Ivan Maksimilianov-Shvinnskiy

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Ivan Eduardovich Maksimilianov-Shvinnskiy (Иван Едуардович Максимилианов-Швиннский, born 17.XIII.1667 in Mudyy, Mishalan), better known as Hopsy, is a MishalaneseShirerithian hiphop singer, rapper, dancer, model, and nobleman. Son of singer/politician Evgeniya Sotnikova, Countess of Schwinn, to the peerage of which he is the heir apparent, and Eduard Davidovich Maksimilianov, a former car mechanic (b. 1642). He has a younger sister, Lyudmila Eduardovna Maksimilianova-Khopskaya (b. 1669).

He released his first album (self-titled Hopsy) in 1684 at the age of 17, his label Grand Dust Takin marketed it as a modern and trendy form of Shirerithian hiphop. In the music videos and media presences, he wears trendy colourful Natopian clothes with a democratic middle-class touch. He has also modelled for Elwynnese fashion brands.

Although Mishalanese, his songs are mostly in Istvanistani for an international appeal. Critics have called the music lacklustre, claiming that his appeal stems from his boyish good looks and dancing routines. Girl fan groups have formed across the Raspur Pact around him, calling themselves "Hopers".

His album Hopsy was a large hit in Shireroth, Talenore, Sathrati, and Elwynn. It has been released also across the Raspur Pact.

Although he calls himself Hopsy in commercial settings (a nickname derived from his mother's subsidiary title Viscountess of Hope), he is properly titled Lord Maksimilianov-Khopskiy.

A warrant for his arrest, on charges relating to the "corruption of the youth", was filed in Merensk during 1684 AN and an application for extradition was made to the Imperial Judex in the same year. A bowl of hemlock has reportedly been prepared in anticipation of his eventual arrival. The Shirerithian government responded by expressing its indignation at the warrant of arrest, condemned the warrant, and promised no cooperation on extraditions with the UGB until the matter had been resolved.

After Elwynnese authorities in 1686 accused Hopsy of spiriting away Elwynnese girls to Shireroth as indentured servants, Hopsy was deemed a wanted a figure in Elwynn, too. Elwynnese authorities requested his extradition, which the Shirerithian counterparts flatly denied. In response, Hopsy released his newest album, Death of the Orchid, which reviewers in Elwynn interpreted as being anti-Elwynnese. Hopsy denied that accusation. "One shall not mix politics and art," he said to an interviewer, while calling upon UGB and Elwynnese authorities to let him "just make art", "I'm just a boy, I do no harm.... why are they so scared? I just do music. They should try it, maybe that will make them lighten up". Charges relating to the illegal possession of firearms and people trafficking in Elluenuueq remain outstanding as of 1688 AN.

Around the same time, Hopsy's mother was elevated to Countess of Schwinn, and thus Hopsy's and his siblings family name changed from Maksimilianov-Khopskiy to Maksimilianov-Shvinnskiy.