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Almoner (Benacian Union)

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The office of the Almoner (in Elluenuueq the Rikets allmosorsman) was established within the realms of Elluenuueq and the Unified Governorates for the purpose of organising relief for the "lawful poor", meritorious subjects of the Harmonious Society within the Benacian Union who may experience privation or hardship on a temporary basis when between assigned duties or else at the end of their working lives, owing to age, infirmity, or disability.

The duty of care for a meritorious subject and his dependents lies, in the first instance with the guild into which he has been enrolled, and in the second with the subject's bailiwick of residence. As rearmament in the face of a resurgent Shireroth gathered pace during the early 1720s after Norton the number of individuals finding themselves in anomalous situations began to steadily increase to the point where ad hoc solutions, such as the Benacian Relief and Works Agency, had begun to prove necessary.

The remit of the Almoner was accordingly one of a coordinator, bringing together the various arms of the Union-State and civil society in unison to ensure that coordinated efforts would achieve harmonious outcomes.

See also