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Disclaimer: all information compiled in this table is the result of efforts by scientists representing the New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency.
Orbital characteristics
Mass (Kg) 9.45E+22
Radius (Km) 1,737
Solar Day (h) 327
Orbital Period (days) 24.8
Semi-Major Axis (Km) 384,399
Periapsis (AU) .002
Apoapsis (AU) .002
Albedo .16
Surface Temperature (K) 255
Surface Gravity (m/s^2) 2.09
Axial Tile (degrees) 8.1
Inclination (degrees) 3.1
Orbital Speed (Km/s) 9.27
Land/Sea Ratio N/A
Satellites None

Tarsica, Micras' satellite, is roughly the same size as Earth's moon, Luna. And they both share roughly the same daily orbit around their planet sister. The similarities between Luna and Tarsica end here however. Unlike Luna, Tarsica has a very thin atmosphere and a small amount of plantlife. Just enough to keep the atmosphere stable and self-replenishing. Due to Tarsica being both a satellite and having a thin atmosphere, the planet remains perpetually cold. Almost all water on the surface is frozen, and liquid water underground has to be reached by drilling. Hardy evergreen plants dominate the flora of Tarsica, its short Gorgon Pines seen bending against the harsh Tarsican winds through viewers telescopes on Micras. Other plants remain mostly scrub, clinging to rock crevices or near open water. Both the climate and atmosphere remain in a perpetual tundra.

Basic Detail

Original map of Tarsica

The climate of Tarsica is attributed to it having a rich amount of water. Except for it being mostly frozen. The moon's core is only slightly volcanic, attributing to a number of underground water reservoirs. It does, however, remain to cold on the surface to keep water in its liquid form for very long. Only along Tarsica's equator can any liquid water be seen in amounts greater than a few square miles. The rest of the surface remains a rugged winter landscape, comparing to the higher altitudes of a mountain. Trees grow deep roots and may live to be hundreds of years old, yet grow no taller than a twelve or so feet. Thanks to the constant melting and re-freezing of water along the equator and in other "hot spots", Tarsica has plentiful snowfall. This has attributed to the common pet name of the "Christmas Moon".

North Polar Regions

The North Polar region of Tarsica is characterized by its relatively darker terrain interspersed with lighter patches. This region experiences cold temperatures, though the presence of dark areas suggests significant geothermal activity. The terrain is rugged, with a mixture of rock and ice formations. The lighter areas indicate ice caps or frost-covered regions, which contribute to the reflective surface. The interaction between the geothermal heat and the cold environment creates a dynamic and complex landscape.

Equatorial Regions

The Equatorial region of Tarsica presents a mix of greenish and brownish hues, indicating a temperate climate with varied terrain. The green areas suggest the presence of vegetation or algae, potentially in regions where liquid water is available. This region likely experiences moderate temperatures, suitable for sustaining diverse life forms. The brown areas indicate rocky plains and highlands, where the temperature is slightly higher. Occasional cloud cover and weather patterns, such as rainstorms, shape the landscape, leading to the formation of valleys and possibly river systems.

Southern Polar Regions

The South Polar region of Tarsica is marked by a combination of icy and rocky terrains, with a predominance of lighter, icy patches. This area experiences lower temperatures compared to the equator, leading to extensive ice coverage. The terrain is less rugged than the North Polar region, with smoother plains of ice. The presence of darker regions suggests that there could be geothermal vents providing localized warmth, which might lead to the formation of sub-surface liquid water lakes. The interplay between the ice and geothermal activity makes this region a point of interest for studying potential habitability and geological processes.


Of fauna, Tarsica has little to none. Almost no birds are present except for small species similar to cardinals and chickadees which can survive the rigours of the cold and make their homes amid the small scrubbrush. All water on Tarsica is fresh rather than saline, attributing to most fauna clinging to the equatorial region. Of the largest species on Tarsica is the Polar Worm, an insect-like creature the size of a horse that prowls the wastes and eats grass and smaller insects. Smaller species are reputed to exist that, although not officially entered onto any taxonomy that enjoys current recognition, are referred to colloquially as "reindeer", "polar bears" and the like on account of their ostensible resemblance to creatures encountered in Micras' own boreal regions. The resemblance of these reputed creatures may be more apparent than real however, a testimony to the early explorers of Tarsica grasping for familiar comparisons. The best that might be said that these creatures, if they exist, is that they may inhabit similar ecological niches to those of their Micrasean counterparts, perhaps warranting the comparison. The low oxygen content in the atmosphere serves as a curb on the proliferation and size of complex biological organisms on the moon, affording scope to those who doubt the early accounts of exploration.

In the early 41.50s PSSC the Bassarid government - citing pressure from the international community - suppressed information regarding the existence of a large species known as the Tarsican Stone Crab. Although confirmed by Bassarid researchers who were able, during one of several missions to Tarsica, to photograph and to collect high quality partial specimens, the existence of the Stone Crab is rejected by researchers outside of the Bassarids, who nevertheless acknowledge the presence of the other species listed above, such as polar bears, reindeer, and the assuredly mythical polar worm.

If the Natopian mission on Tarsica, operating from New Lindstrom, ever encountered any of the reputed creatures listed above, it has not yet seen fit to communicate the news of such a discovery to the wider international community. Considering the flagrant intrusions of the safir into the Atos system, there cannot be said to be any meaningful taboo against discussing the independent evolution of life on other celestial bodies orbiting in the system. As such the reason for the presumed reticence on the subject may lie elsewhere.

Colonization Efforts

New Lindstrom

New Lindstrom is a research installation on the surface of Micras' moon, Tarsica. The colony is self-sufficient with large hydroponic bays, waste recyclers and below the surface ice extracting drills. A minor military attachment is stationed at New Lindstrom for defence and security of Natopian sovereignty on the base.

Visitors from nations on friendly terms with Natopia are welcome to tour and stay in New Lindstrom.

Lucien on Tarsica

A map showing the approximate location of Lucien on Tarsica.

Lucien on Tarsica is a Bassarid military installation established in secrecy as part of a joint effort by the New Zimian Space Exploration and Settlement Agency and the New Zimian War League in the early 39th era PSSC. The installation, which is used for research as well as a range of other operations, is located immediately between the two large equatorial lakes found along the southern rim of the Novaya-Sabir crater. The existence of this base is disputed and resented by members of the international community who doubt the validity and sophistication of Bassarid scientific research.

Lucien in Orbit

Lucien in Orbit is a small, planned space station currently under construction at Lucien on Tarsica's manufacturing and construction facilities. Once finished, Lucien in Orbit will orbit Tarsica at a relatively low altitude for a period of 10 years PSSC before crashing into the Tarsican surface.


Tarsica is often depicted seated in a throne made of stone, holding a lamp or a lantern which represents the moon's light.

Tarsica, the radiant Lady Divine of Illumination and Wisdom, is believed to have been born from the celestial dance between the Atos and Micras, emerging as the embodiment of light and enlightenment. Born amidst the shimmering glow of the moon's embrace, she radiates with the wisdom of the cosmos and the brilliance of the stars.


Tarsica is adorned with epithets that reflect her divine essence and influence. Among these titles are "Torchbearer," symbolizing her role as the illuminator of the night sky, and "Guardian of Enchantress," representing her watchful vigilance over the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. She is also known as the "Guidess," signifying her role in guiding mortals on their journey towards spiritual illumination.

Worship and Festivals in Bassaridia Vaeringheim

Members of the Conclave Illuminara, known as Illuminariants, gather at at an observatory outside Luminaria in preparation for the Stellar Meditation.

In the sanctuaries and observatories of Luminaria, members of the cult known as Conclave Illuminara gather to pay homage to their divine patron through reverent ceremonies and contemplative rituals, the most notable of which is The Stellar Meditation. This contemplative ritual takes place during the celestial event known as the Lunar Convergence, which takes place annually a the height of the Alperkin Cricket-Fall Festival, when Tarsica's divine influence is believed to be at its peak. During the ritual, members of the Conclave gather in a sacred observatory, specially constructed to provide an unobstructed view of the night sky. As the moon reaches its fullest and brightest phase, casting its ethereal light upon the face of Micras, participants engage in a collective meditation focused on connecting with Tarsica's celestial energy. During the Stellar Meditation, members attune themselves to the cycles of the cosmos, synchronizing their breath with the ebb and flow of the lunar tides along the northern Strait of Haifa. They gaze upwards towards the heavens, allowing the radiant glow of the moon to permeate their consciousness and illuminate their innermost thoughts and emotions. As they enter a state of deep meditation, participants visualize themselves ascending towards the celestial realm, guided by the gentle glow of Tarsica's luminous presence. They seek to commune with the divine essence of Tarsica, absorbing her wisdom and enlightenment as they journey through the astral plane. Throughout the meditation, members of the Conclave engage in contemplative practices, such as mantra recitation, visualizations of celestial realms, and reflections on cosmic mysteries. They open themselves to the insights and revelations that arise from their communion with Tarsica, embracing the celestial guidance that she offers. At the culmination of the ritual, participants emerge from their meditation with a profound sense of clarity, insight, and inner peace. They offer prayers of gratitude to Tarsica, expressing their reverence for her divine presence and the illumination she brings to their spiritual journey.

Conclace Illuminara

At the heart of Tarsica's worship lies the esteemed Conclave Illuminara, a sacred cult dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, enlightenment, and spiritual illumination. Comprised of scholars, astronomers, and seekers of truth, the cult seeks to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and unlock the secrets of the universe through rigorous study and contemplation. Members of the cult engage in celestial observation, philosophical discourse, and mystical meditation, guided by Tarsica's radiant presence and the wisdom of the stars.


Ancient myths and legends depict Tarsica as a figure of ethereal beauty and celestial grace, her origins intertwined with the celestial dance of the heavens. She is often portrayed as a luminous presence in the night sky, guiding mortals with her gentle radiance and inspiring seekers of wisdom with her celestial wisdom. Tales of Tarsica's influence on mortal affairs abound, with her presence heralding moments of spiritual insight and intellectual enlightenment.

Iconography and Depictions

In art and iconography, Tarsica is often depicted as a luminous figure adorned with celestial symbols and radiant starlight, her form bathed in the soft glow of the moon. She is frequently portrayed holding a celestial torch or lantern aloft, symbolizing her role as the illuminator of the cosmos and the guide to enlightenment. Symbols associated with Tarsica include the crescent moon, representing her divine connection to the lunar cycle, and the open book, symbolizing the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Tarsica is also closely associated with the Wisp Queen, which typically emerge from the depths of Lake Morovia during waxing and full moons. Depictions of Tarsica capture her ethereal presence and celestial grace, inviting worshippers to bask in the radiant glow of her wisdom and illumination.