Imperial Constancian Armed Forces/Constantinian Navy
The Constantinian Navy is administratively subdivided into four arms termed as flotillas, these being the Stoliskos Aeroplanofóro (Aircraft Carrier Flotilla) with responsibility for the operation of Constancia's sole flat-top after its purchase from Talenore in 1670, Stoliskos Antitorpilikon (Destroyer Flotilla) concerned with surface warfare, the Stoliskos Metagogikon (Transport Flotilla) responsible for fleet logistics, and the Stoliskos Ypovryxion (Submarine Flotilla) responsible for undersea warfare. Because of the degree of integration between the Imperial Constancian Armed Forces and the Trans-Euran Command these flotillas form essentially administrative and support functions for formations assigned to the Euran Armada, the maritime forces arm of Euranikon Omáda Lávaron (the Euran Banner Group).
Constancian naval vessels are known typically by the prefixes Vassilikón Ploíon [VP] (Royal Ship) and Konstantinikón Ploíon [KP] (Constantinian Ship). Those vessels prefixed with the appellation "Royal Ship" are thus honoured for their service in the old Constancian Navy prior to the establishment of the Imperial State and the Second Euran War.
The Fleet
Current fleet strength
Serial No. | Ship Name | Class | Type | Pennant No. | Parent Formation (CN) | Assignment (TEC) |
000 | KP Týmpana-se-vathiá | Hover Kitty-class | Aircraft Carrier | CV01 | Stoliskos Aeroplanofóro | General Service Corps |
001 | KP Anahita | Duchy-class | Destroyer | D001 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
002 | KP Angra Mainyu | Duchy-class | Destroyer | D002 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
003 | VP Navarchos Miaoulis | Northman-class | Corvette | F001 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
004 | VP Georgios Averof | Northman-class | Corvette | F002 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
009 | VP Elli | Northman-class | Corvette | F007 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
010 | VP Strategos Metaxas | Northman-class | Corvette | F008 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
011 | VP Antiploiarchos Georgios Kondylis | Northman-class | Corvette | F009 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
012 | VP Psara II | Northman-class | Corvette | F010 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
013 | VP Zardoz | Northman-class | Corvette | F011 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
014 | VP Eos | Northman-class | Corvette | F012 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
015 | VP Demeter | Northman-class | Corvette | F013 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
016 | VP Poseidon | Northman-class | Corvette | F014 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
017 | VP Roussen | Swift-class | Corvette | F015 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
018 | VP Daniolos | Swift-class | Corvette | F016 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
019 | VP Psara | Swift-class | Corvette | F017 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
020 | VP Krystallidis | Swift-class | Corvette | F018 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
021 | VP Grigoropoulos | Swift-class | Corvette | F019 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
022 | VP Ritsos | Swift-class | Corvette | F020 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
023 | VP Karathanasis | Swift-class | Corvette | F021 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
024 | VP Vlahakos | Swift-class | Corvette | F022 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
025 | VP Laskos | Swift-class | Corvette | F023 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
026 | VP Blessas | Swift-class | Corvette | F024 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
027 | VP Mykonios | Swift-class | Corvette | F025 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
028 | VP Troupakis | Swift-class | Corvette | F026 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
029 | VP Kavaloudis | Swift-class | Corvette | F027 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
030 | VP Degiannis | Swift-class | Corvette | F028 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
031 | VP Xenos | Swift-class | Corvette | F029 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
032 | VP Simitzopoulos | Swift-class | Corvette | F030 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
033 | VP Starakis | Swift-class | Corvette | F031 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
034 | VP Votsis | Swift-class | Corvette | F032 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
035 | VP Pezopoulos | Swift-class | Corvette | F033 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
036 | VP Maridakis | Swift-class | Corvette | F034 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
037 | VP Armatolos | Swift-class | Corvette | F035 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
038 | VP Navmachos | Swift-class | Corvette | F036 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
039 | KP Abathur | Swift-class | Corvette | F037 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | General Service Corps |
040 | KP Adamn Kasia | Swift-class | Corvette | F038 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
041 | KP Adrianopolis | Swift-class | Corvette | F039 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
042 | KP Aesma Daeva | Swift-class | Corvette | F040 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
043 | KP Aetos Autokratiki | Swift-class | Corvette | F041 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
044 | KP Agas | Swift-class | Corvette | F042 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
045 | KP Aghia Ioylia | Swift-class | Corvette | F043 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
046 | KP Aghia Irini | Swift-class | Corvette | F044 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
047 | KP Aghia Magdalini | Swift-class | Corvette | F045 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
048 | KP Aghia Sophia | Swift-class | Corvette | F046 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
049 | KP Aghia Thekla | Swift-class | Corvette | F047 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
050 | KP Aghios Angelos | Swift-class | Corvette | F048 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
051 | KP Aghios Eusebios | Swift-class | Corvette | F049 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
052 | KP Aghios Ioakeim | Swift-class | Corvette | F050 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
053 | KP Aghios Ioannes | Swift-class | Corvette | F051 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
054 | KP Aghios Loukas | Swift-class | Corvette | F052 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
055 | KP Aghios Markos | Swift-class | Corvette | F053 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
056 | KP Aghios Matthaios | Swift-class | Corvette | F054 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
057 | KP Aghios Maximos | Swift-class | Corvette | F055 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
058 | KP Aghios Nikolaos | Swift-class | Corvette | F056 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
059 | KP Aghios Pavlos | Swift-class | Corvette | F057 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
060 | KP Aghios Petros | Swift-class | Corvette | F058 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
061 | KP Aghios Philimon | Swift-class | Corvette | F059 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
062 | KP Aghios Sergios | Swift-class | Corvette | F060 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
063 | KP Aghios Stephanos | Swift-class | Corvette | F061 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
064 | KP Aghios Thimoteos | Swift-class | Corvette | F062 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
065 | KP Ahaka | Swift-class | Corvette | F063 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
066 | KP Ahriman Ahura | Swift-class | Corvette | F064 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
067 | KP Ahura Mazda | Swift-class | Corvette | F065 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
068 | KP Ahurani | Swift-class | Corvette | F066 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
069 | KP Aiakos | Swift-class | Corvette | F067 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
070 | KP Aineas | Swift-class | Corvette | F068 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
071 | KP Airyaman | Swift-class | Corvette | F069 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
072 | KP Aka Manah | Swift-class | Corvette | F070 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
073 | KP Akhilleus | Swift-class | Corvette | F071 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
074 | KP Aladdin | Swift-class | Corvette | F072 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
075 | KP Allatum | Swift-class | Corvette | F073 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
076 | KP Amashaspan | Swift-class | Corvette | F074 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
077 | KP Ameratat | Swift-class | Corvette | F075 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
078 | KP Amesha Spentas | Swift-class | Corvette | F076 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
079 | KP Amphitrion | Swift-class | Corvette | F077 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
080 | KP Anjuman | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F078 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
081 | KP Apam-natat | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F079 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
082 | KP Apaosa Aredvi | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F080 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
083 | KP Aphrodita | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F081 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
084 | KP Apollo | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F082 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
085 | KP Arakhne | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F083 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
086 | KP Ares | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F084 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
087 | KP Arishtat | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F085 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
088 | KP Armaiti | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F086 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
089 | KP Arsaces | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F087 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
090 | KP Asha vahista | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F088 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
091 | KP Asia | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F089 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
092 | KP Asman | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F090 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
093 | KP Asto Vidatu | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F091 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
094 | KP Astvat-Ereta | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F092 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | General Service Corps |
095 | KP Atar | Elwynn-class | Corvette | F093 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | General Service Corps |
100 | KP Basileisa Theodora | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F098 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
101 | KP Basileisa Zoe | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F099 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
102 | KP Basileous Alexandros | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F100 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
103 | KP Basileous Alexeios | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F101 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
104 | KP Basileous Andronikos | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F102 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
105 | KP Basileous Basileos | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F103 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
106 | KP Basileous Demetrios | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F104 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
107 | KP Basileous Ioannes | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F105 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
108 | KP Basileous Isaak | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F106 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
109 | KP Basileous Leon | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F107 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
110 | KP Basileous Manuel | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F108 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
111 | KP Basileous Michael | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F109 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
112 | KP Basileous Rhomaion | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F110 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
113 | KP Basileous Romanos | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F111 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
114 | KP Basileous Theodoros | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F112 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
115 | P01 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P001 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
116 | P02 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P002 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
117 | P03 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P003 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
118 | P04 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P004 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
119 | P05 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P005 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
120 | P06 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P006 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
121 | P07 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P007 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
122 | P08 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P008 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
123 | P09 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P009 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
124 | P10 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P010 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
125 | P11 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P011 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
126 | P12 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P012 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
127 | P13 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P013 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
128 | P14 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P014 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
129 | P15 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P015 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
130 | P16 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P016 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
131 | P17 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P017 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
132 | P18 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P018 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
133 | P19 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P019 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
134 | P20 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P020 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
135 | P21 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P021 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
136 | P22 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P022 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
137 | P23 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P023 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
138 | P24 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P024 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
139 | P25 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P025 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
140 | P26 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P026 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
141 | P27 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P027 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
142 | P28 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P028 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
143 | P29 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P029 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
144 | P30 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P030 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
145 | P31 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P031 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
146 | P32 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P032 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
147 | P33 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P033 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
148 | P34 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P034 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
149 | P35 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P035 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
150 | P36 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P036 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
151 | P37 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P037 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
152 | P38 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P038 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
153 | P39 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P039 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
154 | P40 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P040 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
155 | P41 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P041 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
156 | P42 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P042 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
157 | P43 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P043 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
158 | P44 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P044 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
159 | P45 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P045 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
160 | P46 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P046 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
161 | P47 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P047 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
162 | P48 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P048 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
163 | P49 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P049 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
164 | P50 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P050 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
165 | P51 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P051 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
166 | P52 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P052 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
167 | P53 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P053 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
168 | P54 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P054 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
169 | P55 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P055 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
170 | P56 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P056 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
171 | P57 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P057 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
172 | P58 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P058 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
173 | P59 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P059 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
174 | P60 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P060 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
175 | P61 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P061 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
176 | P62 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P062 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
177 | P63 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P063 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
178 | P64 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P064 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
179 | P65 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P065 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
180 | P66 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P066 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
181 | P67 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P067 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
182 | P68 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P068 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
208 | P94 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P094 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
209 | P95 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P095 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
210 | P96 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P096 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
211 | P97 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P097 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
212 | P98 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P098 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
213 | P99 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P099 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
214 | P100 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P100 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Proti Stratia |
215 | P101 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P101 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
216 | P102 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P102 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
217 | P103 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P103 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
218 | P104 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P104 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
219 | P105 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P105 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
220 | P106 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P106 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
221 | P107 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P107 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
222 | P108 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P108 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
223 | P109 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P109 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
224 | P110 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P110 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
225 | P111 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P111 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
226 | P112 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P112 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
227 | P113 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P113 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
228 | P114 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P114 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
229 | P115 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P115 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
230 | P116 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P116 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
231 | P117 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P117 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
232 | P118 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P118 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
233 | P119 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P119 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
234 | P120 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P120 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
235 | P121 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P121 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
236 | P122 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P122 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
237 | P123 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P123 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
238 | P124 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P124 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
239 | P125 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P125 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
240 | P126 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P126 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
241 | P127 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P127 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
242 | P128 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P128 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
243 | P129 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P129 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
244 | P130 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P130 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
245 | P131 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P131 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
246 | P132 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P132 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
247 | P133 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P133 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
248 | P134 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P134 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
249 | P135 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P135 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
250 | P136 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P136 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
251 | P137 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P137 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
252 | P138 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P138 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
253 | P139 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P139 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
254 | P140 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P140 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
255 | P141 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P141 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
256 | P142 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P142 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
257 | P143 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P143 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
258 | P144 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P144 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
259 | P145 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P145 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
260 | P146 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P146 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
261 | P147 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P147 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
262 | P148 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P148 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
263 | P149 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P149 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
264 | P150 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P150 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
265 | P151 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P151 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
266 | P152 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P152 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
267 | P153 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P153 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
268 | P154 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P154 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
269 | P155 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P155 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
270 | P156 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P156 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
271 | P157 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P157 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
272 | P158 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P158 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
273 | P159 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P159 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
274 | P160 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P160 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
275 | P161 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P161 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
276 | P162 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P162 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
277 | P163 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P163 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
278 | P164 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P164 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
279 | P165 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P165 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
280 | P166 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P166 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
281 | P167 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P167 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
282 | P168 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P168 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
283 | P169 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P169 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
284 | P170 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P170 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
285 | P171 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P171 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
286 | P172 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P172 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
287 | P173 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P173 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
288 | P174 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P174 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
289 | P175 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P175 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
290 | P176 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P176 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
291 | P177 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P177 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
292 | P178 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P178 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
293 | P179 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P179 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
294 | P180 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P180 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
295 | P181 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P181 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
296 | P182 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P182 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
297 | P183 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P183 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
298 | P184 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P184 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
299 | P185 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P185 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
300 | P186 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P186 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
301 | P187 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P187 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
302 | P188 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P188 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
303 | P189 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P189 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
304 | P190 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P190 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
305 | P191 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P191 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
306 | P192 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P192 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
307 | P193 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P193 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
308 | P194 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P194 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
309 | P195 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P195 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
310 | P196 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P196 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
311 | P197 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P197 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
312 | P198 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P198 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
313 | P199 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P199 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
314 | P200 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P200 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
315 | P201 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P201 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
316 | P202 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P202 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
317 | P203 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P203 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
318 | P204 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P204 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
319 | P205 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P205 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
320 | P206 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P206 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
321 | P207 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P207 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
322 | P208 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P208 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
323 | P209 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P209 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
324 | P210 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P210 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
325 | P211 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P211 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
326 | P212 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P212 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
327 | P213 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P213 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
328 | P214 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P214 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
329 | P215 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P215 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
330 | P216 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P216 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
331 | P217 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P217 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
332 | P218 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P218 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
333 | P219 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P219 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
334 | P220 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P220 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
335 | P221 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P221 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
336 | P222 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P222 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
337 | P223 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P223 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
338 | P224 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P224 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
339 | P225 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P225 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
340 | P226 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P226 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
341 | P227 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P227 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
342 | P228 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P228 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
343 | P229 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P229 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
344 | P230 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P230 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
345 | P231 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P231 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
346 | P232 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P232 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
347 | P233 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P233 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
348 | P234 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P234 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
349 | P235 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P235 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
350 | P236 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P236 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
351 | P237 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P237 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
352 | P238 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P238 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
353 | P239 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P239 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
354 | P240 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P240 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
355 | P241 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P241 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
356 | P242 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P242 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
357 | P243 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P243 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
358 | P244 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P244 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
359 | P245 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P245 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
360 | P246 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P246 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
361 | P247 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P247 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
362 | P248 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P248 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
363 | P249 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P249 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
364 | P250 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P250 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
365 | P251 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P251 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
366 | P252 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P252 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
367 | P253 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P253 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
368 | P254 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P254 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
369 | P255 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P255 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
370 | P256 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P256 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
371 | P257 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P257 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
372 | P258 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P258 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
373 | P259 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P259 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
374 | P260 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P260 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Nivardom Command |
395 | P281 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P281 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
396 | P282 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P282 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
397 | P283 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P283 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
398 | P284 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P284 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
399 | P285 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P285 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
400 | P286 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P286 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
401 | P287 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P287 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
402 | P288 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P288 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
403 | P289 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P289 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
404 | P290 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P290 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
405 | P291 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P291 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
406 | P292 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P292 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
407 | P293 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P293 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
408 | P294 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P294 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
409 | P295 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P295 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
410 | P296 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P296 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
411 | P297 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P297 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
412 | P298 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P298 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
413 | P299 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P299 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
414 | P300 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P300 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
415 | P301 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P301 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
416 | P302 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P302 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
417 | P303 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P303 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
418 | P304 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P304 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
419 | P305 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P305 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
420 | P306 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P306 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
421 | P307 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P307 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
422 | P308 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P308 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
423 | P309 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P309 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
424 | P310 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P310 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
425 | P311 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P311 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
426 | P312 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P312 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
427 | P313 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P313 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
428 | P314 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P314 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
429 | P315 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P315 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
430 | P316 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P316 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
431 | P317 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P317 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
432 | P318 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P318 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
433 | P319 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P319 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
434 | P320 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P320 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
435 | P321 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P321 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
436 | P322 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P322 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
437 | P323 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P323 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
438 | P324 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P324 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
439 | P325 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P325 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
440 | P326 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P326 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
441 | P327 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P327 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
442 | P328 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P328 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
443 | P329 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P329 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
444 | P330 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P330 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
445 | P331 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P331 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
446 | P332 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P332 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
447 | P333 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P333 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
448 | P334 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P334 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
449 | P335 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P335 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
450 | P336 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P336 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
451 | P337 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P337 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
452 | P338 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P338 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
453 | P339 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P339 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
454 | P340 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P340 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
455 | P341 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P341 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
456 | P342 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P342 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
457 | P343 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P343 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
458 | P344 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P344 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
459 | P345 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P345 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
460 | P346 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P346 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
461 | P347 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P347 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
462 | P348 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P348 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
463 | P349 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P349 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
464 | P350 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P350 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
465 | P351 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P351 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
466 | P352 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P352 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
467 | P353 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P353 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
468 | P354 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P354 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
469 | P355 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P355 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
470 | P356 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P356 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
471 | P357 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P357 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
472 | P358 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P358 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
473 | P359 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P359 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
474 | P360 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P360 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
475 | P361 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P361 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
476 | P362 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P362 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
477 | P363 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P363 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
478 | P364 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P364 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
479 | P365 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P365 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
480 | P366 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P366 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
481 | P367 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P367 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
482 | P368 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P368 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
483 | P369 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P369 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
484 | P370 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P370 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
485 | P371 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P371 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
486 | P372 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P372 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
487 | P373 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P373 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
488 | P374 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P374 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
489 | P375 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P375 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
490 | P376 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P376 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
491 | P377 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P377 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
492 | P378 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P378 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
493 | P379 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P379 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
494 | P380 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P380 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
495 | P381 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P381 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
496 | P382 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P382 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
497 | P383 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P383 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
498 | P384 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P384 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
499 | P385 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P385 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
500 | P386 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P386 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
501 | P387 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P387 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
502 | P388 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P388 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
503 | P389 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P389 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
504 | P390 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P390 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
505 | P391 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P391 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
506 | P392 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P392 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
507 | P393 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P393 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
508 | P394 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P394 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
509 | P395 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P395 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
510 | P396 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P396 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
511 | P397 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P397 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
512 | P398 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P398 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
513 | P399 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P399 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
514 | P400 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P400 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
515 | P401 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P401 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
516 | P402 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P402 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
517 | P403 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P403 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
518 | P404 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P404 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
519 | P405 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P405 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
520 | P406 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P406 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
521 | P407 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P407 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
522 | P408 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P408 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
523 | P409 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P409 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
524 | P410 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P410 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
525 | P411 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P411 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
526 | P412 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P412 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
527 | P413 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P413 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
528 | P414 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P414 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
529 | P415 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P415 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
530 | P416 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P416 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
531 | P417 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P417 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
532 | P418 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P418 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
533 | P419 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P419 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
534 | P420 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P420 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
535 | P421 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P421 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
536 | P422 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P422 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
537 | P423 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P423 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
538 | P424 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P424 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
539 | P425 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P425 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
540 | P426 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P426 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
541 | P427 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P427 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
542 | P428 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P428 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
543 | P429 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P429 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
544 | P430 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P430 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
545 | P431 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P431 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
546 | P432 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P432 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
547 | P433 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P433 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
548 | P434 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P434 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
549 | P435 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P435 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
550 | P436 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P436 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
551 | P437 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P437 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
552 | P438 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P438 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
553 | P439 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P439 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
554 | P440 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P440 | Stoliskos Antitorpilikon | Aqaba Command |
555 | KP Basileous Theophilos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A001 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
556 | KP Belisarios Konstantion | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A002 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
557 | KP Burijas | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A003 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
558 | KP Bushyasta | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A004 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
559 | KP Buyasta | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A005 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
560 | KP Camros | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A006 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
561 | KP Cassandra Castor | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A007 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
562 | KP Christos Soter | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A008 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
563 | KP Chronos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A009 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
564 | KP Daena | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A010 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
569 | KP Dermoaros | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A015 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | General Service Corps |
570 | KP Despotes Demetrios | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A016 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | General Service Corps |
571 | KP Despotes Moreas | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A017 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | General Service Corps |
572 | KP Dev | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A018 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | General Service Corps |
573 | KP Diana | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A019 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
574 | KP Diwe | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A020 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
575 | KP Drakon Ouranos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A021 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
576 | KP Drug | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A022 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
577 | KP Drvaspa | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A023 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
578 | KP Dyonisos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A024 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
579 | KP Ellade | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A025 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
580 | KP Endymion | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A026 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
581 | KP Eros | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A027 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
582 | KP Europa | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A028 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
583 | KP Frangokastelo | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A029 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
584 | KP Frashegird | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A030 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
585 | KP Fravashis | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A031 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
586 | KP Gandarewa | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A032 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
587 | KP Gao-kerena | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A033 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
588 | KP Gayomard | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A034 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
589 | KP Gayomart | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A035 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
590 | KP Gea | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A036 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
591 | KP Geus-Tasan | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A037 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
592 | KP Geus-Urvan | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A038 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
593 | KP Glalos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A039 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
594 | KP Gorgona Poseidonos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A040 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
595 | KP Hades | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A041 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
596 | KP Haoma | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A042 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
597 | KP Haurvatat | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A043 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
598 | KP Hektor | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A044 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
599 | KP Hephaistos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A045 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
600 | KP Hera | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A046 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
601 | KP Herakles | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A047 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
602 | KP Hermes | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A048 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
603 | KP Hestia | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A049 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
604 | KP Humay | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A050 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
605 | KP Hvar | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A051 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
606 | KP Hvarekhshaeta | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A052 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
607 | KP Hydra | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A053 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
608 | KP Hypnos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A054 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
609 | KP Indar | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A055 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
610 | KP Indra | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A056 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
611 | KP Izha | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A057 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
612 | KP Jamshid | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A058 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
613 | KP Jason | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A059 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
614 | KP Jeh | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A060 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
615 | KP Kaisar Ayreon IV | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A061 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
616 | KP Karshipta | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A062 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
617 | KP Kavi | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A063 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
618 | KP Khara | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A064 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
619 | KP Khshathra vairya | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A065 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
620 | KP Dragases | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A066 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
621 | KP Koudouras | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A067 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
622 | KP Kundrav | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A068 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
623 | KP Lentas | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A069 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
624 | KP Lesbos | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A070 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Aqaba Command |
625 | KP Limnos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A071 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
626 | KP Liontari Skliros | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A072 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
627 | KP Lussa ton Theon | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A073 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
628 | KP Lykos Thalasses | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A074 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
629 | KP Mah | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A075 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
630 | KP Mahre | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A076 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
631 | KP Mahrianag | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A077 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
632 | KP Makedonia | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A078 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
633 | KP Manu | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A079 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
634 | KP Manuchihir | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A080 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
635 | KP Mao | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A081 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
636 | KP Margaritari Aspra | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A082 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
637 | KP Mashyane | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A083 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
638 | KP Mashye | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A084 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
639 | KP Matala | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A085 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
640 | KP Menog | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A086 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
641 | KP Mikonios | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A087 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
642 | KP Minos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A088 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
643 | KP Mithra | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A089 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
644 | KP Nairyosangha | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A090 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
645 | KP Nanghaithya | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A091 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
646 | KP Neriosang | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A092 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
647 | KP Nestor | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A093 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
648 | KP Odysseos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A094 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
649 | KP Okeanasthraustis Ouranos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo & Passenger) | MV | A095 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
650 | KP Orestes | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A096 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
651 | KP Ormazd | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A097 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
652 | KP Paleochora | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A098 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
653 | KP Panselenos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A099 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
654 | KP Papadogiannis | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A100 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
655 | KP Pegasos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A101 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
656 | KP Peris | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A102 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
657 | KP Perseos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A103 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
658 | KP Peshdadians | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A104 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
659 | KP Pezopoulos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A105 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
660 | KP Plakias | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A106 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
661 | KP Pontikos Thalasses | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A107 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
662 | KP Poseidon | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A108 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
663 | KP Rapithwin | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A109 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
664 | KP Rashnu | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A110 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
665 | KP Rhadamanthys | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A111 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
666 | KP Rustam | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A112 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
667 | KP Salamis | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A113 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
668 | KP Samos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A114 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
669 | KP Saurva | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A115 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
670 | KP Sebastokrator | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A116 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
671 | KP Simitzopoulos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A117 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
672 | KP Simurgh | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A118 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
673 | KP Sougia | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A119 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
674 | KP Spenta Mainyu | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A120 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
675 | KP Sraosa | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A121 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
676 | KP Srosh | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A122 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
677 | KP Tawrich | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A123 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
678 | KP Thanatos Theseos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A124 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
679 | KP Themistoklis | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A125 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
680 | KP Thunaupa | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A126 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
681 | KP Tistrya | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A127 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
682 | KP Tushnamatay | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A128 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
683 | KP Vanant | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A129 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
684 | KP Vata | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A130 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
685 | KP Verethragna | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A131 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
686 | KP Vohu Manah | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A132 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
687 | KP Votsis | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A133 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
688 | KP Vouruskasha | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A134 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
689 | KP Yam | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A135 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
690 | KP Yasht | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A136 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
691 | KP Yazata | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A137 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
692 | KP Yezidi | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A138 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
693 | KP Yima | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A139 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
694 | KP Zal | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A140 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
695 | KP Zam | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A141 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
696 | KP Zam-Armatay | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A142 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
697 | KP Zarathustra | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A143 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
698 | KP Zarich | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A144 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
699 | KP Zend-Avesta | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A145 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
700 | KP Zeous | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A146 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
701 | KP Zurvan | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A147 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
702 | KP Agios Georgios | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A148 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
703 | KP Kato Yialla | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A149 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
704 | KP Lachi Leivadi Lempa | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A150 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
705 | KP Maa Maurvoll | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A151 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
706 | KP Pakhyammos Pomos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A152 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
707 | KP Symvoulos | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A153 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
708 | KP Apollon | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A154 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
709 | KP Crispo | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A155 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
710 | KP Donoussa | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A156 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
711 | KP Francis | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A157 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
712 | KP Kastraki Keros Koufonisi | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A158 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
713 | KP Mesaria Moutsouna | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A159 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
714 | KP Arak | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A160 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
715 | KP Agios Thomas | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A161 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
716 | KP Athena | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A162 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
717 | KP Felves | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A163 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
718 | KP Laouses | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A164 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
719 | KP Makronisi | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A165 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
720 | KP Patroklou Petalioi | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A166 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
721 | KP Salamina Styra | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A167 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
722 | KP Ypsili | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A168 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
723 | KP Argyrus Artavasdus | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A169 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
724 | KP Crispo | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A170 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
725 | KP Bragadin | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A171 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
726 | KP Doria | Merchant Vessel (Cargo) | MV | A172 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
727 | KP Fadrigue | Merchant Vessel (Livestock) | MV | A173 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
728 | KP Lusignans | Merchant Vessel (Livestock) | MV | A174 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
729 | KP Melissinos | Merchant Vessel (Livestock) | MV | A175 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
730 | KP Plethon | Merchant Vessel (Livestock) | MV | A176 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
731 | KP Rendis | Merchant Vessel (Livestock) | MV | A177 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
732 | KP Saraceno | Oil Tanker | OT | A178 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
733 | KP Tocco | Oil Tanker | OT | A179 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
734 | KP Argyrus | Oil Tanker | OT | A180 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
735 | KP Artavasdus | Oil Tanker | OT | A181 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
736 | KP Basileus | Oil Tanker | OT | A182 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
737 | KP Diogenes | Oil Tanker | OT | A183 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
738 | KP Ducas | Oil Tanker | OT | A184 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
739 | KP Monomachus | Oil Tanker | OT | A185 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
740 | KP Morosini | Oil Tanker | OT | A186 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
741 | KP Romanus | Oil Tanker | OT | A187 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
742 | KP Stauracius | Oil Tanker | OT | A188 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
743 | KP Stratioticus | Oil Tanker | OT | A189 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
744 | KP Vataces | Oil Tanker | OT | A190 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
745 | KP Zimisces | Oil Tanker | OT | A191 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
746 | KP Cleo | Oil Tanker | OT | A192 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Proti Stratia |
747 | VP Jahangir Plan | Urga-class | Submarine Tender | A193 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
748 | KY Marcellus Paixhans | Cargo Submarine | Submarine | S01 | Stoliskos Ypovryxion | Proti Stratia |
749 | KY Neoptolemus | Cargo Submarine | Submarine | S02 | Stoliskos Ypovryxion | Proti Stratia |
750 | KP Andromákhē | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A194 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Zylenisí Command |
751 | KP Hektōr | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A195 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
752 | KP Astyánax | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A196 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
753 | KP Neoptolemos | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A197 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
754 | KP Helenos | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A198 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
755 | KP Molossós | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A199 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
756 | KP Pielus | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A200 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
757 | KP Pérgamos | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A201 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
758 | KP Pausanías | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A202 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
759 | KP Kestrínos | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A203 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
760 | KP Talthývios | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A204 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
761 | KP Ermióni | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A205 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Nivardom Command |
762 | KP Ilion | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A206 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Zylenisí Command |
763 | KP Oréstis | Andronikos-class | Auxiliary Cruiser | A207 | Stoliskos Metagogikon | Zylenisí Command |
764 | KP Babak Shah | Shah-class (Swift-class Rebuild) | Command Ship | A208 | Stoliskos Aeroplanofóro | Aqabah Command |
Stricken list
Serial No. | Ship Name | Class | Type | Pennant No. | Date out of service | Fate |
096 | KP Athena | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F094 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
097 | KP Azi Dahaka | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F095 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
098 | KP Baga | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F096 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
099 | KP Bahram | Klimatariá-class | Corvette | F097 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
375 | P261 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P261 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
376 | P262 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P262 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
377 | P263 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P263 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
378 | P264 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P264 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
379 | P265 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P265 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
380 | P266 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P266 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
381 | P267 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P267 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
382 | P268 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P268 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
383 | P269 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P269 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
384 | P270 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P270 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
385 | P271 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P271 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
386 | P272 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P272 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
387 | P273 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P273 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
388 | P274 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P274 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
389 | P275 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P275 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
390 | P276 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P276 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
391 | P277 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P277 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
392 | P278 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P278 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
393 | P279 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P279 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
394 | P280 | Melusine-class | Missile Boat | P280 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
565 | KP Daevas | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A011 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
566 | KP Dahhak | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A012 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
567 | KP Demeter | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A013 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
568 | KP Dena | Logistic Support Vessel | LSV | A014 | 23.XI.1670 | Sold to Talenore |
005 | VP Lemnos | Northman-class | Corvette | F003 | 23.IV.1672 | Transferred to Florian Navy |
006 | VP Kilkis | Northman-class | Corvette | F004 | 23.IV.1672 | Transferred to Florian Navy |
007 | VP Hydra | Northman-class | Corvette | F005 | 23.IV.1672 | Transferred to Florian Navy |
008 | VP Spetsai | Northman-class | Corvette | F006 | 23.IV.1672 | Transferred to Florian Navy |
183 | P69 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P069 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
184 | P70 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P070 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
185 | P71 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P071 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
186 | P72 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P072 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
187 | P73 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P073 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
188 | P74 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P074 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
189 | P75 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P075 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
190 | P76 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P076 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
191 | P77 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P077 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
192 | P78 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P078 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
193 | P79 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P079 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
194 | P80 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P080 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
195 | P81 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P081 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
196 | P82 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P082 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
197 | P83 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P083 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
198 | P84 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P084 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
199 | P85 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P085 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
200 | P86 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P086 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
201 | P87 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P087 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
202 | P88 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P088 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
203 | P89 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P089 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
204 | P90 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P090 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
205 | P91 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P091 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
206 | P92 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P092 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |
207 | P93 | Coastal Patrol Boat | Patrol Boat | P093 | 23.IV.1672 | Upgraded to Melusine-class Missile Boat and transferred to Florian Navy |