Benacia Command/Directives
D1: Information Technology
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Text |
- | - | - | - | - |
D2: Logistics
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Text |
1673.III.09 | 1673_D2_001 |
Rationing | With effect from 01.IV.1673 rationing of essential foodstuffs and strategic materials to be introduced in the Unified Governorates.
Rationing of foodstuffs will be implemented in tiers:
Schedule I listing foodstuffs controlled for rationing purposes appended to directive. Fish, potatoes, and vegetables will remain outside of purview of rationing for so long as commercially viable stocks remain available. Penalties for violations of directive appended as Schedule II. |
1675.VII.10 | 1675_D2_001 |
Rothaven Container Port | Kerularios & Company granted a licence to operate the container port at Rothaven in Lachmeren for five years from date of commencement. Fee set at a 4% flat rate tariff levied on all goods transiting the port. Stringent reminders attend that a licence to operate a commercial port in no way entails the right to establish an independent security service, levy tolls, or appoint governors. |
D3: Manpower
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Text |
1672.XIV.24 | 1672_D3_001 |
Recruitment | Severnaya Gubernya (formerly Republic of Mishalan) to provide contribution of 67,200 volunteers at the expense of the Governorate, to serve for a period of twelve years in the service of the Black Legions. |
1672.XV.29 | 1672_D3_002 |
Labour Service – Rothaven | All carpenters, shipwrights, metal workers, and maritime engineers by profession, not presently engaged in the active service of Benacia Command, the Black Legions, or the ESB Group, shall, unless they can present a letter of exemption signed by a magister and counter-signed by the Governor of their Governorate of residence, be recruited to provide fifteen months of service commencing from the 15th day of the first month of 1673. The Circuit of Benacia, along with its subordinate Governorates, shall be responsible for the identification of the aforementioned persons. The General Inspectorate shall have responsibility for collecting those persons selected for Labour Service, their registration and training, and their conveyance hence to the port of Rothaven. Central Banner Group of Benacia Command shall have responsibility for the construction of their places of habitation and for all matters pertaining to their security therein. The Maritime Forces of the Black Legions shall have responsibility for the construction of their places of work and for all matters pertaining to the security of the site and the workforce housed therein. |
1673.III.11 | 1673_D3_001 |
Regulation of Sports | All sporting activities, whether by individuals, groups of individuals in free association, or incorporated entities, shall come under the purview and authority of the Directorate of Manpower. A Bureau of Sports, subordinate to the Directorate of Manpower, shall be established for this purpose. The Bureau's controlling council shall comprise of a Deputy-Director for Sport, appointed by the Director of Manpower, joined by two Assistant Deputy-Directors appointed by the Commissioner of Services and the Arandur of the Nationalist & Humanist Party respectively. All matters pertaining to the supervision of sporting matters shall be delegated to the Bureau of Sport - which shall enjoy complete autonomy in this regard. The Bureau of Sport may draw funds and personnel from Benacia Command, the Civil Executive, and the Nationalist & Humanist Party, subject to the oversight of the Board of the General Staff. |
1686.IX.14 | 1686_D3_001 |
Register of Rehabilitated Persons, limitations on employment | Any person convicted of an offence resulting assignment to the Biological Remediation Service, or who is registered as a resident of a paradise district, or who has refused or abjured the Covenant, or who has at any time been initiated into the Guild of the Lotus, shall be prohibited absolutely from enlisting in the Black Legions or any of its ancillary agencies, from employment with the Civil Executive or any of its ancillary agencies, or from employment in any form by Circuit, Governorate, or Bailiwick authorities. A register shall be kept of such persons by the Bureau of Reeducation & Rehabilitation Services. This register shall be circulated to all corporations operating within the Unified Governorates by the Bureau of Reeducation & Rehabilitation Services for their information and awareness. |
D4: Planning
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Text |
1672.XIII.05 | 1672_D4_001 |
Fall Hengist | Deployment of forces for the undertaking of securing Mishalan against bandits and lawlessness. |
1672.XV.29 | 1672_D4_002 |
Fall Marinell | Maritime Forces (Rothaven) to construct and launch x560 vessels of uniform dimensions (length 57 m x beam 15.80 m x draught 8.76 m) utilising non-strategic materials, namely wood, with quantities of aluminium, copper, and steel utilised to be kept to an absolute minimum. Vessels to be constructed to house four-Stroke Marine Diesel Engine System and fuel for 2,500 km of independent sailing without refuelling. Vessels to require no more than forty persons to operate and to be capable of carrying a complement of one-hundred and twenty persons plus stores. All work in this regard to be completed by no later than the fifteenth month of 1673. |
D5: Operations
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Text |
1672.XIII.05 | 1672_D5_001 |
Unternehmen Horsa | Deployment of forces for the undertaking of securing Mishalan against bandits and lawlessness. |
1684.XII.02 | 1684_D5_001 |
Unternehmen Paukenschlag |
D6: Military Intelligence
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Text |
- | - | - | - | - |
D7: Political
Date | Reference | Applicability | Subject | Summary |
1671.XIV.12 | 1671_D7_004 |
Assertion of Right | All Natural Resources become the exclusive property of the Community of the Realm, administered by Benacia Command. |
1672.X.06 | 1672_D7_001 |
&zeter Dyes Company Licensed Operator | Doctor Johannes Dreesbach of Merensk is appointed Licensed Operator of the &zeter Dyes Company for the period of five years, inclusive of and commencing from the present date. A fee of 1,543,811 Natopian has been paid. The applicant had previously signed the Covenant of the Prince of Modan. |
1672.XII.08 | 1672_D7_002 |
Religious Observances | Eight-fold manifestations of the Highest Divinity defined, regulations on matters of obedience & faith, forming a Covenant between the Community of the Realm and the Unified Governorates of Benacia, non-enforcement of Imperial Decree 852. |
1672.XIV.23 | 1672_D7_003 |
Reorganisation of Governorates | With liberation of Southern Mishalan, and the capitulation of Imperial remnant in Central Banner Group area of operations, reorganisation of Unified Governorates of Benacia to be implemented in 1673. Governorates to be:
1672.XV.25 | 1672_D7_004 | Civil Executive | Ex officio rank of members | Unless, by virtue of service or appointment, they hold a superior rank in the Black Legions, executive members of the Civil Executive shall, effective upon the date of their appointment, receive the rank of Ahmst Bræþstranin (Senior Tribune) with all associated entitlements and obligations. |
1672.XV.32 | 1672_D7_005 |
Red Bear LLC into public ownership | With effect from this order, all properties, infrastructure, capital goods, finished goods, and intellectual property associated with the company known as Red Bear LLC, shall become the exclusive property of the Community of the Realm, administered by Benacia Command. The company shall be restructured as the Mishalan Arsenal and fully integrated into the Allied Production Matrix. |
1673.I.03 | 1673_D7_001 |
Recognised Guilds | Letters of Authority and Recognition have been granted to the following entities:
All entities and persons not presently engaged in the service of the Benacia Command, the Black Legions, or the Civil Executive of the Unified Governorates of Benacia, must register with one of the authorised guilds by the last day of the present year for be liable for compulsory service to the Civil Executive for a set term of five years. |
1673.I.04 | 1673_D7_002 |
Recognised Political Parties | With effect from the promulgation of the Directive, the following political parties are recognised and authorised to conduct activities in the public sphere:
The Directive will remain in effect until the promulgation of a new Charter of Coordination. |
1673.I.04 | 1673_D7_003 |
Suspension of Custodial / Capital Sentences – Biological Remediation Service | All persons found guilty of criminal offences by courts established in the Unified Governorates of Benacia shall have the tariff of their sentences of incarceration and or execution suspended in favour of a period of an equivalent duration in the Biological Remediation Service at the direction and discretion of the Commissioner of Works (Civil Executive).
The Biological Remediation Service is tasked with the eradication of all traces of Deep-Singer genetically modified biota in the following Governorates:
Unsatisfactory performance, including all attempts at evasion of work and or absconding, on the part of persons assigned to the Biological Remediation Service many result, at the discretion of the Commissioner of Works, in the return of the said individuals to the rehabilitation services to complete the full tariff of their original sentence. Where an individual who has been transferred to the Biological Remediation Service was previously sentenced to death, the sentence shall be held in abeyance for a period of twenty-five (25) years after which, unless the individual receives a letter of commendation and request for honourable discharge from the Commissioner of Works, the individual will be returned to the rehabilitation services for the completion of the original sentence. |
1674.IV.23 | 1674_D7_001 |
Treaty of Amity and Cooperation between Sanama and the UGB | "With immediate effect from the date of publication of this directive, the provisions contained within the articles of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation between the Democratic Federation of Sanama and the Unified Governorates of Benacia shall be held to be in effect and enjoy the full force of law. All agencies of the Territorial Administration Bureau and the Civil Executive are to ensure conformity with the provisions of the treaty across the entirety of the Unified Governorates of Benacia." |
1676.XIV.12 | 1676_D7_001 |
Coordination and Harmonisation of Marriage, and Reproductive Function in the Context of Societal Obligation | The Directive on Marriage, Reproductive Function, and Societal Obligation, constituted, in the main, of a re-statement of the core provisions of Imperial Decree 865 albeit one updated to take account of the changed circumstances of the modern era.
1678.XII.21 | 1678_D7_002 |
A New Issuance of the Covenant | The Covenant, an instrument first promulgated by the Prince of Modan in 1663 AN, was the means by which the very souls of the citizens of the Unified Governorates of Benacia were bound by blood and sacred oaths to the standards of the Black Legions. Following tradition, the Covenant is re-issued at the commencement of each new reign, locally upon the conquest of a new province, or else nationally upon the occasion of the commencement of a new tribulation. The conflict with the new empire of Francia and the level of mobilisation necessitated for Benacia to confront the northern interlopers constituted such an occasion whereupon the Command Executive felt justified in rededicating the people to the holy cause of Benacian unity and final victory. The Directive was notable both on account of maintaining the obligations towards the old Imperial Cult thus preserving, however notionally, the vestigial standing of the Kaisership, and also for discretely removing the last remnant of the once voluminous official strictures concerning the state-mandated persecution of Ketherism - thereby marking the definitive conclusion of the long process of detente with Kalgachia which had begun with the Slavegate Convention. |
1684.XII.02 | 1684_D5_001 |
Unternehmen Paukenschlag |
1687.V.02 | 1687_D5_001 |
Cannibalism and related matters |