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Treaty of Aran

From MicrasWiki
Revision as of 15:46, 6 July 2024 by Malliki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Sanama Article}}{{Calbion article}} The '''{{PAGENAME}}''' was signed on 20.III.1734 in the city of Aran, Cybwlach. The treaty enacted the peaceful transfer of sovereignty of Cybwlach from Calbion to Sanama, effective from 1.V.1734. It was signed by Governor-General Hugo Lewis-Dreicdyn on behalf of Calbion and President Qerelzhan Shagul on behalf of Sanama. The treaty also contains provisi...")
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The Treaty of Aran was signed on 20.III.1734 in the city of Aran, Cybwlach. The treaty enacted the peaceful transfer of sovereignty of Cybwlach from Calbion to Sanama, effective from 1.V.1734. It was signed by Governor-General Hugo Lewis-Dreicdyn on behalf of Calbion and President Qerelzhan Shagul on behalf of Sanama. The treaty also contains provisions regarding compensation for Calbain government property, the status of the Calbic language and other issues.