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Sanctuary District (UGB)

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By General Order 001.1721, promulgated by the Civil Executive of the Unified Governorates of Benacia on 10.II.1721 AN, every bailiwick of the UGB was to establish a sanctuary district, where meritorious subjects who fall into destitution may relocate without fear of consequence and thereby receive shelter and sustenance without fear of reprisal, loss of guild affiliation, or re-categorisation by the Benacian Censorate.

Sanctuary districts are established so as to receive any meritorious subject who is incapable of preserving themselves through their own means, who is without gainful employment, and who has, through some temporary deficiency, been unable to secure work through application to the bailiwick's labour exchange. The creation of these districts was, of course, a demonstration of the munificent spirit of the ruling Civil Executive, rather than say a response to the social consequences of a failure to modernise the heavy industry and resource extraction orientated economy of the realm.

Subjects accepted into the sanctuary districts have an entitlement to one year's worth of shelter and sustenance at the public expense. During this time, the subjects are under obligation to accept whatever work assignments are allocated to them, including postings to locations elsewhere in the Union-State. Failure to adhere to this requirement, or else to have not returned to employment before the expiry of the year, shall result in the subject being immediately referred to the Cull Commission for appropriate administrative action.

Acceptance into the sanctuary districts is dependent upon subjects having bound themselves to the Union Covenant and having paid their mandatory dues to the relevant guilds up to the moment of their temporary embarrassment. No meritorious subject seeking access to a sanctuary district should have an unspent conviction, but it is the obligation of the Benacian Censorate to ensure that no criminal has escaped punishment or transfer to the Benacian Labour Reserve.

As of 1728 AN, subjects entering into the sanctuary district of their bailiwick of residence would be registered with the realm's almoner for the arrangement of an investigation into their circumstances and the assignment of support and or appropriate work as required or appropriate.

See also