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New Alexandrian general election, 1734/Meta

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< New Alexandrian general election, 1734
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New Alexandrian General Election, 1734
Previous Election: 1729 (Meta)

Federal Humanist (FHP) 1734 Campaign
Federal Consensus (FCP) 1734 Campaign
Democratic Socialists (DSP) 1734 Campaign
United for Alvelo (UfA) 1734 Campaign
Wakara People's Party (WPP) 1734 Campaign

This Meta wiki page serves as a comprehensive guide to participating in the 1734 general election. It provides details about the election process, key dates, and rules, as well as information on the participating political parties, their platforms, and their candidates.

  • Election Calendar - A detailed timetable outlining all major events, deadlines, and milestones, converted to various time zones for international reference.
  • Election Rules - A detailed overview of the do's and don'ts of New Alexandrian elections, especially for the one in 1734.
  • Participating Campaigns - A list of all the participating campaigns and their pages.
  • Voting and Ballot Information - Essential information about the ballot, including how to be eligible to vote, where to vote, and how to understand the ballot.
  • Server & Election Announcements - Carbon copies/crossposts of announcements by Administrators re: the 1734 election in the NAX Discord server.
  • Regional Political Ratings - Ratings on the political alignments of the Regions using a four-axis system, from -1.0 to +1.0 as follows: economic: -1.0 extreme left-wing/0.0 centrist/+1.0 extreme right-wing; social: -1.0 extreme liberal/0.0 moderate/+1.0 extreme conservative; geographic tendency: -1.0 urban / 0.0 neutral / +1.0 rural; cultural tendency: -1.0 extreme populist; 0.0 neutral; +1.0 elitist.
  • Post-Election Activities - Announcements about post-election affairs, government formation, etc.

For real-time discussions, announcements, and interactions, visit the associated Discord channels as specified in the Election Calendar.

Election Calendar

Election Rules

Below are the rules and guidelines for participants in the election process.

Campaign Grading Criteria

Your campaign will be evaluated on:

  • The quality and relevance of content on both the MicrasWiki campaign page and Discord.
  • Participation levels of registered party members across platforms.
  • Achievements and performance in the previous legislative session.
  • Clarity and relevance of the campaign message within the context of Nouvelle Alexandrie and Micras lore.

Rules of Campaigning

To ensure a fair and effective campaign, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Message Length: Keep messages clear and concise.
  • Editing: Do not edit messages once posted on Discord.
  • Graphics: Use relevant and appropriate graphics to support your campaign.
  • Document Sharing: Share documents via MicrasWiki or as PDFs.
  • Campaign Events: Host any number of campaign events.
  • Speech Reuse: Speeches may be reused, but limit this to twice per election.
  • Communication: Direct election inquiries to the #support-ticket channel, not via DM to Administrators.

Expectations from an Election Campaign

Successful campaigns should include:

Election System Overview

The Federal Assembly, our legislative body, consists of 689 Deputies elected proportionally from the Federation's 12 Regions.

Election Mechanics

  • Activity and Campaigning (60%): This score is based on your active participation and campaigning efforts, including discussions, debates, proposed legislation, and overall engagement on Discord and MicrasWiki.
  • Server Votes (40%): Direct votes from Nouvelle Alexandrie citizens, cast on our Discord server during the election period.
Final Score = (Party's Activity Score × 0.60) + (Party's Server Votes × 0.40)

The scale for the activity score of a participating party will be out of a total of 100 points, with each of the four categories (Party Statements, Bills and Policy, Government Activity and Legislative Debate Participation, and General Activity/Press Notability) contributing a maximum of 25 points each to the total activity score.

  • Party Statements: Rewards detailed, relevant, original, and unique statements made by party officials and penalizes inactivity or improper behavior.
  • Bills and Policy: Rewards development of bills and policies for debate and application in Nouvelle Alexandrie and penalizes inactivity, flawed or dishonest bills or policies, or improper behavior.
  • Government Activity and Legislative Debate Participation: Rewards extensive participation in legislative debates, votes, and morning speeches in the Cortes Federales. For parties in government, it rewards activity, executive or departmental orders, and regular reports and presence in the Cortes Federales. Penalizes inactivity, missed votes and debates, or improper behavior.
  • General Activity / Press Notability: Rewards extensive activity throughout the server, whether in-character or not, as well as regular in-character activity in the press and in the campaign trail. It penalizes inactivity, inconsistent allegiances or policies, and improper behavior.

The party with the highest vote total from the previous session starts with an advantage but does not guarantee a majority for the next term. Election outcomes determine the proportional seat allocation in each region.

Political alignments

Political alignments, of both Regions and political parties, are calculated using a four-axis system, from -1.0 to +1.0:

Axis -1.0 0.0 +1.0
Economic policy Left-wing Centrist Right-wing
Social policy Liberal Moderate Conservative
Geographic tendency Urban Neutral Rural
Cultural tendency Populistic Neutral Élitist

Determining political alignments

To determine your political party's alignment for the general election, follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Four-Axis System

The political alignment system is based on four axes, each ranging from -1.0 to +1.0:

  • Economic Policy: From left-wing (-1.0) through centrist (0.0) to right-wing (+1.0).
  • Social Policy: From liberal (-1.0) through moderate (0.0) to conservative (+1.0).
  • Geographic Tendency: From urban (-1.0) through neutral (0.0) to rural (+1.0).
  • Cultural Tendency: From populistic (-1.0) through neutral (0.0) to élite (élistist) (+1.0).
Step 2: Evaluate Your Party’s Policies
  • Economic Policy: Analyze your party's economic policies. Do they favor wealth redistribution, social programs, and regulation (left-wing), a balance between market freedom and social welfare (centrist), or free market policies, low taxation, and minimal regulation (right-wing)?
  • Social Policy: Consider your party's stance on social issues. Are they progressive, advocating for rights and freedoms (liberal), a mix of progressive and traditional values (moderate), or traditional, emphasizing family values and national heritage (conservative)?
  • Geographic Tendency: Determine where your party's support base or policies are focused. Do they prioritize urban development and issues (urban), have a balanced approach (neutral), or focus on rural communities and agriculture (rural)?
  • Cultural Tendency: Assess your party's cultural approach. Does it appeal to the common people and grassroots movements (populistic), have a balanced appeal (neutral), or cater to the elite and traditional institutions (élitist)?
Step 3: Assign Values to Each Axis

Based on your evaluation, assign a value to each axis that best represents your party's alignment. This should be a number between -1.0 and +1.0, where -1.0 represents the leftmost or most liberal/populistic/urban option, +1.0 represents the rightmost or most conservative/élitist/rural option, and 0.0 is neutral or centrist.

Step 4: Compile Your Party’s Political Alignment

Combine the values you've assigned for each axis to form your party's overall political alignment. This alignment will help you understand your party's position in the political landscape and communicate it effectively during the general election.


This example would be for a party that is moderately left on economic policies (-0.5), moderate on social policies (0.0), leans towards urban issues (-0.5), and is populistic (-1.0), your compiled alignment would look like this:

Economic Policy: -0.5
Social Policy: 0.0
Geographic Tendency: -0.5
Cultural Tendency: -1.0


Players can make endorsements based on specific policy issues or political parties. Non-politician characters who are also citizens of Nouvelle Alexandrie can endorse a political party, a specific policy in a party's manifesto, or a specific political candidate (regardless of party). Each endorsement will be classified in a tier, which is determined by the character's approval ratings. The endorsement tiers and their associated poll bumps are as follows:

  • Tier Three: Granted automatically to the person with the highest approval rating. Guaranteed national 1% poll bump.
  • Tier Two: Guaranteed national poll bump. Dice roll (1d10) to determine where it falls in the range of 0.5%-1.0%.
  • Tier One: Dice roll (1d10) to determine if there is a national poll bump or not. Poll bump will not be more than 0.5%.
  • Tier Zero: No endorsement power. I will conduct a dice roll (1d10) to determine if the endorsement will either help or hurt. No national poll bump, but there can be positive effects, determined by the Administrators.
Current Endorsement Power Standings
Rank Character Endorsement Power Poll Bump
1 Antonio Verini
Count of Punta Santiago
Tier Two Dice roll (1d10) to determine, range of 0.5%-1.0%.
2 Ethan Chevalier
Ambassador to Shireroth and former CEO of airImperial
Tier Two Dice roll (1d10) to determine, range of 0.5%-1.0%.
3 Iñigo
Duke of Santiago
Tier Three +1%
4 Rawa Vilca
Duke of Salcedo, Count of Choquequirao
Tier Three +1%
5 S.S Bucolos
Count of Narbonne
Tier Three +1%


Templates and Samples

Voting and Ballot Information


  • General Election Ballot (Citizens of Nouvelle Alexandrie only):

Participating Campaigns

Server & Election Announcements

Political Alignments

Political alignments, of both provinces and parties, are calculated using a four-axis system, from -1.0 to +1.0:

Axis -1.0 0.0 +1.0
Economic policy Left-wing Centrist Right-wing
Social policy Liberal Moderate Conservative
Geographic tendency Urban Neutral Rural
Cultural tendency Populistic Neutral Élitist



See also