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Federal Humanist Party 1713 General Election Campaign (Nouvelle Alexandrie)

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Campaign and platform of the Federal Humanist Party in the general election of 1713, held in Nouvelle Alexandrie. The New Alexandrian general election of 1713 was held from 1.XIV.1713 AN AN to 3.XIV.1713 AN.


Federal Humanist Party in the 1713 AN General Election
Heading Text
Nominee for President of the Government Felipe de Almagro
Candidate List 637 candidates
Administration Technocratic meritocracy
Economy Free trade globalism
Foreign affairs Hegemonic consolidation
Society Moderate conservative


Constitutional Settlement

The Federal Humanist Party remains firmly committed to the institution of the monarchy, as the guarantor of the rights and liberties promulgated through the Proclamation of Punta Santiago. The Federal Humanist Party remains committed to this constitutional settlement, the fundamental melding of institutional cohesion and democratic consensus which lies at the heart of the Federation.

The Federal Humanist Party asserts that the Human Supremacy on Micras shall be upheld and advanced by recognising and defending the rights of all loyal citizens of this Federation.

Defence & Security Policy

The Federal Humanist Party shall maintain defence spending at the historic levels reached during the Great Vanic Revolt. With the insurgency quelled, our armed forces will require a period of adjustment and modernisation to ensure that they will remain a capable deterrent force.

A Federal Humanist Party ministry will continue the programme of naval shipbuilding and fleet expansion inherited from previous governments. Our Federation has holdings on three continents, and the islands in-between, with the sea as our centre of gravity. Securing the sea-lanes is key to our survival and prosperity. Our ambitious fleet programme will see 158 surface vessels, and 80 submarines launched by 1725. Naval expansion will guarantee full order books for our shipyards for years to come. Not just ESB Susa and the Pontecorvo Firm and their workforces, but all those involved in the supply chain will benefit.

It shall be the policy of any ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party to eradicate the last vestiges of Bassarid piracy from the Near Abroad of Nouvelle Alexandrie.

Economic Policy

We will encourage the growth of Chambers of Guilds and Corporations in our major cities as a venue through which the leaders of our industries and organised labour can engage in useful dialogue and strategic level coordination.

The Pan-Euran Highway will be revived by any ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party. By reactivating the core mechanisms of the New Prosperity Plan we propose to finance simultaneous advances by funding the proposed northern, central, and southern routes of the Highway that have been previously entertained.

The Federal Humanist Party would propose that any ministry it heads or supports would introduce Regional Industrial Arbitration Boards. These boards would oblige trade unions to negotiate collectively with the key industrial concerns and regional administrations, so as to ensure that bargains struck remain best suited to the local level, regional governments retain relevancy, and trade unions are prevented from becoming all-powerful extra-parliamentary concerns.

Upon the appointment of a ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party, every municipality will be directed to establish a Labour Exchange. Regions and States will be obliged to ensure that Labour Exchanges in their jurisdictions are confederated and maintain visibility of vacancies and workers within their collective area. Corporations domiciled in Nouvelle Alexandrie shall receive a five percent tax break if they give first refusal on job vacancies to citizens registered with the Labour Exchange.

Corporations registered in Nouvelle Alexandrie shall be offered a further five percent tax break if they ensure that four year apprenticeships, offered exclusively to citizens aged sixteen to twenty-five in possession of a High School Diploma, constitute a quarter of the total pay roll.

Any corporation employing more than eighty thousand citizens of Nouvelle Alexandrie may apply for a five percent tax rebate provided that they are either wholly domiciled and headquartered in Nouvelle Alexandrie or pay taxes to the Federal Government on profits earned in Nouvelle Alexandrie at the same rate as domiciled companies.

Foreign Policy

The Federal Humanist Party remains committed to Nouvelle Alexandrie's membership of the Raspur Pact. A ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party would encourage all nations within its sphere of influence to respect the domestic rule of law and the prevailing international order, of which the Raspur Pact is the pre-eminent architect. Nations that abide by these requirements and which remain in the good graces of His Majesty shall be cordially encouraged to seek membership of the Raspur Pact so as to further enhance the collective security and prosperity of all nations.

The Federal Humanist Party defines the sphere of influence of Nouvelle Alexandrie as being a primarily oceanic zone of convergence between the continents of Apollonia, Eura, and Keltia. In Apollonia, the Strait of Pearls, the O'Rear Strait, the Pond Strait, and Herrin Bay. In Eura, the Dyre Straits, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Orange Sea, and the eastern portions of the Raynor Sea. In Keltia, the Captive Sea, the Skerry Isles, and the Sea of Storms. Lake Cherusken is also considered to be a body of water that falls under the influence of His Majesty's Federation.

Within the above defined sphere of influence, otherwise to be known as the Near Abroad of Nouvelle Alexandrie, any ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party will work to promote good governance, free trade, respect for the rule of law, observation of international norms of behaviour, and a general condition of friendship and amity between all realms and peoples.

It shall be the policy of the Federal Humanist Party, under any ministry it heads, to appoint consuls to all port cities in the Near Aboard of Nouvelle Alexandrie, and to schedule regular friendship visits to those ports by the ships of the Federal Navy.

Any ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party shall pay special attention to reconstruction and stabilisation efforts in Hurmu and the Dark Berry Isles.

Our strategic partnerships with Natopia and Constancia shall be further strengthened. Nouvelle Alexandrie should focus upon the Euran Economic Union as the vehicle of partnership with Constancia and the other Euran allies of the Raspur Pact.

The Community of Goldfield, whilst properly falling outside the defined Near Abroad of Nouvelle Alexandrie, can still be supported as a mechanism for the reinsurance and stabilisation of Ransenar and Western Natopia on the continents of Benacia and Cibola respectively.

It shall be a matter of policy for any ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party that the Strait of Haifa shall be internationalised, opened up for unimpeded maritime commerce, and cleared of all forms of piracy and illegality, especially where of Bassarid origin.

Housing Policy

Whilst the Federal Humanist Party considers the right of home ownership to be sacrosanct, it will benefit neither the home owner, the prospective buyer, nor the national community if we allow our housing stock to become an asset bubble that devours wealth which might be more productively invested elsewhere. To this end the mortgage lending practices of our financial institutions shall be investigated by a Government appointed ombudsmen. We do not wish to see our citizens sold mortgages that are beyond their means and shall take steps to prevent this practice from distorting the market.

The Federal Humanist Party will nonetheless continue to expand the construction of housing and allowing individuals in government-run housing projects to become a part of an ownership society by buying their property.

If over the next year the demand for housing continues to exceed supply in the cities, the Federal Humanist Party will mandate the Federal Government to work with State and Regional Authorities to establish new satellite communities, utilising prefabricated buildings and requisitioned land, to relieve the immediate burden, and appoint a Crown Commission for the creation of new Chartered Cities, with integrated transportation and utility plans at the municipal level.

Regional administrations and the state authorities beneath them are expected to be proactive in implementing their own solutions to housing shortfalls in their territorial jurisdictions. The Federation is sufficiently vast that the excuse of overcrowding in a few key cities can no longer be seriously entertained.

Law and Order Policy

The Federal Gendarmerie shall be better organised. A commandant-general shall be appointed and a board of commissioners to support him also. In each region a Board of Inspection shall be constituted to oversee the actions of the Federal Gendarmerie. Each state shall maintain, as a minimum, one regiment of gendarmes (1,200 men). A commandant for each region shall be appointed, with the obligation to raise a commissariat regiment and an inspectorate regiment to support the regiments of gendarmes within his area of operations. The federal gendarmes will liaise as appropriate with the regional, state, and municipal administrations, but shall remain in subordination to the Federal Government.

State administrations shall be reminded of their obligations to appoint qualified magistrates for the municipalities in their territorial jurisdictions. These magistrates must be sober, honest, literate, of good character, and without criminal convictions or moral blemishes upon their character. Magistrates should be expected to try the majority of civil and criminal cases brought in their jurisdictions, particularly where they relate to the enforcement of state and regional statutes and by-laws.

Regional administrations should appoint circuit judges, again to be sober, honest, literate, of good character, and without criminal convictions or moral blemishes upon their character. The primary duties of a circuit judge are to hear the appeals brought against the judgements of magistrates, to conduct inspections of the magistrates, disciplining and dismissing where appropriate, and to authorise the transfer of prisoners into federal custody where necessary and appropriate.

A ministry headed by the Federal Humanist Party will undertake to regularise the federal judiciary and to establish citadels of justice, housing a federal courthouse and maximum security prison for each region and federal district of the Federation, so that justice may be more efficiently and swiftly served.



On 12.XI.1713 AN, the political action committee "Preserve Our Future" was founded in Beaufort, North Lyrica, under the presidency of former archon Augustus Strong. The purpose of the new PAC was to galvanise the support-base in the business and colonial settler communities which had been mobilised to support Humanist efforts during the Great Vanic Revolt.

13.XI.1713 saw a social media influencer conference organised by the Humanist Vanguard of the FHP in Cardenas, with seminars on the motivation of activists and the establishment of ancillary campaign groups to support Humanist candidates in the regions.

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