Majles-e Suren

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This article is for the parliament of Suren. For other similarly-named entities, see Majlis (disambiguation).

The wholly appointed legislature of the Suren Confederacy. Operates solely at the pleasure and sufferance of the Surenšāh.

Sessions of the Majles are recorded by...

Sessions of the Majlis held during the reign of the Surenšāh Dāryuš of the Suren, Son of the Lord Shahrukh, Blessings of Zurvan Upon their Eternal Names

1st Session (1687–1690)

This session was declared to be accursed. Its members and its records have been expunged from the historical memory. The deeds that occurred in this time are not to be spoken of under the most severe penalty of familial extermination.

2nd Session (1690–1694 AN)

This session was notable for voting monies necessary for the waging of the conflict against Zeed and for the introduction of the one-party N&H system into the Confederation.

Sessions of the Majlis held during the reign of the Surenšāhbanu Mitradokht of the Suren, Daughter of the Lord Shahrukh, Blessings of Zurvan Upon their Eternal Names

1st Session (1695–1699 AN)

The majority of the Majles legislative output during the 1695-1699 session revolved around providing support to the war effort. The first session held during the reign of the Shahbanu saw the Majles take an increasing role in the promulgation of legislation for the Confederacy. In spite of this, the Acts of the Majles remained inferior in status to the Farman decrees promulgated by the Royal Court. Indeed, to enter into effect, legislation passed by the Majles had still to receive a Farman of Endorsement from the Shahbanu, although these would become increasingly proforma as the years progressed. Key laws passed during this period included the following:

  • 1695 Treachery Act
  • 1695 Panopticon Reorganisation Act
  • 1695 Mobilisation Act
  • 1695 Euran Salvation Bonds Act
  • 1696 Internment Act
  • 1696 Act for the Enhancement and Preservation of the Hereditary National Lineages
  • 1696 Euran Salvation Bonds (Amicable Grant) Act
  • 1696 Civil Service Restoration Act
  • 1696 Irrigation Canals & Qanats (Repairs and Expansion) Act
  • 1696 Regulation of Territorial Waters Act
  • 1696 Regulation of Sovereign Air Space & Air Defence Identification Zone Act
  • 1696 Collective Reprisals and Retaliation Act
  • 1696 Sanitation Restoration (Surenshahr) Act
  • 1696 Utilities (Electrical and Water) Act
  • 1696 Satrapan Utility Companies (Board of Governance) Act
  • 1697 Act for the Establishment of a National Income Tax
  • 1697 Act for the Certification of Euran Ancestry
  • 1697 Ruthenian Caste Shame & Exclusion Act
  • 1697 Euran Nationality Law
  • 1697 National Education Act
  • 1697 Impressment Act
  • 1698 Kul Recruitment Act
  • 1698 Overseas Volunteers Act

2nd Session (1699–1703 AN)

The termination of the Third Euran War with the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City finally allowed for the cessation of some of the many onerous obligations imposed on the Confederation by that conflict. For the Surenid the spoils of war had fallen somewhat short of their more fervent imaginings, comprising chiefly of the Ghur Republic and the city of Zartosht. The Raspur Pact Occupied Zeed was rapidly becoming a Constancian led affair, nonetheless there were few amongst the Surenid who were, at this juncture, willing to advocate openly confronting the Transeuran Command in the immediate aftermath of such a costly victory. Instead the Majles focused its attention on more immediate and pragmatic concerns.

Key laws passed in this period included the following:

  • 1701 Repeal of Wartime Measures Act
  • 1701 Act for the Relief of the Ghurid Poor
  • 1701 Resettlement of Veterans (Kapavia) Act
  • 1701 Settlement of Arrears (Deferral) Act
  • 1701 Amicable Loan Act
  • 1701 Act for the Easement of the Confinement of Debtors
  • 1701 Tarrs Asylum (Declarations of Fealty) Act
  • 1701 Irrigation Repairs Act
  • 1702 Annulment of Debt Amnesties Act
  • 1702 Amicable Loan Act
  • 1702 Financial Measures Act
  • 1702 Euran Salvation Bonds (Adjustments) Act
  • 1702 Act for the Relief of Destitute Veterans
  • 1702 Act for the Removal of Vagabonds, Idlers, and Ne'er-do-wells from Surenshahr
  • 1702 Act for the Reform of the Rural Militia
  • 1702 Act for the Preservation of Boundary Stones and Fences
  • 1702 General Amnesty (Debtors) Act
  • 1702 Trucial Islands Famine Relief Act