Obedience Cat

Obedience Cat, aka the Obedience Cat. Extradimensional lifeform. First identified and catalogued by Project 1653-005 on 03.X.1655. Recovered to secondary ESB closed facility 14.IV.1657 for study of cellular generation. Attained corporeal form after ingestion of biomass (x1 cat, x1 Jing PoW) 05.I.1658. Attempted breach of containment 07.I.1658. Clear up operation concluded by 15.I.1658. Memetic indoctrination capabilities studied 02.II.1658 – 24.XIV.1659. Test footage incorporated into influence operation supporting corporate partner in 1660 elections. Test results favourable. Study of the entity continued for several more years, interrupted by the Kalirion Fracture and measures by a specialist agency to secure the entity and renew the requisite containment measures. Others say that it's just a mysterious feline overlord who hails from the realm of Balgurd. This leaves many speculating whether it was birthed from Benacian experiments or (as claimed by the local gardener) emerged fully grown from an oversized catnip plant. Regardless, there's no denying that this fluffy dictator commands respect and loyalty among its followers, especially from poor old Mondo.
Held in a Benacian Union Defence Force facility in the Sovereign Confederation, from 1703 AN to 1716 AN, pending its potential sale to Mondo. With the alignment of Mondo to the Raspur Pact, following the signing of the Treaty of Fort Ermingander, the entity was transferred into the custody of Mondo at Fort Erimngander on 23.X.1716 AN.
Renowned for its hypnotic gaze capable of inducing immediate compliance, OC boasts an army of devoted minions eager to carry out its every whimsical command. From conquering neighboring pet beds to plundering entire bags of kibble, nothing stands in the way of this fearsome furball. This makes her one of the most dangerous adversaries of MOOD. Between naps, Obedience Cat easily crushes MAD under its fluffy paws.