1707 Eastern Natopian census

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The 1707 Eastern Natopian census was conducted across Eastern Natopia and counted all persons residing within the empire, their name, and their residence. Its population data was used to decide the number of seats assigned to the new demesnes of the eastern empire for the first session of the Frenzy of the Eastern Bovic Empire.

It was found that Eastern Natopia had a population of 186,781,020 inhabitants.

Demesne Population
Lindstrom 8,075,548
Ziegeland 28,111,086
Hazelwood 25,079,450
Sororiya 15,666,174
Universalis 9,861,255
Tas Neemia 45,079,960
Nova Alrodria 1,921,004
Northern Klaasiya 27,077,686
Egale 19,447,622
New Dracoheim 6,461,235
Total 186,781,020