Benacian Relief and Works Agency
The Benacian Relief and Works Agency, established in 1728 AN, is a charitable public organisation of the Benacian Union formed through a partnership between the Benacian Labour Reserve, the Chamber of Guilds and Corporations, and the Red Orchid Society. The primary purpose of the organisation, from its inception, was to address the temporary structural phenomena of meritorious subjects in Elluenuueq being degraded to the status of protected persons by cull commissions, or else earmarked for resettlement away from their bailiwicks of residence, variously on account of shortages of food, work, or sufficient habitation units. The majority of displaced persons originated within the Governorate of Nordland where locally agricultural surpluses and centrally allocated rations were proving insufficient for population levels that were creeping back upwards in the decades following the Scouring. The Governorate of Alalehzamin meanwhile had adopted the stance of refusing subject transfers out of Nordland, even where those seeking to move possessed valid internal passports and were attempting to migrate in order to fill guild approved vacancies advertised via the labour exchange network, on account of underinvestment in housing construction, particularly around Ardashirshahr, dating back to the reign of Adam al-Osman in Elluenuueq. Attempts to address local imbalances had been fatally hampered by the habit of the Civil Executive in Elluenuueq to treat even implied criticism of the lack of allocation of resources to the housing sector and the rationing system within the realm as acts of sedition to be referred to the Magisters-Carnifex.
Accordingly the Benacian Relief and Works Agency was established by the previously mentioned interested parties as a way to address the issue of internally displaced without offending the sensibilities of the local authorities.
Amongst the other activities of the agency, one of its most notable accomplishments would be the resettlement of 2.5 million displaced persons from Nordland within the Sovereign Confederation during the period of 1728 AN to 1730 AN.