Chronicle/1731

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Valiant Sathrati Defence Continues Despite Imperial Aggression

Sathrati loyalist forces dig in for the next Imperial attack
  • Sathrati's brave defenders continue to hold out against the illegal Shirerithian invasion
  • Imperial forces resorted to brute force to seize Zy-Rodun after honourable Sathrati troops refused demands
  • Survivors of the heroic United Free Company still roam Zy-Rodun's jungles
  • The Imperium has implemented a cowardly naval blockade to starve the loyal Council of Sathrati

Novi Nigrad, Sathrati -- Despite the temporary setback on Zy-Rodun, Sathrati's valiant defenders refuse to submit to unjust Imperial demands. The Island fell only after brutal military force was used by Shirerithian troops bolstered by Batavian mercenaries. However, the spirit of resistance remains unbroken, with survivors of the heroic United Free Company vowing to continue the struggle from the jungles. Emboldened by their unacceptable actions, the Imperial forces have now implemented a cowardly naval blockade of Sathrati's remaining islands in an attempt to force the Council into submission through starvation. Dispersed in fortified defensive positions, the loyal Sathrati forces await further attacks, determined to protect their noble Protocols of Erudition.

Sathrati Prevails Despite Vicious Imperial Bombardment

The aftermath of the Imperial bombardment at Novi Nigrad International Airport
  • Shirerithian warships shamelessly bombarded civilian facilities in Novi Nigrad
  • The bombardment targeted Novi Nigrad International Airport in a craven act
  • The cowardly bombardment failed to cow Sathrati's resilient and courageous defenders
  • Dispersed across fortified positions, loyal Sathrati troops await further futile Imperial attacks
  • The heroic Sathrati Vanguard Corps continues to defy the invasion on every front

Novi Nigrad, Sathrati -- Exhibiting their criminal disregard for rules of war, Shirerithian naval forces have launched a wanton bombardment of civilian targets in Novi Nigrad, including the international airport. However, this craven act of destruction merely highlighted the boundless resilience of Sathrati's defenders, who refused to be cowed. Having dispersed to fortified positions across the islands, the loyal Council's forces await further attacks from the Imperial aggressors with grim resolve. The bombardment particularly failed to break the spirit of the heroic Sathrati Vanguard Corps, whose members continue defying the invasion at every turn.

Benacian Cyber-Strike Targets Shirerithian Commander

The elite cyber-warfare divisions of Benacia Command
  • Benacian cyber-units leaked damaging details about a high-ranking Shirerithian officer
  • The target played a key role in the unwarranted capture of Zy-Rodun from Sathrati
  • The leak exposed the officer's depraved personal conduct on global networks
  • It demonstrates consequences Shireroth faces for aggression against Sathrati
  • The strike has caused dismay and demoralisation within Imperial ranks

Chryse, Benacian Union -- In a surgical counterstrike, the cyber-warfare units of Benacia Command have unleashed a devastating personal scandal onto a high-ranking Shirerithian officer involved in the illegal invasion of Sathrati. Just days after playing a prominent part in the capture of Zy-Rodun, the target's sordid secrets have been comprehensively laid bare through a meticulously executed leak onto global data networks. With the Benacian Union firmly backing Sathrati's sovereignty, as outlined in the Articles of Just Secession, against unwarranted aggression, this strike clearly demonstrates the consequences the Imperium can expect for their belligerent actions. "The depraved heretics would do well to recall our unmatched cyber-capabilities before provoking us further," warned Panopticon Commissioner Tenia Zuderson. The uncompromising response has sparked crisis within Shirerithian ranks, delivering a humbling lesson about the perils of the Union-State's wrath.



Legions, divisions, move towards frontier

Medium tanks of the BUDF on the road, mobilisation order potentially imminent

Chryse, Benacian Union --

Temporary travel restrictions announced for Meritorious Subjects

  • As a temporary measure, all exit visas for Meritorious Subjects below the grades of the Illustrious have been cancelled will immediate effect.
  • Changes made by the External Service of the Benacian Union at the request of the Commission for War.
  • International travel requests must henceforth be endorsed by the Commission for War prior to review by the Benacian Censorate.
  • Meritorious Subjects are reminded to remain available for data verification by Censorate. Contact may occur at any time.
  • Some restrictions on access to financial transfers, data brokerage may be expected in the days ahead.
  • Restrictions will not affect Raspur Pact nationals while international airspace remains open and safe

Chryse, Benacian Union --