Kamilla Winther

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Kamilla Winther
Kamilla Winther-Truls.png
Full name Kamilla Margarete Lydia Winther-Truls
AKA Kamilla Winther
Physical information
Species Human
Gender Female
Hair color and style Blue
Eye color Green
Skin color White
Biographical information
Father Einar Winther
Mother Margarete née Hovland
Date of birth 03.X.1631 AN
Place of birth Elijah's Rest
Date of death
Place of death
Residence(s) Eliria (officially)
Nationality Elwynnese

Elwynn Elluenuueq

occupation = Princess of Elwynn

Kamilla Winther (EUA: Камилла Винтер, Kamilla Vinter) is an Elwynnese politician of Norse ethnicity, and the present Princess of Elluenuueq.

Kamilla's parents were refugees from eastern Normark. They were born in 1600, and grew up during the disintegration of the Norse state and grew up in abject poverty. By 1615, they had managed to secure residency in the now Natopia-controlled Elijah's Rest, the only part of Normark with a secure and stable government. Kamilla's parents, teenagers when they met one another, were unable to enter even upper secondary education, and found employment as teenagers as cleaners at a hospital. In 1623, they married, and had four children over the next ten years: Esbjørn (1624), Torben (1626), Ingrid-Maria (1629), and Kamilla, the youngest in 1631.

Her parents instilled in their daughter a sense of egalitarianism of which no class of people were better than others. Instead, they taught her that all people, if working and productive, are part of what makes society work. They, as cleaners, were no less important in the hospital than the top surgeon. They both had jobs to do, and were either of them not performing their contractual obligation, then the hospital would not function. Without cleaning, no surgeries. Without surgeries, no hospital. In such an upbringing, Kamilla and her siblings had any pretences of royal flummery, nobility or social hierarchy stomped out. Kamilla regards her childhood as happy, and even if the family grew up poor, it was nothing that she quite remembers. "We always had what we needed, and more so," she once told a journalist. "My father used to give me books whenever he could."

Kamilla developed a love for reading, and she read whatever she could find. Once she started upper-secondary school at the age of 15, a milestone in her family, she found herself enjoying advanced mathematics. "Numbers never lie," she recalls her study days.