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Jovan Jovanović

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Revision as of 20:01, 11 June 2023 by Ric (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Hurmu article}} '''Jovan Jovanović''' (born in Groundbay, 1625) is the former king of Krasnocoria, reigning as '''Jovan I''' from 1653 until 1687. The son of Nikolaj Jovanović (the first king of Krasnocoria), he ascended the Krasnocorian throne upon Nikolaj's assassination in 1653. He took on deposed Florian president Jessica Smith (later known as Džesika Jovanović-Smičić) as his mistress in 1656. Džesika,...")
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Jovan Jovanović (born in Groundbay, 1625) is the former king of Krasnocoria, reigning as Jovan I from 1653 until 1687. The son of Nikolaj Jovanović (the first king of Krasnocoria), he ascended the Krasnocorian throne upon Nikolaj's assassination in 1653.

He took on deposed Florian president Jessica Smith (later known as Džesika Jovanović-Smičić) as his mistress in 1656. Džesika, as she was now called, bore him two children extramaritally, Flora (named so after Džesika's ancestral country) in 1658, and Krasnomir in 1661.

When Krasnocoria collapsed in 1687, the family (including now Flora's and Krasnomir's own spouses and children) found refuge in a monastery run by the Orthodox Church. A priest solemnized a marriage between Džesika and Jovan, allowing the couple to finally live without the taint of sin. However, they were soon arrested by incoming Çakari forces. Jovan was taken to the Sultan of Çakaristan, facing charges of war crimes. However, the Sultan pardoned Jovan and his family from all wrong-doing, sending them into exile in Fangzhu Castle. In 1694, the family moved to Mitrovska, taking refuge under Hurmu, and they have lived there since. Along with his family, he was granted Hurmu nationality in 1695.