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The Nordisketing (short for Det nordiske ting, i.e. "the Nordic assembly") is the legislature of Normark. It has 269 seats. For all-Normark matters, all members of the legislature may vote and participate in the process.

There are two divisions of the Nordisketing, Folketinget (the people's assembly) and Bytinget ("the city assembly"), each representing one federal entity of Normark. Folketinget constitutes the elected delegates from Normark Proper and meets only to consider matters unique to Normark Proper. Similarly, Bytinget meets only to discuss and vote on matters unique to Elijah's Rest.

Party Abbr. Normark Proper Elijah's Rest Total Seats Ideology
Normark Independence Party NIP 82 11 93 Einhornism, conservatism, Normark independence, Norse nationalism
Ayreonist Party AP 30 17 47 Ayreonism, civic nationalism, pro-Elwynnese reunification
Norse Reform Party NRP 26 10 36 centre, pro-Elwynnese reunification, Norse nationalism
Nationalist and Humanist Party N&H 34 0 34 Ascensionism, Benacian confederalism, Conservatism, Corporatism, Human supremacism, Khanism, Mercantilism
Free Juice and Bagels Party FJBP 24 4 28 Lindstromism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Social democracy, left-wing
Reindeer Herders' Association RHA 11 0 11 Interest group for reindeer herders and members of the Reinish ethnic group
Union Democratic Movement UDM 8 3 11 Socially liberal, fiscally conservative, centre, pro-Natopia
Bovic Brotherhood BB 0 9 9 Religious interests (Bovinism), pro-Natopia
Total seats TOT 215 54 269