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July 2619 mass execution of 110 Eurphineosians

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July 2619 mass execution of 110 Eurphineosians
Date July 28, RP 2619
Time 8:05AM-9:20AM
Venue Ruins of Saint Matsukari Church
Location Itsunomi Mountains District
Type Mass murder, Execution, Ethnic cleansing
Motive Response to Dark Friday Massacre
Organised by Jamaah Al-Jihadiyah fi Kiltiya and Gerakan Kesultanan Phinbella
Filmed by Al-Būraq Media Foundation
80 Eurphineonesian Nazarenes
30 Eurphineonesian Jews
Deaths 110

On July 28, RP 2619, The Umraist State of Keltia has execute 110 Eurphineonesians. 80 of them are Nazarenes and 30 are Jews. The execution was an response to an attack in 25 July RP 2619.


On 22 July RP 2619, 78 people were kidnapped when exiting Oriental Taemhwan through Itsunomi Mountains District. On 23 July RP 2619, 6 people were abducted in Itsunomi Mountains District. On 25 July RP 2619, 26 people were reported to be abducted.

On 27 July RP 2619, Wahdat magazine released a report showing the photos of 110 Eurphineonesians which they threaten to kill.

The execution

The execution of 110 Eurphineonesians were shown in the last half of the propaganda film called "Breaking the Quiet 2: The Purest Soul" produced by Al-Būraq Media Foundation and distributed by Al-Malahim Media Productions. The scene begins with an leader speaking to the audience in Sangunese:

All praise is belongs to Allah, the lord who determines the divine decree and the predestination, and peace and blessings upon Ya-Seen, the best of the prophets and the messengers. O crusaders, O Ashkenatzis, you have crossed the line, but will you not cross the Sirat. We have return, as been told by Allah: "And if you return, we will return". We are in, the rocky field outside the complex of Saint Matsukari Church, killing 110 disbelievers of Itsunomi Mountains, who had evaded jizya and refused to convert to the true religion prescribed by Allah in the Quran when we give them one last chance. And the church, which was used to worship your made up three gods, we will destroy and cleanse this from the land of Umraists.

Later, it shows footages of the hostages being droven to the execution site in 7 lorry transports. When the vehicles arrived, the lorry were opened and the hostages were escorted outside. Then, it shows numerous armed USOK fighters in sand-colored balaclavas and desert camouflage and GKP fighters in blue balaclavas and desert camouflage watch on from a distance. It then shows flashback footages of the Darul Wasilah Mosque attack while the nasheed "البارحة" plays. Then, the hostages were escorted into the interior of the ruins of the church while the caption reads: "مجموعة من الصليبيين المؤمن الثالوث المشركين واليهودية الملعون (A group of Crusaders, believers in the Holy Trinity, the polytheists, and the accursed Jews)". Later, 27 hostages were dragged outside their respective lines and was beheaded while the high pitch of the nasheed "سرنا بعون الله" plays. After that, 34 hostages were dragged out and was shot.

Shortly, the terrorists exit the ruins and lock the gates of the ruins of the church and the remaining hostages were seen without their arms restraint thinking what happened next. The director saids that they put gasoline everywhere just before the execution. Later, the execution leader lit up the fire with matches and it goes inside the church (the director had said that they created a hole) and they were burned alive while screaming and saying their lord's name and caption reads "يهتفون ويذكرون معبودهم الخيالي الخاص ويموتون محترقين في النيران التي ستظهر عليهم في يوم الحشر (They chant and remember their own made up god and die burning in the flames which will appeared on them in the Day of Resurrection)" while the nasheed "قريبا قريبا" plays. Then, a text box appears quoting by an Salafist cleric: "In the common representation, there is either an invitation for them to have faith or a warning to refrain from aggression. This is part of establishing Hudud and legitimate struggle (jihad)" Later, an GKP fighter detonate the bombs hidden beneath the ruins of the church and the church exploded and the soldiers saying takbeer. An GKP soldier then proclaims:

Allahu Akbar! This is an victory fot the Umraists! The taghuts has perished! The filthy halal blood is a sign of revenge to all of you, disbelievers! You did this to us, we send back to you! Kaffir!

He thens proceed to slam the hammer on the bodies several times and then the terrorists disperse from the site and the movie ends with close-up of USOK and GKP flags with an excerpt of an audio message by Abu Ilyas At-Taimhwani: "O awakeners! You may know that we have the sufficient army of the Salaf Umraists, whose theology is Traditionalist, avoid newly-invented Umraist things and refrain from your polytheistic belief." Like Breaking the Quiet and The Scars of the Oppresseds 2, the movie use old-school game console menu style during most transitions.